900字范文 > 历史沉淀成本 Historical sunk cost英语短句 例句大全

历史沉淀成本 Historical sunk cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-12 07:35:04


历史沉淀成本 Historical sunk cost英语短句 例句大全

历史沉淀成本,Historical sunk cost

1)Historical sunk cost历史沉淀成本

1.Historical sunk cost,path dependence in economic transition and the transcendence历史沉淀成本与经济转型的路径依赖及其超越


1.Historical sunk cost,path dependence in economic transition and the transcendence历史沉淀成本与经济转型的路径依赖及其超越

2.Accumulated New Landscape of History, Entering to the Xiaohe-zhijie Historic Block in Hangzhou;沉淀历史的新景观——走进杭州小河直街历史文化街区

3.Water historic block of Suzhou;一座水城的文明沉淀——苏州历史水街区及其历史变迁考察

4.Investments in Human Capital, Sunk Costs,and Institutional Design;人力资本投资、沉淀成本与制度设计

5.Iconic cultural elements blend old and new, creating unique destinations, using overlapping layers of time and history that form a place of mystery for one to explore, re-visit and sustain.新旧文化元素汇聚于此,人文历史在这里沉淀,成为一处值得探索、游赏和爱护的景观。

6.Sunk Costs, Deflation, and the Strategic Exit of State owned Enterprises;沉淀成本、通货紧缩与国企战略退出

7.Moral Hazard,Sunk Cost Effect and Soft Budget Constraints道德风险、沉淀成本效应与软预算约束

8.Sunk Costs Influence on Human Capital Investment and its Compensation;沉淀成本对人力资本投资的影响及对策分析

9.Summary: Ben Bernanke is obsessed with history.概览:联储主席,本南柯正沉迷于历史。

10.historical cost balance sheets历史成本资产贡债表

11.The Marxist Extensive Analysis of Sunk Cost Conception;马克思对沉淀成本概念的分析及其意义

12.Elasticity of Institution,Sunk Costs,and Institutional Changes in Resource-Based Cities;资源型城市制度弹性、沉淀成本与制度变迁

13.High-Tech Investments,Sunk Costs,and Cost Recovery;高新技术产业投资、沉淀成本与补偿制度创新

14.Talking on the countermeasures to the financial policy of the agricultural industrialization;从“沉淀成本”角度谈我国农业工业化的财税对策

15.Sunk Cost,Client Solicitation System and the Structure of Global Advertising Market;沉淀成本、承揽制度与全球广告市场结构

16.Sunk Cost Approach to Gaming of Firm Restructuring基于沉淀成本视角的企业重组博弈分析

17.Sunk Costs and Risky Investment of the Corporate:A Real Option Approach沉淀成本与企业风险投资:一个实物期权方法

18.On the Implications of Marxist View of Genecology of History;面向历史本身——马克思历史生成论的思想内涵


Historical Sediment历史沉淀

3)sunk cost沉淀成本

1.Sunk Costs,Market Structure and Game Analysis of Corporate Strategy;沉淀成本、市场结构与企业战略博弈分析

2.In the abandonment point, when thesunk costs were small or the hazard rate was high, the Marshallian level was exceeded .影响的结果是使得决策投资进入点升高 ,在退出点 ,如沉淀成本较小或风险率很大时 ,退出点超过Marshallian水平 ,使得公司在期望价值为正时也可能放弃研

3.Marx ssunk costs are defined as inability to realize in the market the full value of their product and the residual value of capital investment.虽然马克思没有使用沉淀成本这一概念,但已认识到沉淀成本的本质特征——成本补偿或价值实现问题。

4)suck costs沉淀成本

1.The acceleration of knowledge replacement and refining division of industrial structure result in rising rate of human capital s depreciation,so the influence ofsuck costs on human capital investment becomes more obviously.知识更新换代速度加快和产业结构分工细化导致人力资本折旧率上升,由此引起的人力资本投资沉淀成本的影响愈加明显。

2.The losses of enterprise members includessuck costs.企业成员遭受的损失中包含沉淀成本。

3.Thesuck costs of capital and human capital change with the different economic conditions.企业成员遭受的损失中包含沉淀成本,物质资本与人力资本的沉淀成本在不同的经济条件下是变化的。

5)sunk costs沉淀成本

pared with non-resource-based cities,resource-based cities obviously havesunk costs in economic,institutional,and societal terms,which lead to limited elasticity in institutional demands and the existence of economic logic for hindering institutional changes.与非资源型城市相比,资源型城市具有显著的经济性、体制性和社会性沉淀成本,从而导致资源型城市制度需求弹性较小,同时存在阻碍制度变迁的经济学逻辑。

2.As a result of thesunk costs of agricultural investment, the investment ent-husiasm of the microscopiceconomic subject has dampened, thus the development of the agricultural industrialization has hindered to some extent According t.由于农业投资沉淀成本的存在,影响了微观经济主体投资的积极性,从而阻碍了农业工业化的进程。

3.There are highsunk costs in the market of Credit-Debt, so it can t be deregulation in this market.本文借用可竞争市场理论 (特别是沉淀成本的概念 ) ,证明了合理的市场结构并不一定是有效结构 ,因而对合理市场结构要进行适度的管制 ;由于存贷款市场的沉淀成本较高 ,说明对存贷款市场的管制不能放松。

6)historical cost历史成本

1.The research on the fair value and its relationship to thehistorical cost is very urgent.针对我国财政部2月15日颁布的新会计准则中有18项或多或少涉及到公允价值的计量,新准则已经在上市公司实施的现状,指出研究公允价值的内涵以及其与之前一直占据统治地位的历史成本的关系显得特别迫切。

2.This paper analyzes the cause of accumulatinghistorical cost in the products convened process.分析了产品转换过程中历史成本积淀的原因,依据敏捷制造的原理,探讨了两种化解历史成本的方式:用动态联盟减少历史成本的积淀;通过应用柔性制造技术,用历史成本替代增量成本。

3.The traditional accounting measurement depending onhistorical cost has been impacted by the great changes of accounting environment,This paper firstly discusses about the essence and the utilization conditions of thehistorical cost measurement,and then,points out that the introduction of the economic value concepts is the theory basis for the accounting measurement revolution.会计环境的巨大变化使传统的历史成本计量受到剧烈的冲击 。


