900字范文 > 医疗器械检测机构 medical device testing institutions英语短句 例句大全

医疗器械检测机构 medical device testing institutions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-10 20:22:48


医疗器械检测机构 medical device testing institutions英语短句 例句大全

医疗器械检测机构,medical device testing institutions

1)medical device testing institutions医疗器械检测机构

1.Provincialmedical device testing institutions of its own characteristics and long-term development focus, the use of its widely distributed, the advantage of quick action, to be able to timely and effective medical devices on the market quality checks should be a reasonable position of Quality Supervision, testing at the main job on the foundation.省级医疗器械检测机构需从自身的特点和长远发展着眼,利用其分布广、动作快的优势,能够及时有效的对市场上的医疗器械质量进行把关,应合理定位在质量监督抽验为主要工作的基础上。


1.The Points in the Internal Quality System Audit of Medical Device Testing Institutions医疗器械检测机构质量体系内审工作中应注意的问题

2.Discussion on the Adverse Event Monitoring of Orthopedic Inplanted Instrument in Hospitals医疗机构加强骨科植入性医疗器械不良事件监测工作的探讨

3.On the Monitoring and Management of Adverse Events for the Medical Devices in Medical and Health Institutions浅谈医疗卫生机构医疗器械不良事件监测与管理

4.A Investigation of the Status on the Construction of Technical Organization for Medical Device Postmarket Monitoring in XinJiang;新疆地区医疗器械不良事件监测机构建设现况调查

5.Outline Plan for Establishing Quality Control System of the Testing Center for Medical Devices医疗器械质量检测中心质量控制系统的设想

6.Test Particles of Medical Devices by Coulter Multisizer用库尔特计数仪检测医疗器械产品中的微粒


8.Risk Cause and Countermeasure on Adverse Apparatus Events of Medical Institutions医疗机构器械不良事件风险成因及对策

9.Detection of Disinfection Effect of Medical Institutions in Zhumadian City in 驻马店市医疗机构消毒效果检测

10.Determination, statistics, and analysis of initially contaminated microorganisms on medical devices treated by γ-radiation sterilizationγ辐射灭菌医疗器械初始污染菌的检测、统计与分析

11.The complete equipment of a physician or medical institution, including books, supplies, and instruments.全套设备一个医生或医疗机构的全套配备,包括图书,药品和器械

12.Constructing of Detecting Platform for Machine Parameters Based on Virtual Instrument;基于虚拟仪器技术的机械参量检测平台的构建

13.The Design of Medical Instrumentation Retrieval System Based on Delphi;基于Delphi的医疗器械商品检索系统设计

14.A New Subject For the Postmarket Surveitlance of Medical Devices-Medical Device Advers Event Reporting;医疗器械监督管理的新课题——医疗器械不良事件监测

15.The Effect of Medical Device Adverse Event Monitoring on Pre-market Medical Device Administrative Examination浅谈医疗器械不良事件监测对医疗器械上市前行政审批的作用

16.Study on Training Needs for Survey of Adverse Effects of Medical Devices;医疗器械不良事件监测培训需求研究

17.Study on the Current Situation of Medical Device Adverse Events Monitoring in China;我国医疗器械不良事件监测现状研究

18.Medical Devices Adverse Events Monitoring ?the Present and the Future;医疗器械不良事件监测-现状与展望


adverse apparatus events of medical institutions医疗机构器械不良事件

1.Methods Through the analysis risk cause onadverse apparatus events of medical institutions, the major factors of causing the medical institutions adverse apparatus events and the ways of solving the problems were found.目的:分析医疗机构器械不良事件的风险成因,以期引起医疗机构的重视,减少医疗器械不良事件的发生。

3)Clinical Laboratory Medical Devices临检类医疗器械

4)testing center for medical devices医疗器械质量检测实验室

5)medical device医疗器械

1.The Main Change of Second Edition Standard of Medical Devices-Application of Risk Management to Medical Devices;《医疗器械 风险管理对医疗器械的应用》第二版标准的主要变化

2.The Discussion on Standardization Problems of the Medical Devices Industry Standard;关于医疗器械行业标准的标准化问题探讨

3.Study on the Establishment and Implementation of the Quality System Regulations for Medical Devices in China;关于我国医疗器械质量体系法规建设的思考

6)medical instrument医疗器械

1.The present situation and technological development of our countrymedical instrument industry;我国医疗器械产业现状与技术发展

2.The Trend of Talent Demand in the Medical Instrument Industry During the Eleventh Five-year Plan;“十一五”期间医疗器械行业用人需求趋势

3.The General Situation of the Development in the Biomedical Engineering Subject and the Medical Instrument Industry;生物医学工程与医疗器械产业发展概况


医疗器械医疗器械medieal deviee医疗器械medieal deviee中国医药管理局1990年10月颁布的《医疗器械新产品管理暂行办法》中将医疗器械定义为:用于人体疾病诊断、治疗、预防,调节人体生理功能或替代人体器官的仪器、设备、装置、器具、植入体、材料和相关物品。生物医学材料属于医疗器械的范畴,既可直接用于人体,也是制造植入物(体)和人工器官的材料,还是制造与人体内部系统直接结合使用的装置、器械等的材料,如制造心脏起搏器,输血、输液导管等的材料。但不包括一般的医用材料,如齿科技工用的齿科蜡、包埋材料以及包装材料等不与人体内部系统直接接触的材料。医疗器械的定义来源于1976年修订的美国食品、药品、化妆品(FDA)条例。其中将医疗器械定义为“用于人体或动物疾病诊断、治疗、预防、生理功能调节的仪器、设备、装置、器具、机器、植入物、体外试剂及其他类似的相关物品,包括部件和附件。这些器械不是通过在体内或体表的化学作用或被新陈代谢来达到预期的主要目的”。虽然定义中一些提法并不十分适当,但是鉴于这个定义已法定地被广泛使用很多年,具有国际意义和方便性,因此仍然被普遍承认和接受。医疗器械定义在管理方面的意义大于学术意义。有关生物医学材料的法规、条例资料一般均可在此标题下检索。(张兴栋)
