900字范文 > IT组合管理 IT Portfolio Management (ITPM)英语短句 例句大全

IT组合管理 IT Portfolio Management (ITPM)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-29 16:30:29


IT组合管理 IT Portfolio Management (ITPM)英语短句 例句大全

IT组合管理,IT Portfolio Management (ITPM)

1)IT Portfolio Management (ITPM)IT组合管理

1.Therefore, a new research - IT Portfolio Management (ITPM), which is an approach to measure and monitor the benefit that IT brings to Corporation’s business operation, is a solution to solve the Enterprise-wide probem in IT management.IT组合管理(IT Portfolio Management),是一种衡量和监控IT为业务所能提供的价值的方法,应该是企业解决IT管理问题的方案。

2)portfolio management组合管理

1.Based on principles ofportfolio management,it was argued that "Project Profitability" be adopted as the criterion for evaluating bidding decisions.以项目组合管理为理论基础,提出以项目盈利能力作为投标的决策依据。

2.This paper points out the necessity ofportfolio management for new produets.本文通过分析新产品开发对企业发展所具有的重要作用,指出了企业进行新产品组合管理的必要性。

3.The combination of the activeportfolio management with passive portfolio one was realized.实证结果表明 ,在投资组合管理领域运用斯坦规则进行预测 ,能够取得优于经典均值—方差模型的业


1.b. Managing Bond Portfoliosb. 债券投资组合管理

2.The Application of Project Portfolio Management Theory in Enterprise Research and Development Management;项目组合管理在企业研发管理中的应用

3.On the Application of Project Portfolio Management to Enterprise Project Management项目组合管理在企业项目管理中的应用研究

4.syndicate a mining enterprise以企业组合管理开矿事业

5.Research of Product Line Planning Based on Project Portfolio Management;基于项目组合管理的产品线规划研究

6.A Study on Product Mix Management of Cooper Electric in China Market;库柏电气中国市场产品组合管理研究

7.An Model and Empirical Analysis of Insurance Product Fabricate Management;保险产品组合管理模型及其实证分析

8.Financial Management of Technical Cooperation Unit技术合作财务管理组

9.Study on the PBF Contract in the Delegated Portfolio Management;委托组合投资管理之PBF合同研究


11.Research on Contract Management and Unit Commitment of Power Generation Market;发电市场合约管理与机组组合问题研究

12.A Study on the Management Ideology and Strategic Mixin the Public Servants Training;公务员培训管理理念及战略组合研究

pliance management is an indispensable part of overall corporate risk management.合规管理是企业全面风险管理的重要组成部分。

14.Study on Management Innovation Mixture and Management Innovation of Real Estate Enterprise;管理创新组合及房地产企业管理创新研究

15.The strategic conformity of enterprise crisis management,organizational learning and knowledge management;企业危机管理、组织学习和知识管理的战略整合

16.A New Algorithm of Combining Buffer Management with Packet Scheduling缓冲管理和分组调度联合的队列管理算法研究

17.Joint Financial Intelligence Unit [Hong Kong Monetary Authority]联合财富情报组〔香港金融管理局〕

18.United Nations Expert Working Group on Management of Government Information Systems联合国政府信息系统管理专家工作组


portfolio management组合管理

1.Based on principles ofportfolio management,it was argued that "Project Profitability" be adopted as the criterion for evaluating bidding decisions.以项目组合管理为理论基础,提出以项目盈利能力作为投标的决策依据。

2.This paper points out the necessity ofportfolio management for new produets.本文通过分析新产品开发对企业发展所具有的重要作用,指出了企业进行新产品组合管理的必要性。

3.The combination of the activeportfolio management with passive portfolio one was realized.实证结果表明 ,在投资组合管理领域运用斯坦规则进行预测 ,能够取得优于经典均值—方差模型的业

3)project portfolio management项目组合管理

1.Project Portfolio Management Mode in Chinese Healthcare Product Companies;中国医疗器械营销公司项目组合管理模式初探

2.: This paper introduced the role, style of project office and its relationship with external delivery partners by applying software development processing as example, it also put forward a new concept to improve the performance byproject portfolio management and some techniques and tools文中同时提出 了采用项目组合管理的方法来提高企业总体效益的思想,并列出了一些项目组合管理工具。

3.At the same time,it also put forward a new concept to improve the performance byproject portfolio management and some techniques and tools.文中同时提出了采用项目组合管理的方法来提高企业总体效益的思想 ,并列出了一些项目组合管理工具。

4)portfolio management投资组合管理

1.Methods of decisionmaking and uncertainty for enterpriseportfolio management;企业投资组合管理的不确定型决策方法

2.Aportfolio management process is firstly analyzed.分析了投资组合管理过程,针对大规模投资组合管理的需求,提出了一个基于M u lti-A gen t的投资组合管理系统(M A S-PM S)的体系框架,并对该系统的功能进行了功能设计。

3.The current portfolio model for property-liability insurance company is only single period that can not meet the practical demands ofportfolio management, and the purpose of this paper is to develop a multiperiod model for its portfolio problem.财产保险公司的投资组合模型均是单期的 ,不能充分满足投资组合管理实践的需要 。

5)unite management organization联合管理组织

6)portfolio performance management组合绩效管理


