900字范文 > 动力学分析 dynamic analysis英语短句 例句大全

动力学分析 dynamic analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-25 20:03:23


动力学分析 dynamic analysis英语短句 例句大全

动力学分析,dynamic analysis

1)dynamic analysis动力学分析

1.Studies ondynamic analysis and mathematical model of biological contactor;生物转盘动力学分析与数学模式探讨

2.The microfabric study anddynamic analysis in Luan coal district;潞安矿区显微组构研究及动力学分析

3.Dynamic Analysis of CCD Drawtube of the Lightweight Space Camera;轻型空间CCD相机镜筒的动力学分析


1.kineto-elastodynamic analysis运动弹性动力学分析

puter Aided Dynamic Analysis in Mechanical Engineering计算机辅助动力学分析

3.Analysis of Kinematics and Dynamics for the 3-Dimensional Shaker Mixer;三维摆动混合机运动学和动力学分析

4.Dynamic Analysis for Several Classes of Population Dynamical System with Impulsive几类种群脉冲动力系统的动力学分析

5.Dynamics Analysis on the Gravity-type Strength Training Apparatus in Working;重力式力量训练器械工作动力学分析

6.Dynamical Behavior and Symbolic Dynamics Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations;常微分方程的动力学行为及符号动力学分析

7.The Dynamic Analysis and Simulation of Tracked Vehicles;履带车辆行动部分动力学分析与仿真

8.The Research of Multi-body Dynamic and Force Analysis of the Cylinder;动力装置的的动力学分析和受力计算的研究

9.Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Electrorheological Fluids and Yield-Stress Fluids;电流变液及屈服应力流体动力学分析

10.Dynamic analysis of speed force with SJ in detraining;停训后SJ形式蹬伸力量的动力学分析

11.Analysis on Thermodynamics and Dynamics of the Microstructure Solidfied under Centrifugal Pressure;离心压力下凝固组织形成热力学与动力学分析

12.Kinetic Analysis and Fault Diagnosis of the CONSTEEL Vibration Conveyor;CONSTEEL振动输送机动力学分析与故障诊断

13.Dynamic Analysis of Electric Power Steering and Research on Controller;电动转向器动力学分析与控制器研究

14.Dynamic analysis on balance performance of Wushu routine;武术套路若干平衡动作的动力学分析

15.Dynamic Simulation Anlysis and Research of Combined Power Plant联合动力装置动力学仿真分析与研究

16.Modeling and Dynamic Analyses of Insect Locomotion Based on Passive Dynamics基于被动力学的昆虫运动动力学建模与分析

17.The Application of Angular Kinetics on Motor Learning and Analysis转动力学在动作学习和分析中的应用

18.Scientometics Analysis on Dynamic Factors of Science Collaboration科学合作动力因素的科学计量学分析


dynamics analysis动力学分析

1.Reliability of shearer picks based ondynamics analysis;基于动力学分析的采煤机截齿可靠性

2.A summary of thedynamics analysis and control strategy of flexible manipulators;柔性机器人动力学分析与控制策略综述

3.Screw theory baseddynamics analysis of tandem robots of closed chains;闭链级联式机器人基于旋量理论的动力学分析

3)kinetic analysis动力学分析

1.Effects of phosphorus sources on glycerol production andkinetic analysis of glycerol fermentation by Candida glycerinogenes;磷源对产甘油假丝酵母发酵生产甘油的影响及动力学分析

2.Thekinetic analysis of organic waste enaerobicfermentation and control parameters;有机废水厌氧处理的动力学分析和最佳参数控制

3.Studies on the Kinetic Analysis of Catalytic Fluorimetric;催化荧光动力学分析法的研究

4)dynamical analysis动力学分析

1.Energy resources structural system for Jiangsu Province and itsdynamical analysis;江苏省能源结构模型动力学分析

2.In ANSYS,establish the finite element model of shaft’s multi-components system,deal with the joints equally and coupling,dynamical analysis of the joints,and analyze the results.并在此基础上,由ANSYS软件对主轴多部件系统进行有限元建模,结合部等效处理与耦合,以及动力学分析,并对结果进行比较分析。

5)kinetics analysis动力学分析

1.The removal of phosphate was efficient to treat phosphorus contained wastewater by electro-coagulation, andkinetics analysis showed that the removal was in accordance with the first reaction.采用电凝聚对含磷废水进行处理,得到很好的去除效果,同时对电凝聚除磷进行了动力学分析:电凝聚对磷的去除符合一级反应,磷浓度与电解时间存在如下关系:CA=CA0exp(-kt+A),其中反应速率常数k与电极反应速度(电流密度)有关,电流密度越大,反应速率常数k越大;另外电凝聚除磷单位能耗与电流密度符合指数关系:Q=k1exp(k2x),其中k1、k2是与极板材料有关的系数。


1.In order to satisfy wing structural strength and stealth requirement, all composites wings were chose to analyze static intensity anddynamics.为满足UAV机翼的结构强度及隐身要求,机翼采用全复合材料结构,在目前的无人机机翼结构的材料性能、载荷等条件下,对机翼进行了静强度及动力学分析,通过应用有限元分析软件和计算软件对全复合材料机翼进行了建模和静强度分析与动力学分析。


