900字范文 > 情态功能 modal function英语短句 例句大全

情态功能 modal function英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-24 04:51:07


情态功能 modal function英语短句 例句大全

情态功能,modal function

1)modal function情态功能

1.These two constructions embody themodal function of Shi, that is, the function to express speaker s subjective assertion.这两种构式可以分别称为“是认”型和“断定悬空”型,这是“是”的情态功能,即表达说话人的主观断定。

2)emotional function情感功能

1.As required by modern education,we should be fully aware of students subjective role,put emphasis on the positiveemotional function,take good care of every students,cultivate their healthy personality and quality and construct active and pleasant studying environments in which students can learn things creatively so as to realize their ideal education and life goals.现代教育应该充分认识学生的主体作用 ,注重发挥积极的情感功能 ,关爱每一位学生 ,培养学生健康的人格品质 ,营造一种学生积极向上、轻松愉悦的学习环境 ,创造性地学习 ,从而实现理想的教育和人生目标。

2.On the basis of collecting lots of materials and through the analysis of the application of everydaywords,this article try to systematically discuss some methods of the realization of theemotional function of language.通过对日常语言的具体应用的分析,在收集整理了大量语料的基础上,本文试图系统地讨论语言情感功能的几个基本的实现方式,它们是:词汇选择,语音特点以及修辞手法。

3.Theemotional function of English words and phrases has a direct bearing on context,the position,viewpoint and feelings of a speaker.英语词汇的情感功能与语境、说话人的立场、观点和感情密切相关。


1.Applying Emotionality to Improve the Effect of Teaching College Japanese;利用情感功能提高大学日语教学效果

2.The Application of Emotional Factor to Decrease Foreign Language Learner s Anxiety;运用情感功能减轻学生英语学习焦虑感

3.Rhetorical functions of punctuation marks: Focusing on semi-colons and dashes;论标点符号的修辞作用——实证分析分号、破折号的逻辑与情感功能

4.Intelligent E-learning system having emotion interaction function具有情感交互功能的智能E-learning系统

5.Affective Functions and Roles in Foreign Language Learning情感的功能及其在语言学习中的作用

6.Emotion Words for Telling and Depicting Characters in A Dream of Red Mansions;《红楼梦》情感讲述语词的人物描写功能

7.On the Education Function of Art Feelings of the College Libraries;浅谈高校图书馆的艺术情感教育功能

8.Status, Function and Strategy of the Emotion Art for Chemistry Teaching;化学教学情感艺术的地位、功能及策略

9.Emotional Experience in College Students大学生家庭功能与情绪表达性、情感体验的关系

10.An Expressive and Aesthetic View on the Two English Versions of Moonlight on the Lotus Pond;从语言的表情功能和美感功能看《荷塘月色》的两个英译本

11.Body adornment that further explores emotional and physiological sensing.体饰品开始拥有情绪和生理传感功能了。

12.Studies of Cognitive Function and Affective Disorders in Multiple Sclerosis;多发性硬化患者认知功能及情感障碍研究

13.The Study of Emotional Appeal in the Contemporary Public Service Advertising and Its Social Function;当代公益广告中的情感诉求及社会功能研究

14.A Tentative Study of the Function of the Affective Strategy and Its Application in Foreign Language Teaching;浅谈外语教学中情感策略的功能及运用

15.The Musical Emotion-Education and Its Functions under the Background of New Course;新课程背景下的音乐情感教育及其功能

16.A Study on Sematic Features and Syntaxic Reverse Functions of Sentimental Verb;情感动词语义特点及句法逆向功能初探

17.Sematic Features and Syntaxic Reverse Functions of English Sentimental Verb;英语情感动词的语义特点及句法逆向功能

18.The Effects on Brain-Mind & Emotional-Cognitive Functions of Adolescents Experience of Music through Aesthetic Education;音乐教育的大脑心理效应与情感认知功能


emotional function情感功能

1.As required by modern education,we should be fully aware of students subjective role,put emphasis on the positiveemotional function,take good care of every students,cultivate their healthy personality and quality and construct active and pleasant studying environments in which students can learn things creatively so as to realize their ideal education and life goals.现代教育应该充分认识学生的主体作用 ,注重发挥积极的情感功能 ,关爱每一位学生 ,培养学生健康的人格品质 ,营造一种学生积极向上、轻松愉悦的学习环境 ,创造性地学习 ,从而实现理想的教育和人生目标。

2.On the basis of collecting lots of materials and through the analysis of the application of everydaywords,this article try to systematically discuss some methods of the realization of theemotional function of language.通过对日常语言的具体应用的分析,在收集整理了大量语料的基础上,本文试图系统地讨论语言情感功能的几个基本的实现方式,它们是:词汇选择,语音特点以及修辞手法。

3.Theemotional function of English words and phrases has a direct bearing on context,the position,viewpoint and feelings of a speaker.英语词汇的情感功能与语境、说话人的立场、观点和感情密切相关。

3)information function情报功能

1.In this paper,the significance to develop theinformation function in sci-tech periodicals are represented,and the effective/available approaches to enhance theinformation function in editorial practice are also studied and discussed.阐述了科技学术期刊开发情报功能的现实意义,研究探讨了开发科技学术期刊情报功能的主要途径:强化编辑的情报意识,提高信息的实用价值,加大有效信息含量,栏目设置体现期刊个性和人文关怀,编排格式要标准化和规范化,充分利用网络技术,为读者及时提供最新的科技情报信息,以适应市场竞争需要。

4)joyful function悦情功能

5)lyrical function抒情功能

1.They stressed thelyrical function of the poem and got rid of the effect on poem by comment, elaboration and the ideal in Song and Ming s dynasties.通过辨诗文之别、诗与非诗之别 ,以及诗歌的时代之别 ,突现了诗歌的本体特征 ;强调诗歌的抒情功能 ,摆脱了议论、铺陈、性理对诗性的裹挟缠绕 ;诗歌六义中特别拈出比、兴二义 ,确立了诗歌的创作原则。

6)self-indulgence function缘情功能



人脑的功能分化左右大脑半球的功能特化 李瑞端绘[图]
