900字范文 > 纳污 receiving pollution英语短句 例句大全

纳污 receiving pollution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-19 18:17:03


纳污 receiving pollution英语短句 例句大全

纳污,receiving pollution

1)receiving pollution纳污


1.Those who discharge sewage to the central treatment facilities and pay the fees for sewage treatment shall be exempted from the pollutant discharge fee.向城市污水集中处理设施排放污水、缴纳污水处理费用的,不再缴纳排污费。

2.The Pollutant-holding Capability of the Rivers in Huaibei City and the Study of the Pollution Control;淮北市河流纳污能力及污染控制的研究

3.The mathematical model of pollution and environmental capacity in the dam of Mengzhou of Shaoguan;韶关孟洲坝污染及纳污问题的数学模型

4.Investigation and Analysis of Industrial Pollution in Different River Basins of Qujing曲靖市各流域工业纳污及污染调查分析

5.Study of Pollution Peceiving Capacity in Different Water Flow on Wanhe River Watershed;不同流量下的皖河流域纳污能力研究

6.Current Situation and Capacity Analysis of Sewage Water Dilution in theWater Function Area of Hengshui City衡水市水功能区纳污现状及能力分析

7.Study on the total mass control of the pollutants into Dalian Bay──Numerical computing models of the receiving ability for the pollutants into the Bay大连湾污染排放总量控制研究──海湾纳污能力计算模型

8.Impact of Pollution Source Generalization on Computation of Pollution Carrying Capacity in 1-D Model污染源概化对一维模型纳污能力计算的影响分析

9.Real Madrid coach Fabio Capello wants a reunion with France international defender Jonathan Zebina.皇马主教练卡佩罗希望有法国国脚泽比纳重聚博纳污。

10.those that discharge pollutants into water shall pay a pollutant discharge fee in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the State.向水体排放污染物的,按照国家规定缴纳排污费。

11.(3) failing to pay, as prescribed by the State, the fee for discharge of pollutants;(三)不按照国家规定缴纳排污费的;

12.(3) failing to pay, as provided for by the state, the fee for the excessive discharge of pollutants;(三)不按国家规定缴纳超标准排污费的。

13.Failing to pay, as provided for by the state, the fee for the excessive discharge of pollutants;不按国家规定缴纳超标准排污费的。

14.Impacts of flood-in-ebb-out discharge of Yuandang Lake pollutants on water quality of Western Harbour of Xiamen??湖纳潮排污对厦门西港水质的影响

15.Study on Influencing Factors of Micro-polluted Water in Nanofiltration Process;微污染水纳滤处理过程影响因素研究

16.Study on Anti-fouling Nanosized Silica/PVDF Composite Membrane;耐污染性纳米SiO_2/PVDF复合膜的研究

17.Experimental Study on NF Membrane Purifying Polluted Groundwater;纳滤膜净化受污染地下水的试验研究

18.Low Surface Energy Marine Antifouling Paint Modified with Nano SiO_2纳米SiO_2制备低表面能海洋防污涂料


water environment capacity纳污能力

1.Analysis ofwater environment capacity and total quantity control prediction in Pingyang section of Aojiang River;鳌江平阳段纳污能力分析及总量控制预测

bined with the project of Comprehensive Assessment for River Water Quality and Quantity, sampling interval, water quality simulation and prediction, water quality evaluation for different quantities, dynamicwater environment capacity evaluation were reviewed.结合水利部水文局“河流水质水量综合评价方法研究”项目,对水质采样频率确定、水质模拟及预测、分量水质评价、动态纳污能力评价等研究现状进行了综合评述;对研究中采取的方法、技术路线和获得的结论进行了综合介绍;对今后进一步的研究提出建议。

3.Based on the generalization of river pollution sources, a method and a formula for calculation ofwater environment capacity are proposed.在对河段污染源进行概化的基础上提出纳污能力的计算方法及计算公式 。

3)pollutant-holding water body纳污水体

1.It is found that pollution factor in under ground water aroundpollutant-holding water body is consistent with high content pollutant in surfacepollutant-holding water body,that is to say,mainly because of organic pollution,the higher the concentration of pollutant inpollutant-holding water body,the higher the concentration of the same pollutant in underground water.通过对接纳石油化工废水的水体周围地下潜水的监测,发现纳污水体周围地下水污染因素与地表纳污水体中较高含量污染物一致,即都主要为有机污染,纳污水体中污染物浓度高,则潜水中该污染物浓度相应较高。

4)ability for pollutant纳污能力

1.By calculating theability for pollutant and studying pollutant total con- trol of Zhongshan proper section of the Qijiang River,the maximum pollutant discharge allowance was determined,and supplied science ba.通过对岐江河中山城区段污染源排污现状的分析评价、水体纳污能力的计算和排污口污染物控制总量的研究,明确了岐江河城区段的最大允许纳污量,并提出了污染物的总量控制方案和污染物排放削减建议。

2.By calculating theability for pollutant and studying pollutant total control of the Yulin proper section of the Nanliujiang river, the maximum pollutant discharge allowance was determined, and supplied science base for water environment quantitative management.通过对南流江玉林城区河段水体纳污能力的计算和排污口污染物控制总量的研究 ,明确了城区河流的污染物最大允许排放量 ,从而为水环境管理从定性化向定量化转换提供科学的依据 ,并相应提出了治污方案。

5)water environmental capacity纳污能力

1.Application of S-P generalized model to analysis ofwater environmental capacity in Linyi water function area;S-P概化模型在临沂水功能区纳污能力分析中的应用

2.Study results show that it is feasible in theory and reliable on results to calculatewater environmental capacity under unascertained information by unascertained mathematics.基于河流水文、水质条件等因素的实际变化,并在考虑了参量取值可信度的基础上,运用未确知数学理论对河道型水库闭闸期间滞流水体纳污能力计算问题进行了初步探讨。

6)wasted river water纳污河水


