900字范文 > 高速公路工程 highway construction project英语短句 例句大全

高速公路工程 highway construction project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-16 09:28:18


高速公路工程 highway construction project英语短句 例句大全

高速公路工程,highway construction project

1)highway construction project高速公路工程

1.Radioactive environmental impact assessment for ahighway construction project in Guangdong province广东省某高速公路工程放射性环境影响评价


1.How to Control the Construction Limit Time for a Highway or Municipal Project;在高速公路工程施工中如何确保工期

2.The Research on the Process of Highway Project Risk Management;高速公路工程项目风险管理过程研究

3.The Study on Audit and Verification Work of Expressway Engineering Cost;高速公路工程造价审计验证工作初探

4.The Control over Expressway Project Statistic Supervision论高速公路工程测量监理工作的控制

5.The Study of Expressway Construction Project Risk Management;高速公路工程建设项目风险管理研究

6.Study on the Information Management System for Freeway Construction高速公路工程建设信息管理系统研究

7.Blast Proposal And Construction for Expressway Sub-grade;高速公路路基工程的爆破设计与施工

8.Analysis on Design of Pavement Reconstruction Work of Gaojie Expressway高界高速公路改建路面工程设计分析

9.Application of Fly-ash in Highway Embankment Engineering粉煤灰在高速公路路堤工程中的应用

10.Experiment on engineering characteristics of soft clay on expressway widening foundation高速公路拓宽路基软土工程特性试验

11.Probe into the Engineering Quality Control in the Construction of the Superhighway高速公路施工中的工程质量管理初探

12.Research on Noise Barrier Engineering Supervision in Freeway Construction Phase;高速公路施工期声屏障工程监理研究

13.Construction Location Management of Highway Project Bridge高速公路拓宽工程桥梁施工现场管理

14.Analysis on Satety Engineering during Expansion of Guangshao expressway浅析广韶高速公路路面扩建工程中的安全工程

15.Application Study on High-speed Compactor in the Widening Project of Ye-Xin Expressway;高速夯实机在叶信高速公路加宽工程应用研究

16.a civil engineer who specializes in the design and construction of roads and highways.专门构造和设计公路及高速公路的土木工程师。

17.Analyses of No.108 Landslide in Beijing-Zhuhai Highway and Its Treatment Measures京珠高速公路108滑坡及防治工程分析

18.Environmental Impact and Appraisement of the Freeway Widening Project;高速公路拓宽工程的环境影响与评价


freeway subgrade engineering高速公路路基工程

1.Decision support system for construction and maintenance offreeway subgrade engineering高速公路路基工程施工与养护决策支持系统

3)expressway bridge engineering高速公路桥梁工程

1.According to the results measured during construction of PHC pile in anexpressway bridge engineering,the magnitude,distribution,the changing regularity and effect range of the excess pore water pressure are discussed.根据某高速公路桥梁工程PHC管桩施工过程中的实测结果,利用各测点产生的超孔压消散曲线,结合孔压计埋设图,分析了超孔隙水压力的大小、分布、变化规律及影响范围,得出以下结论:1)随着入土深度的增大,孔隙水压力均有开始减小然后增大的过程;2)测点距离沉桩越近,孔隙水压力影响越大,且孔隙水压力数值变化越明显;3)位于深层的超孔隙水压力随着有效半径的减小明显增大。

4)Huning expressway extension project沪宁高速公路扩建工程

bined withHuning expressway extension project, asphalt pavement with flexible base, semirigid base and rigid base are systematically researched.结合沪宁高速公路扩建工程,分别对柔性基层沥青路面、半刚性基层沥青路面和刚性基层沥青路面3种结构类型进行了深入研究,在沪宁高速公路扩建工程中采用了柔性基层和半刚性基层沥青路面两种结构形式,本文介绍了在扩建工程过程控制中旋转压实仪和最终产品规范的应用,并对沪宁高速公路扩建工程现场路面空隙率和渗水系数的分布及相关关系进行了分析。

5)Gan-Ding expressway engineering赣定高速公路工程

6)the expressway engineering construction高速公路工程建设

1.According to the actual demand ofthe expressway engineering construction management,this paper provides the overall design and system architecture of the management information system of expressway engineering construction and discusses the key technologies of the system,such as WebGIS technology,three-dimension visual technology in an even more detailed way.结合高速公路工程建设管理的实际需求,给出了高速公路工程建设管理信息系统的总体设计及系统的体系结构,并针对系统中的关键技术如WebGIS技术、三维可视化技术进行了较详细的阐述。


