900字范文 > 教育实践冲突 conflicts in educational practice英语短句 例句大全

教育实践冲突 conflicts in educational practice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-24 05:29:30


教育实践冲突 conflicts in educational practice英语短句 例句大全

教育实践冲突,conflicts in educational practice

1)conflicts in educational practice教育实践冲突

1.Theconflicts in educational practice refer to the lopsided psychological state.教育实践冲突指的是教师在实践过程中,为实现某种目标而出现不协调、相互抵触、相反作用因素时产生的一种不平衡的心理状态。

2)Facing Directly the Conflicts in Educational Practice直面教育实践冲突

3)Education Practice教育实践

1.Education mode,guided by education theory,is the brief generalization of organization way in education process,which provides choices for education practice.教育模式一方面以教育理论为指导,是教育过程组织方式的简要概括,可以为教育实践提供选择;另一方面是教育实践经验的概括,可以升华为教育理论。

2.Though the probe into the relationship between education theory and education practice has already come into being a multi-stereoscopic landscape,the probe has mostly never plunged into the inner of the relationship,but outside of it.对教育理论与教育实践关系的探讨,已经形成了多层面立体式的景观。

3.The issue of the separation between education theory and education practice lies in the subject crisis of builder:dwarf abscent,and alienation, it is because of the subject people who are dismembered that leads the dual separation between education theory and education practice.教育理论与教育实践脱节的症结在于其建构者的主体性危机:矮化、缺失和异化,正是因为作为主体的人被肢解,才导致教育理论与教育实践的二元对立。


1.Educational Practice and Practical Education: A Point of Adult Pedagogy;“教育实践”与“实践教育”:成人教育学的观点

2."Witkey Practice":Open the Trial Educating the New Carrying out Teaching“威客实践”——开放教育实践教学的新尝试

3.Educational Policy: A Bridge between Theory & Practice of Education;教育政策——教育理论与教育实践的桥梁

4.4. Making clear the relationship between educational experiment and practice.4.理清教育实验与教育实践的关系。

5.The Study on Relationship between Educational Threory And Educational Practice in China;试论中国教育理论与教育实践的关系

6.Reflections on the Separation of Educational Theory and Educational Practice;关于教育理论与教育实践阻隔的反思

7.Practice of Preschool Special EducationAn Approach of Integration Education;学前特殊教育实践—— 一体化教育的途径

8.Logical Thinking on the Relationship between Education Theories and Educational Practice;教育理论与教育实践关系的逻辑考察

9.Environmental Education in Action and Partnership环保教育──实践及合作

10.A Comparative Research Between Experimental and Practical Pedagogies;实验教育学与实践教育学之比较研究

11.Exploration on Teaching Practice on the Speciality of Psychology Education;心理教育专业教育实习的探索与实践

12.Educational Aims Implementation Sub-committee [Board of Education]教育目标实践小组〔教育委员会〕

13.On the Subjective Education Theory in the Cadre Training;主体教育观在干部教育培训中的实践

14.A Study of Practice Teaching Model for Physical Education Through the Four-year Teaching in University;体育教育专业“全程实践教学模式”研究

15.A study on the practice difference between Self-organization Education and Other-organization education;自组织教育与他组织教育的实践差异

16.Practice Education:A Pressing Task in Mass Education;实践教育:大众化教育的一项紧迫任务

17.A tentative study on conducting english language instruction in practical courses of program in physical education in universities;高校体育教育专业实践课的英文教学

18.On Stressing the Practicality of College P.E. Teachers ?Teaching Research;高校体育教师教育科研应突出实践性


Facing Directly the Conflicts in Educational Practice直面教育实践冲突

3)Education Practice教育实践

1.Education mode,guided by education theory,is the brief generalization of organization way in education process,which provides choices for education practice.教育模式一方面以教育理论为指导,是教育过程组织方式的简要概括,可以为教育实践提供选择;另一方面是教育实践经验的概括,可以升华为教育理论。

2.Though the probe into the relationship between education theory and education practice has already come into being a multi-stereoscopic landscape,the probe has mostly never plunged into the inner of the relationship,but outside of it.对教育理论与教育实践关系的探讨,已经形成了多层面立体式的景观。

3.The issue of the separation between education theory and education practice lies in the subject crisis of builder:dwarf abscent,and alienation, it is because of the subject people who are dismembered that leads the dual separation between education theory and education practice.教育理论与教育实践脱节的症结在于其建构者的主体性危机:矮化、缺失和异化,正是因为作为主体的人被肢解,才导致教育理论与教育实践的二元对立。

4)Practice education实践教育

1.The significance of strengthening practice education on college party members;加强大学生党员实践教育的意义

2.Thinking about Social Work Practice Education社会工作实践教育的思考

3.According to the program of personnel training in 21th century,practice education must be strengthened in order to train students innovation ability.根据新世纪人才培养的目标,加强实践教育,以培养学生的综合创新设计能力。

5)educational practice教育实践

1.Shortcomings and Advice about Educational Practice of our Normal Universities Currently;当前我国高师教育实践存在的问题及思考

2.Application of the educational theory toeducational practice;教育理论研究向教育实践活动通达的障碍消除

6)practical education实践教育

1.Strengthening Practical Education,Focusing on Capacity-building,Promoting Students’ Employment;加强大学生实践教育,注重能力培养,促进学生就业

2.This article studied the materials of thepractical education from all over the world and investigated thepractical education centers of various universities.根据实践教育规律,在研究有关国内外实践教学资料和考察各类高校实践教学基地的基础上,提出了适应新时期教育发展要求,建设高水平校内实践教学基地的思路和具体方案。

3.This paper has mainly discussed the problems between ideological and political theory course andpractical education to college students,one is the effect of the ideological and political theory course for thepractical education of college students,and the other is that social practice is the fundamental approach for .本文主要从思想政治理论课在大学生实践教育中的作用和社会实践是当代大学生走向社会的根本途径两个方面论述了思想政治理论课与大学生实践教育相结合的问题。


