900字范文 > 环境服务贸易谈判 negotiation on trade in environmental services英语短句 例句大全

环境服务贸易谈判 negotiation on trade in environmental services英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-12 05:23:43


环境服务贸易谈判 negotiation on trade in environmental services英语短句 例句大全

环境服务贸易谈判,negotiation on trade in environmental services

1)negotiation on trade in environmental services环境服务贸易谈判


1.Negotiations on Trade in WTO Environmental Services and Interests of ChinaWTO环境服务贸易谈判和中国的利益

2.Issues of Trade and the Environment in the New Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations;新一轮多边贸易谈判中的贸易与环境问题

3.FTA Negotiation-Opportunity of Strategic Turning for Environmental Services in China;自贸区谈判——中国环境服务业战略转型的重要机遇

4.The GATS mandates that there shall be successive rounds of services negotiations, with a view to achieving a progressively higher level of liberalisation in trade in services.服务贸易总协定订明必须持续进行服务贸易谈判,以求服务贸易逐步达至更大程度的自由化。

5.Recent Development of WTO Environmental Goods Negotiations and China s Legal Countermeasures;WTO环境货物贸易谈判的最新进展及我国的对策

6.The first round of comprehensive services negotiations will be launched in 2000.第一轮全面服务贸易谈判将于二零零零年展开。

7.Services trade is an important domain in the negotiations of Doha Round.服务贸易是多哈回合谈判的一个重要领域。

8.Latest Development of Negotiations on Emergency Safeguard Measures in GATS:Issues and Comments;WTO服务贸易紧急保障措施谈判问题评析

9.Decision on Trade in Services and the Environment关于服务贸易和环境的决定(1994年4月15日)

10.- the work programme envisaged in the Decision on Trade in Services and the Environment;- 《关于服务贸易与环境的决定》中设想的工作计划;

11.Study on the Legal Issues of Liberalization of Trade in Environmental Goods and Services环境商品与服务贸易自由化的法律问题研究

12.The Issues of Environment and Labor Protection in the Negotiation of Free Trade Agreements of China论我国自由贸易区谈判中的环境和劳工保护问题

13.Should negotiations not succeed, the Council for Trade in Services shall decide whether to continue the negotiations in accordance with this mandate.如谈判未能成功,服务贸易理事会将决定是否依照本授权继续进行谈判。

14.Analysis and Evaluation of Trade-environmental Issues in the System of WTO--In the perspective of GATS and environmental service trade;WTO体制下的贸易与环境若干问题评析——基于GATS与环境服务贸易的视角

15.For the purpose of such negotiations, Members shall exchange information concerning all subsidies related to trade in services that they provide to their domestic service suppliers.就此类谈判而言,各成员应就其向国内服务提供者提供的所有与服务贸易有关的补贴交换信息。

16.International Legal Service was first brought up in Uruguay Negotiation as a technical form in international trades.法律服务作为一种国际服务贸易形式,最早在乌拉圭回合谈判中提到。

17.Division of Labor, Non-tradable Services and Economic Development;劳动分工、不可贸易的服务产品与开放环境中的经济发展

18.Study on Legal System of the Cooperation on Trade in Environmental Services between China and Kazakhstan;中国与哈萨克斯坦环境服务贸易合作法律制度研究


environmental service trade环境服务贸易

1.Analysis and Evaluation of Trade-environmental Issues in the System of WTO——In the perspective of GATS andenvironmental service trade;WTO体制下的贸易与环境若干问题评析——基于GATS与环境服务贸易的视角

2.Nowadays the trend of liberalization of internationalenvironmental service trade has already become powerful tendency.环境服务贸易自由化趋势已成为强劲的时代潮流。

3)trade negotiation贸易谈判

1.There are many obstacles in the Sino-UStrade negotiation.中国与美国的贸易谈判存在着诸多障碍。

4)trade talks贸易谈判

1.Sino-US textiletrade talks experience seven rounds in severalmonths before reach an agreement, and it had become a hot spot of social concern in aperiod of time.而中美纺织品贸易谈判与中欧相比要艰难的多,在历经七轮、历时数月后才达成一致。

5)service trade服务贸易

1.On Development of Our Country s Service Trade After Entering WTO;对入世后我国服务贸易发展的思考

2.Positive analysis of FDI and China sservice trade development;FDI与我国服务贸易发展的实证分析

3.Research on the Movement of Natural Persons in the Service Trade;服务贸易中的自然人流动研究

6)trade in services服务贸易

1.Review of RTAs andtrade in services on higher education;区域经济一体化与高等教育服务贸易研究综述

2.Probing into the opening of China strade in services;开放中国服务贸易的探讨

3.China s Structural Imbalance of Trade in Services and Correction;开放条件下我国服务贸易结构性失衡与对策


