900字范文 > 物价上涨指数 price rising index英语短句 例句大全

物价上涨指数 price rising index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-14 23:47:34


物价上涨指数 price rising index英语短句 例句大全

物价上涨指数,price rising index

1)price rising index物价上涨指数

2)rise of freight rate运价指数上涨


1.The annuity method is used to discuss the influence on the period of e-quipment replacement and the conditions for setting the economic life of equipment in aninflationary environment.本文运用技术经济学中的年金法,探讨了在物价上涨情况下对设备更新周期的影响及确定设备经济寿命的条件,指出了设备最佳经济寿命的计算方式,为确定合理的设备更新周期提供了理论依据。


1.inexorable price rises无法抑制的物价上涨

2.Wage increases pushed up prices.增加工资使得物价上涨。

3.It is certain that prices will go up.物价上涨是肯定的。

4.Prices climbed last summer.去年夏天物价上涨。

5.the rise in prices consequent upon the failure of the crops由于农作物歉收而引起的物价上涨.

6.The government claims that it will soon have rising prices well in hand.政府声称很快就能控制住物价上涨。

7.The rise in oil cost react on the price of food油价上涨影响食物价格

8.The rise in oil costs reacted on the price of food.油价上涨影响食物价格。

9.A raise in the price of an item for sale.涨价某种出售物价格的上涨

10.Overall, prices are still rising.大体说来,物价仍在上涨。

11.Prices are on the upward trend.物价有上涨的趋势。

12.Prices are still spiralling up.物价仍在盘旋上涨。

13.Don"t bump up prices.不要使物价骤然上涨。

14.the wage-price spiral.工资-物价的螺旋形上涨

15.Last week the price of food jumped.上星期,食物价格暴涨。

16.Prices have zoomed in the last five years.近五年来物价急剧上涨。

17.Prices keep going up to even more impossible levels.物价不断上涨,涨到不可思议的地步。

18.Prices are rising, falling, going up, going down, shooting up, plummeting, etc.物价在上涨、 下跌、 上升、 下落、 猛然上涨、 骤然下跌等.


rise of freight rate运价指数上涨


1.The annuity method is used to discuss the influence on the period of e-quipment replacement and the conditions for setting the economic life of equipment in aninflationary environment.本文运用技术经济学中的年金法,探讨了在物价上涨情况下对设备更新周期的影响及确定设备经济寿命的条件,指出了设备最佳经济寿命的计算方式,为确定合理的设备更新周期提供了理论依据。

4)price increase物价上涨

1.This thesis firstly summarizes the research results of domestic academics on the recentprice increase according to the Western scholars research on inflation and combine the arguments of rising prices.文章依据西方学者对于通货膨胀问题的研究成果,首先对国内学术界关于近期物价上涨的研究成果进行了概述,梳理了物价上涨争论的基本脉络;然后对此轮物价上涨的诸多特征进行了分析讨论;最后,对造成物价上涨的影响因素进行了实证研究,得出了总供给与总需求的诸多失衡是造成近期物价上涨的主要原因。

2.Currently,our country′s price inflates much,for construction industryprice increase means increased cost,and after accession to WTO,competition among construction companies has become more intense.目前我国物价上涨幅度很大,对于建筑业来说物价上涨意味着成本的增加,而且加入WTO之后,建筑企业之间竞争更加剧烈。

3.This article analyses the effect on university students\" consumption concept before and after theprice increase through questionnaire survey.本文通过问卷调查的方式,分析了物价上涨对在校大学生消费观念的影响,通过调查,我们发现物价上涨虽然给在校大学生的日常生活造成一定压力,但所带来的正面效应远远大于其负面效应。

5)There has been an increase in prices.物价上涨了。

6)Prices are looking up.物价在上涨。


