900字范文 > 江西贵溪 Guixi city in Jiangxi province英语短句 例句大全

江西贵溪 Guixi city in Jiangxi province英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-25 23:46:21


江西贵溪 Guixi city in Jiangxi province英语短句 例句大全

江西贵溪,Guixi city in Jiangxi province

1)Guixi city in Jiangxi province江西贵溪


1.Study on Soil Animals" Community Diversity of Yangjifeng Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province江西贵溪阳际峰自然保护区土壤动物多样性研究

2.The Report on the Spiders"Resource of Yangjifeng Nature Reserve in Guixi City of Jiangxi Provice江西贵溪阳际峰自然保护区蜘蛛资源的初步研究

3.She People"s Characteristics and its Formation---Taking She People in Guixi of Jiangxi Province as an Example论畲族的民族特性及形成原因——以江西省贵溪市樟坪畲族乡为例

4.The Shixi Formation in the Xinjiang Basin of Jiangxi and its biota and age江西信江盆地石溪组生物群及其时代

5.Runoff Simulation Based on SWAT Model in the Xixi Watershed of the Jinjiang River;晋江西溪流域降雨径流的SWAT模型模拟

6.Climate Change of the Xixi Watershed of Jin River Based on SWAT Model晋江西溪流域气候变化的SWAT模型模拟

7.This article describes briefly the process of fume treatment system for the tilting furnace in Guixi Smelter and technical parameters of relevant equipment.本文简单介绍了江西铜业集团公司贵溪冶炼厂倾动炉烟气处理系统的工艺及有关设备的技术参数。

8.What a great number of people have joined the Red Army from Changkang Township in Kiangsi[1] and Tsaihsi Township in Fukien[2]!江西的长冈乡⑴,福建的才溪乡⑵,扩大红军多得很呀!

9.Hydrological Response to Environmental Change in the Xixi Watershed of Jinjiang River晋江西溪流域环境变化的水文响应研究

10.Non-point Source Pollution Simulation in Xixi Watershed of the Jinjiang Basin Based on SWAT Model基于SWAT模型的晋江西溪流域非点源污染模拟

11.Hanging Basket Pouring Method in the Cantilever Section Construction of the Hanjiang West Creek Bridge韩江西溪特大桥悬臂段挂篮悬灌法施工技术

12.Guizhou Xijiang Miao Myth of History Songs Life Aesthetics Meaning贵州西江苗族神话史歌生命美学意蕴

13.The Impact of Public Spaces on Farmers Social Capital--A Case Study of Huangxi Village,Jiangxi Province;公共空间对农民社会资本的影响——以江西省黄溪村为例

parative Research on the Impact of Rivers on the Settlements--Taking the Qinghu in Zhejiang Province and Xixinan in Anhui Province as an Example河流对乡土聚落影响的比较研究——以浙江清湖及安徽西溪南为例

15.Identity Change of Part of Confucian Scholars to Publishers in Jinxi,Jiangxi Province in the Ming & Qing Dynasty试析明清时期江西金溪部分儒生向刻书业的身份转型

16.Simulation of the Effect of Land Use/Cover Change on Non-Point Source Pollution Load in Xixi Watershed of the Jinjiang Basin with SWAT Model晋江西溪流域土地利用变化对非点源污染影响的SWAT模拟

17.Excavation on the Neolithic Site at Shangjiangkou in Guigang City,Guangxi;广西贵港市上江口新石器时代遗址的发掘

18.Effect of Wujiang River cascade hydropower stations on West to East Power Transmission Project;乌江梯级水电站在贵州西电东送中的作用


Xixi watershed晋江西溪

1.The SWAT model was applied to stimulating the transport of nitrogen and phosphorous inXixi watershed within the Jinjiang River Basin.运用SWAT模型对晋江西溪流域的非点源污染进行了研究。

2.Non-point source (NPS) pollution is one of the most important factors for water environmental deterioration inXixi watershed of the Jinjiang basin.晋江西溪流域主要位于东南沿海的泉州市境内,是福建省内水土流失最严重的区域,随着近年来工业污水等点源污染得到有效控制,非点源污染的影响日益显著,研究晋江西溪流域的非点源污染具有重要意义。

3)Jinxi Jiangxi江西金溪

4)Zixi County Jiangxi Province江西资溪县

5)Xixi in Zhejiang Province浙江省溪西



