900字范文 > 企业系统关联性 Enterprise system association英语短句 例句大全

企业系统关联性 Enterprise system association英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-20 00:36:13


企业系统关联性 Enterprise system association英语短句 例句大全

企业系统关联性,Enterprise system association

1)Enterprise system association企业系统关联性

2)interconnected enterprises关联性企业

1.According to this,the new framework of analyzing the competitive advantages ofinterconnected enterprises is constructed,thus identifying four types of rent derive.拓展了资源基础论的研究以包括网络资源的作用,在此基础上,构建了一个分析关联性企业竞争优势的新框架,识别了源自企业间联盟共享和非共享资源而产生的四种类型的租金。

3)enterprise-oriented financing system企业性银企关系

4)affiliated enterprise关联企业

1.Research on tax planning foraffiliated enterprises trade;关联企业交易中纳税筹划的研究

2.About the influence ofaffiliated enterprise to legal person system;论关联企业对法人制度的影响

3.According to the paper’s analysis,all the dealings aim to tax avoidance which doesn’t exit in the traditionalaffiliated enterprises.转移定价避税交易并非都发生在传统的关联企业之间。


1.Distinguishing the Difference Between Associated Enterprises and Enterprise Group;关联企业的法律特征及其与企业集团的关系

2.Accounting Rules on Affiliated Companies Group Transactions关联企业间关联交易之会计法规制研究

3.The Avoidance of Tax of Affiliated Enterprises and Its Legal Regulations;论关联企业的避税问题及其法律规制

4.The Research on Substantive Consolidation Doctrine When the Affiliated Enterprise in Bankruptcy;关联企业破产时的实质合并原则研究

5.Research on International Related Enterprises Transfer Pricing;国际关联企业转让定价避税问题研究

6.On related enterprise issue in international civil litigation procedure;国际民事诉讼程序中的关联企业问题

7.A Discussion on Connection Business Enterprise and the Revenue from Tax Transfers of Lacking Developed Region;论关联企业与欠发达地区的税收转移

8.Identification of Affiliated Companies and Legal Rescue for Creditor;论关联企业的识别与债权人法律救济

9.The Research of the Anti-Tax-Avoidance among Affiliated Enterprise关联企业转让定价的反避税问题研究

10.Industry association analysis of banks corporate customers transaction;银行企业客户交易中的行业关联分析

11.Researching on the Financial Questions in Business Growth--Analysis of the Relations of Floating New Stocks and Enterprises Debt;企业增长财务问题探讨——股票发行、企业负债与企业增长的关联分析

12.Could I speak to someone about business accounts, please?关于企业账目的问题我能和谁联系?

13.The Study on Guarantee System of Alliance Enterprise Trusting Relationship;联盟企业间信任关系的保障机制研究

14.Grey relational evaluation on richness-degree of knowledge resources of papermaking enterprises;造纸企业知识资源丰度的灰关联评价

15.A Study on the Ways of Disruptive Innovation and Rivals Responding Tactics in Enterprises;企业破坏性创新与关联者的反应策略

16.Research on the Relationship between Organizational Control and Knowledge Structure;组织控制与企业知识结构关联性研究

17.A Study on Influential Factors of Channel Alliance Relationship of Chinese Corporations;中国企业渠道联盟关系影响因素研究

18.Relativity Analysis of Science and Technology Business Incubating Ability;科技企业孵化器孵化能力的关联分析


interconnected enterprises关联性企业

1.According to this,the new framework of analyzing the competitive advantages ofinterconnected enterprises is constructed,thus identifying four types of rent derive.拓展了资源基础论的研究以包括网络资源的作用,在此基础上,构建了一个分析关联性企业竞争优势的新框架,识别了源自企业间联盟共享和非共享资源而产生的四种类型的租金。

3)enterprise-oriented financing system企业性银企关系

4)affiliated enterprise关联企业

1.Research on tax planning foraffiliated enterprises trade;关联企业交易中纳税筹划的研究

2.About the influence ofaffiliated enterprise to legal person system;论关联企业对法人制度的影响

3.According to the paper’s analysis,all the dealings aim to tax avoidance which doesn’t exit in the traditionalaffiliated enterprises.转移定价避税交易并非都发生在传统的关联企业之间。

5)affiliated enterprises关联企业

1.The Protection of Creditors in Subsidiary Corporation ——An analysis on special creditors inaffiliated enterprises;“从属公司债权人保护”的法律体系构建——试析关联企业中特殊债权人问题

2.The Avoidance of Tax of Affiliated Enterprises and Its Legal Regulations;论关联企业的避税问题及其法律规制

3.Affiliated Enterprises Credit Risk Investigation and Prevention Mechanism Optimization关联企业信用风险溯源及防控机制优化

6)related enterprises关联企业

1.In consideration of the independent corporate status of control companies and subsidiary companies in therelated enterprises, they keep subsidiary companies under the command of control companies, but this.关联企业是现代企业制度不断变化发展的产物。

2.Transfer price is the price between multinational enterprises andrelated enterprises.报告首先从理论上概述了转让定价的产生、定义、动因、方法及影响,着重探讨了不同市场条件下转让定价的规则;接着报告从国内关联企业和国际跨国公司的角度,分别分析了二者进行转让定价税收筹划的可能性,阐述了转让定价税收筹划的思路。


