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分子生物学实验 molecular biology experiment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-05 20:23:54


分子生物学实验 molecular biology experiment英语短句 例句大全

分子生物学实验,molecular biology experiment

1)molecular biology experiment分子生物学实验

1.An effective experiment teaching method for the students in College of Life Science and Technology of HUST is set up after many years of experience onmolecular biology experiment teaching.通过多年来对华中科技大学工科专业学生分子生物学实验教学的实践,根据学生专业特点,总结了一套适合于工科专业学生的行之有效的实验教学方法。

2.The article dwells on how to improve the teaching quality ofmolecular biology experiments and foster students\" comprehensive qualities by optimizing the experiment content,establishing opening experiment system and reforming the experimental evaluation mode.分子生物学实验复杂而细腻,技术性很强,是理论和实践相结合的典型课程。


1.European Molecular Biology Laboratory, EMBL欧洲分子生物学实验室

2.On the Reform of the Experiment Courses Of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;生物化学与分子生物学实验改革初探

3.Teaching experience of molecular biology experiment for the international students浅谈留学生分子生物学实验教学点滴体会

4.Implemention of Some Innovation in the Laboratory Course for Teaching Molecular Biology;分子生物学实验教学改革的探索与实践

5.Experiences of Teaching Experiment of Graduate Molecular Biology;硕士研究生分子生物学实验教学改革尝试

6.Exploring the Usage of PBL Teaching Method in Molecular Biology ExperimentPBL教学法在分子生物学实验教学中的应用

7.Development in Experiment Teaching System of Molecular Biology Laboratory in Agronomy College农学分子生物学实验室教学体系的建设

8.The Course Setting of Molecular Biology Experimental Technique for Graduate Students;研究生分子生物学实验技术课程的设置

9.Application of Research-oriented Teaching to Molecular Biology Lab Course;研究型教学模式在分子生物学实验课中的应用

10.Extraction of Plant Genome DNA:Method Improvement in Undergraduate Molecular Biology Experiment;植物基因组DNA提取——本科分子生物学实验方法改进

11.The Histological and Molecular Study of Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis in Goat by Tooth-borne Instrument;牙支抗羊下颌骨牵张成骨的组织学及分子生物学实验研究

12.New Research-Integrative Model of Molecular Biological Experimental Teaching建立与科研课题结合的分子生物学实验教学新模式

13.The Establishment of the Course System of the Molecular Biology Experiment and the Reform of Examination;“分子生物学实验”课程体系的建立和考核方法的改革

14.Thoughts about the Undergraduate Experimental Teaching Reform on The Molecular Biology;分子生物学本科实验教学改革之我见

15.Exploration of an Innovating Experimental Teaching System of Molecular Biology分子生物学创新实验教学模式的探索

16.Design and practice of the comprehensive and designable experiments in molecular biology分子生物学综合性设计实验的设计与实践

17.Experiment in Polymer Physics and Physical Chemistry高分子物理及物理化学实验

18.The Development and Application of the Assays for the Detection of Pathogenic Dermatophytes in Laboratory Animals with Molecular Biological Method;实验动物皮肤病原真菌分子生物学检测方法的建立及应用


virtual molecular biology laboratory虚拟分子生物学实验室

3)Molecular Biology Laboratory分子生物学实验室

1.In this paper,according to the professional characteristics of the agricultural college molecular biology laboratory of the basic objectives and functions,it is established that molecular biology and genetic engineering experiment teaching content and systems with the characteristics of agricultural college.文章结合西北农林科技大学农学院的专业特点以及分子生物学实验室的最基本的目标和功能,建立了具有农学院特点的分子生物学和基因工程实验教学内容和体系。

4)European Molecular Biology Laboratory,EMBL欧洲分子生物学实验室

5)Molecular detecting分子生物学检验

6)modern empirical method of molecular biology现代分子生物学实验方法


欧洲分子生物学实验室位于德国海德堡,于1973年建立。由欧洲30个成员国政府支持组成,目的在于促进欧洲国家之间的合作来发展分子生物学的基础研究和改进仪器设备、教育工作等。分7个部分:细胞生物学; 结构;分化;物理仪器;生化仪器;生物仪器;计算机和应用数学。目前,在分子生物学研究中已经建立了先进的核苷酸序列数据库。此外,在欧洲分子生物学实验室以外还有两个研究站,一个在法国的格勒诺布尔;另一个在德国的汉堡。
