900字范文 > 传播学视角 the perspective of communication英语短句 例句大全

传播学视角 the perspective of communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-16 23:26:57


传播学视角 the perspective of communication英语短句 例句大全

传播学视角,the perspective of communication

1)the perspective of communication传播学视角

1.This paper carries out a deeper exploration on the controversial literary phenomenon of "post-year 80" underthe perspective of communication,from which we could find many significances beyond literature.从传播学视角解读"80后"文学,可以看出其超出文学的诸多意义。


1.Integrated Marketing Communication, from Theory of Communications;整合营销传播:一种传播学视角的观照

2.An Analysis of Entertainment TV Programs of Taiwan in the Vision of Communication;用传播学视角看台湾娱乐节目的热播

3.The Development and Function of Physical Education Through Mass Media in Point of Propagation;从传播学视角看体育教育传播媒体发展与功能

4.The Research of the Local Opera Communication of Television Media under the Sight of Develop Communication发展传播学视角下电视媒体的地方戏曲传播研究

5.The Research on Military Play s Prosperous from the Dissemination Study Angle of View;从传播学视角看军事题材电视剧的繁荣

6.China Mobile Phone Advertisements Viewed from the Perspective of Communication从传播学视角透视中国的手机短信广告

7.Looking at the Long-distance Teaching Process from the Perspective of Communi- cation -An Analysis of the Communicative Models of the Long-distance and Open Edu- cation从传播学视角看远程教学过程——简析远程开放教育传播模式

8.The Study of West Learning Brought to the East by Chinese Overseas Students in Modern Times from the Communciation Perspective;传播学视角下近代中国留学生西学东渐研究

9.The Optimization of Communicative Effect of Ideology and Politics Education From the View of Communication;从传播学视角解析思想政治教育的传播效果优化

10.Lowenthal"s Literature and Art Study批判传播理论:洛文塔尔文艺研究的传播学视角和方法

11.On the Publication Management Concept of College Journal Compilation from the Angle of Promulgation Theory;从传播学视角看当前高校学报编辑的办刊理念

12.Knowledge Transfer in Academic Exchange--From the Perspective of Communication Studies学术交流中的知识转移——基于传播学视角

13.Research on Rural Informationization Issue of China from Communication Perspective;传播学视角下的中国农村信息化问题研究

14.A Study on the Design of Networks Multimedia Interface from the Perspective of Communication;传播学视角下的网络多媒体界面设计研究

15.From the Perspective of Dissemination Sanda Compared with the Similarities and Differences Between Tae kwon do;从传播学视角比较散打与跆拳道的异同

16.Improving the Practical Effect of Ideological and Political Theories--An Analysis from the Visual Angle of Dissemination;从传播学视角探求思想政治理论课的实效性

17.Error and countermeasure of PE major education in China from the viewpoint of dissemination;从传播学视角看当下我国体育专业教育之阙失

18.Look at Journalism Education in China from the Viewpoint of Communication;从传播学视角看当代中国新闻教育的阙失


the visual angle of dissemination传播学的视角

3)Dunhuang Communication传播视角

4)perspective of communication science传播学透视

5)views of communication传播学视域

6)culture spread view文化传播视角


