900字范文 > 信息资源整合 information resource integration英语短句 例句大全

信息资源整合 information resource integration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-31 14:58:05


信息资源整合 information resource integration英语短句 例句大全

信息资源整合,information resource integration

1)information resource integration信息资源整合

1.Research of Tax Information Resource Integration Based on BPM;基于BPM的税务信息资源整合研究

2.Research on the Modeling Method and Application of Information Resource Integration in E-government;电子政务中信息资源整合的建模方法与应用研究

3.Directory Service System and Its Application Research of Enterprise Information Resource Integration;企业信息资源整合的目录服务系统及应用研究


1.Concordance and Communion of Resources in Incorporated Libraries of Colleges;谈高校合并馆的信息资源整合与共享

2.The Role of Integrate Information Resources in Government Decision-making;论信息资源整合在政府决策中的作用

3.Research on Digtal Information Resources Integration Based on CORBA/XML;基于CORBA/XML的数字信息资源整合研究

4.Integration and Share of Agricultural Information Resources under Network Environment;网络环境下农业信息资源整合与共享

5.Often-Used Technigues and Patterns for Integrating Information Resources;信息资源整合的常用技术与模式探讨

6.The Study of College Information Resources Integration Technology Based on EMIF基于EMIF的高校信息资源整合技术研究

7.Practice,method and strategies of marine information resource integration海事信息资源整合的方法策略与实践

8.The Integration of Information Resource Based on SOA in Commercial Banks基于SOA的商业银行信息资源整合

9.Implementation of Regional Information Resources Integration and Service System区域性信息资源整合服务系统的实现

10.Research of Informationization for Power Enterprise Based on Information Resource Integration;基于信息资源整合的电力企业信息化问题研究

11.Thinking on the Integration of Information Resources in Agricultural Informatization对农业信息化过程中信息资源整合的思考

12.The Strategy Study Based on Information Resource Integration of Rural Infomatization基于农村信息化的信息资源整合策略研究

13.Integrating the Literature Information Resources and Broadening the Platform of Information Service整合文献信息资源 拓宽信息服务平台

14.Integrating for Electronic Information Resource and Full Text Search System电子信息资源的整合与全文检索系统

15.Integration and Utilization of World Forestry Patent Information Resources;世界林业专利信息资源的整合与利用

16.On utilization and integration of sports information resources;关于体育信息资源利用和整合的思考

17.Discussion of Informatization in Rural Areas--Integration and Exploitations of Resources;农村信息化讨论——资源的整合和利用

18.Conforming Information Literature Network Resource to Develop Read Teaching;整合信息文献网络资源开展阅读教学


Information resources integration信息资源整合

1.The Design and Implementation of Information Resources Integration System in One Power Supply Company;某供电公司信息资源整合系统的设计与实现

2.This paper researches the technical problem of realizing the integration and retrieval of network information resources, probes emphatically into the technical characteristics and implementation of the new technical standard SRW, and analyzes the model of information resources integration based on SRW.研究了实现网络信息资源整合检索的技术问题,主要探讨了新技术标准SRW的技术特点和实施问题,分析了基于SRW的信息资源整合模型。

3.Based on the connotation of information resources integration, this paper analyzes the characteristics of enterprise information resources integration in the e-commerce environment, which reflects the demand of the enterprises for information resources integration in the new environment.本文在阐述企业信息资源整合的含义的基础上,分析了电子商务环境下信息资源整合的特点,体现了企业在电子商务环境下企业信息资源整合新的需求,最后,提出了企业在电子商务环境下进行信息资源整合的一些方案和措施。

3)integration of information resources信息资源整合

4)information integration信息资源整合

1.Information Integration Progress Based on the Common Progress of Problem Solving;基于问题求解一般过程的信息资源整合过程

2.In the network environment,the basic pattern ofinformation integration has been affected by the digitalizing of information carrier and the integrating of information organization technology.网络环境下,信息载体的数字化和信息组织开发技术的集成化决定了现代图书馆基于网络的信息资源整合。

3.Theinformation integration should include the integration of resources,service and function,keep dynamic development,emphasize assessment,be conducted in three steps of integration,share and realization,establish automatic network,information management center and standarded database,and create the legal atmosphere of share in network.根据空间共享理论,高校图书馆信息资源的整合应当重视资源、服务和功能的充分整合,保持动态发展和重视评估,按照信息资源整合——资源空间共享——实现高校信息资源建设"三步走"的思路,发展图书馆的自动化网络,建立信息资源管理机构和统一、规范的数据库,注重对文献信息的深度发掘,营造网络文献信息资源共享的法律环境,加强人才队伍建设,提高读者的信息素养。

5)integration of information resource信息资源整合

6)information resources/information resource integration信息资源/信息资源整合


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
