900字范文 > 控制律 control law英语短句 例句大全

控制律 control law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-16 09:58:58


控制律 control law英语短句 例句大全

控制律,control law

1)control law控制律

1.The realization of CTS test withcontrol law;带控制律CTS试验的实现

2.The design of a gradient singularity avoidance pseudo-inversecontrol law used for double gimbal control moment gyro(DGCMG),its principle and calculation were introduced.提出了一种用于双框架控制力矩陀螺的梯度型伪逆控制律,介绍了控制律的原理与计算方法。


1.DSP Implement of the Electrically Controlled Rotor System based on RTW基于RTW电控旋翼控制律的DSP实现

2.Quality Analysis of Vibration Control Systems and the Displacement-velocity Control Law振动控制系统的品质分析和位移速度控制律

3.Study on Adaptive Control Law Design of Active Control for Helicopter Vibration;直升机振动主动控制自适应控制律设计研究

4.Design Method of Multiple Time-Delay Controller for Active Structural Vibration Control结构振动主动控制的多时滞控制律的设计方法

5.Design of a Sliding Mode Adaptive Control Law for Reconfigurable Flight Control System可重构飞行控制系统的滑模自适应控制律设计

6.Sliding Mode Control based on novel Control Regularity for PMLSM基于新控制律的永磁直线同步电动机滑模控制

7.Study on Flight Control Law Based on Synthesized Nonlinear Control method基于综合非线性控制方法的飞行控制律研究

8.Alternate Law [flight control law]备用规律〔飞行控制规律〕

9.Flare Law [flight control law]拉平规律〔飞行控制规律〕

10.Direct Law [flight control law]直接控制规律〔飞行控制规律〕

11.Law and Social Control--Some Ideas About Social Control Though Law;法律与社会控制——《通过法律的社会控制》读后

12.the linking point between law and the Cybernetics is language control;二法律与控制论的连接点-语言控制;

13.Law control on finance holding company risk;论我国金融控股公司风险的法律控制

14.On Restraining and Regulating Controlling Shareholders Abusing Power of Controlling Company;论控制股东滥用公司控制权的法律规制

15.Research on Guidance and Control Law for Exo-Atmospheric KKV Based on Predictive Control基于预测控制的大气层外KKV制导控制规律研究

16.Research on Legal System of Internal Control of Investment Company in U.S.A;美国投资公司内部控制法律制度研究

17.Law Regulations Research of Corporation Insider Control Behavior;公司内部人控制行为的法律制度分析

18.Research on the Risk Control Legal System of the Credit Guarantee Institutions;信用担保机构风险控制法律制度研究


Rhythm control节律控制

1.A comparison of rate control and rhythm control in patients with atrial fibrillation;针对患者的房颤心律,传统的治疗策略是:①针对房颤发生的病因或诱因进行治疗;②恢复并维持窦性心律(节律控制,rhythmcontrol);③控制房颤时心室率(心室率控制,ratecontrol);④抗凝治疗预防动脉血栓栓塞事件。

3)Legal Control法律控制

1.The Necessity ofLegal Control Over Gene Research;基因研究法律控制的必要性——兼论对我国基因立法的一点启示

2.The Explorative Analysis of the Negative Function andLegal Control in China s Security Market;我国证券市场负面功能及其法律控制探析

3.On the legal control of the administrative contract;试论对行政合同的法律控制

4)control rule控制规律

1.The passively controlled anti-rolling tank is one of the most popular stabilization equipments,and thecontrol rule is the key factor of its stabilization effect.可控被动式减摇水舱是世界上成功使用的减摇装置之一,气阀控制规律是决定可控被动式减摇水舱减摇效果的关键因素。

2.Optimal phase relation and air valvecontrol rule are derived.推导了最佳相位关系和气阀控制规律的理论依据,对不规则波作用下的可控被动式减摇水舱系统进行了仿真研究。

5)Control law控制规律

1.Control law and characteristics of solid propellant air-turbo-rocket固体推进剂吸气式涡轮发动机控制规律与特性

2.The selection of control law of the subsonic-supersonic combined anti-ship missile control system is studied.进一步分析了亚超结合反舰导弹对控制系统的要求,并对未来亚超结合反舰导弹控制系统控制规律的选取作了研究分析,最后提出了亚超结合反舰导弹设计的主要关键技术和应注意的几个问题。

3.Then a control law is designed to a practical control system.:研究随机次优控制主动悬架对于平顺性的影响 ,介绍了求解随机次优控制反馈增益矩阵近似值的方法 ,对于实际控制系统 ,设计了控制规律 ,并进行了系统仿真计算 ,主动悬架与被动悬架汽车系统垂直方向运动响应的对比分析结果表明 :主动悬架降低了悬挂质量的加速

6)PI control lawPI 控制律

1.This paper puts forward a kind ofPI control law that might improve the flight control performances of aerocrafts remarkably.采用一种独特的 PI控制律,它可以显著改善,飞行器的飞行控制性能。


