900字范文 > 半物理仿真 semi-physical simulation英语短句 例句大全

半物理仿真 semi-physical simulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-03 19:48:18


半物理仿真 semi-physical simulation英语短句 例句大全

半物理仿真,semi-physical simulation

1)semi-physical simulation半物理仿真

1.Study of Semi-Physical Simulation Theory and Its Experimentation Method of Spacecraft Attitude;航天器姿态半物理仿真原理及其试验方法研究

2.Research on Design of Signal Interface Emluator in Semi-Physical Simulation of Engine Digital Control System;发动机数控系统半物理仿真中接口信号仿真器的研制

3.Research onsemi-physical simulation of marine steam generator feedwater control system船用蒸汽发生器给水控制系统半物理仿真技术研究


1.Atuomobile ABS Hardware-In-Loop Simulator System Based on ADAMS;基于ADAMS的汽车ABS系统半物理仿真

2.Hardware-in-Loop Simulation Platform for Small Satellite Based on xPC Real-time Simulator基于xPC的小卫星半物理仿真验证平台

3.Design of xPC semi-physical simulation system for small-satellite attitude control小卫星姿控xPC半物理仿真系统设计

4.Design of Distributed Hardware-in-loop Simulation System for Flight Control Systems分布式飞行控制半物理仿真系统设计

5.A semi-physical simulation method for the target-recognition subsystem of intersatellite laser communication光通信目标识别系统半物理仿真方案

6.Simulating of Hardware Subsystem and Designing of Software Platform in Hardware-in-the-Loop Simuliation System of Hybrid Power Plant;混合装置半物理仿真系统中物理子系统的仿真及软件平台设计

7.Study of Semi-Physical Simulation Theory and Its Experimentation Method of Spacecraft Attitude;航天器姿态半物理仿真原理及其试验方法研究

8.Research of Semi-physical Experiment Platform of Automobile Thermal Management Systems;汽车热管理系统半物理仿真试验平台研究

9.Concept and realization of semi-physical simulation for space robotic visual servoing空间机器人视觉伺服半物理仿真的原理与实现

10.Research on Design of Signal Interface Emluator in Semi-Physical Simulation of Engine Digital Control System;发动机数控系统半物理仿真中接口信号仿真器的研制

11.Systematic Trial Platform Designing on Semi-Physical Emulation Aeroplane Slip-proof Braking半物理仿真飞机防滑刹车系统试验台设计

12.The Study on Raising and Lowering Motion for Offshore Platform Based on Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation;基于半物理仿真的海上平台沉浮运动研究

13.The Controller Development and Hardware in the Loop Simulation for the Recirculation Fan System;循环风机系统的半物理仿真和控制器研究

14.Design and Research of Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation for an Aircraft Anti-skid Braking System;飞机防滑刹车半物理仿真试验系统设计与研究

15.Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation for Antiskid Braking System of Airplane;飞机防滑刹车地面半物理仿真系统研究

16.Integrated Flight/Propulsion Control Simulation Test Platform and Its Monitoring System Design;飞/推综合控制半物理仿真平台及监控系统设计

17.Researh on Seme-Physical Simulation for SINS/CNS Integrated Navigation System惯性/天文组合导航系统半物理仿真研究

18.HILS Platform Design for Construction Machinery Running Driving System工程机械行驶驱动系统半物理仿真平台设计


hardware-in-the-loop simulation半物理仿真

1.xPC-basedhardware-in-the-loop simulation for flexible antenna tracking and pointing system;基于xPC的挠性天线跟踪指向系统半物理仿真

2.By using a simplified model, the dynamic requirement of motion simulator used inhardware-in-the-loop simulation are derived in this paper.通过使用简化模型方法,分析了一种半物理仿真(HILS)试验用运动模拟试验转台的基本动态要求。

3.Advanced simulation software and the AC104 real-time simulator have been chosen to set up the integrated system that includes two parts: mathematical simulation system andhardware-in-the-loop simulation system for developing and testing both software and hardware on board.针对小卫星采用的一体化设计、模块化集成的方法,选择国际上先进的仿真软件,在单轴气浮转台和AC104实时仿真器硬件的基础上,设计并建立了“小卫星设计、分析与仿真验证一体化系统”的数学仿真和半物理仿真两个平台。

3)hardware-in-Loop simulation半物理仿真

1.Under different road conditions, the feasibility and availability of the controller are verified in ABS applications by hardware-in-loop simulation.建立了单、双轮汽车防抱制动过程的实时仿真系统,并将自寻优控制器连接到该系统中在多种路面状况下进行半物理仿真,验证了该自寻优控制器的可行性与有效性。

2.The hardware-in-loop simulation platform of aeroengine is widely used in the research of controller, project demonstration, period of system design.航空发动机半物理仿真平台广泛应用于控制器研究开发、方案论证和系统的设计阶段。

3.The test requirements of IFPC system are analyzed firstly, and the general scheme of hardware-in-loop simulation test platform for IFPC is proposed.本文提出了飞/推综合控制半物理仿真试验台及监控系统的总体设计方案,开发了监控系统软件。

4)HIL simulation半物理仿真

1.A virtual proto-typeHIL simulation system for spacecraft docking was established.阐述了飞行器空间对接地面半物理仿真系统设计思想。

2.The design problem of theHIL simulation for on-orbit docking was summarized into four fundamental problems: the stability problem,the problem on the dynamic reappearing accuracy,the robust problem on the delay compensator and the adaptive problem.分析了空间对接半物理(HIL,Hardware-In-the-Loop)仿真系统设计难点,将空间对接半物理仿真设计问题归纳为四个基本问题,即稳定性问题、动态复现精度问题、滞后补偿器的鲁棒性问题以及适应性问题。

3.An impactingHIL simulation testing system was established.针对空间对接半物理仿真系统电液伺服作动器设计问题进行研究,建立了接触碰撞半物理仿真试验系统。

5)Hybrid simulation半物理仿真

1.A kind of design on hybrid simulation system for planar free movement and the implementation of the initial conditions of the simulation experiments were described.提出了一种平面自由运动半物理仿真系统的设计,对系统仿真试验的初始条件形成过程进行了具体阐述。

2.In order to test the performance of identification algorithm,shorten the development cycle of star sensor,as well as reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of development,a new type of hybrid simulation system for celestial navigation was proposed.由于航天实验费用大,为测试星敏感器性能和星图识别算法,需在地面构建天文导航半物理仿真试验平台。

3.In order to develop controllers of ship抯 motion quickly, as well as to reduce the cost and to improve the efficiency of developments, a new type of hybrid simulation system for ship抯 motion is proposed in the paper.从加快船舶运动控制器样机的研制周期、降低成本、提高效率出发,提出了一种新颖的船舶运动半物理仿真系统。

6)semi-physical simulation platform半物理仿真平台

1.The results ofsemi-physical simulation platform show that the navigation performance is improved greatly.半物理仿真平台结果表明,载人潜水器的导航精度得到了大幅度提高。


