900字范文 > 社会文化适应 Sociocultural adaptation英语短句 例句大全

社会文化适应 Sociocultural adaptation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-02 18:12:58


社会文化适应 Sociocultural adaptation英语短句 例句大全

社会文化适应,Sociocultural adaptation

1)Sociocultural adaptation社会文化适应

1.For the second study, the main and broader survey, this revised three-part questionnaire gathered information about acculturation strategies, life satisfaction, self-esteem, psychological problems, sociocultural adaptation and demographic factors, then analyzed how Chi本文从跨文化交际学的角度出发,以留德中国学生为研究对象,通过回顾经典文化适应模式,提出了以下研究问题:(1)留德中国学生选择怎样的文化适应策略?(2)他们的心理适应和社会文化适应结果怎样?(3)他们对文化策略适应的选择对其文化适应结果有何影响?本文采用了Berry的二维文化适应策略模式,Arends-Toth和van de Vijver关于细分文化适应领域的假设,Ward社会文化适应和心理适应结果的理论来考察留德中国学生的文化适应情况。


1.The Research in Behavioral Psychology of Foreign Students Sociocultural Adaptation in China;留学生中国社会文化适应性的社会心理研究

2.A Research on the Society and the Culture of the Ecological Emigration--Take the Abati Town,Taxkorgan As An Example;生态移民的社会文化适应研究——以塔什库尔干阿巴提镇为例

3.Survival Environment and Acculturation──Understanding the Cultural Ecology of Society and the Culture of Nu Nationality生存环境与文化适应——怒族社会-文化的文化生态学解读

4.A Socio-anthropological Research on the Foreign Culture Adaptation of Chinese Students in Japan;在日中国留学生异文化适应的社会人类学研究

5.Morality Construction of the Socialist Market-economy Society;建构与社会主义市场经济相适应的道德文化

6.Cross-culture Study on Social Adaptive Capacity of Chinese and Japanese Children;中日学龄前儿童社会适应能力的跨文化研究

7.What adapts to the socialist market economy is the socialist ethical form of contract.与社会主义市场经济相适应的是社会主义的契约伦理文化。

8.Putting Religion in Accordance with Socialism Is an important Project to Build a Harmonious Society;引导宗教与社会主义相适应是构建和谐社会的重要文化工程

9.Building a Network Culture Adapting to the Socialist Culture with the Distinctive Chinese Features;建设与中国特色社会主义文化相适应的网络文化

10.The author thinks that the cultural adaption has double identity, which not only has to adapt its ecological environment, but also its social background.文化的适应存在双重性,它既要适应所处生态环境,还要适应所处的社会背景。

11.China s Minority Education Should Focus on Multicultural Society s Ability to Adapt to Training;中国民族教育应注重多元文化社会适应能力的培养

12.In the multicultural society, the curriculum of preschool education should embody the multicultural concepts to adapt to the social need.多元文化社会里,学前教育课程内容必须体现多元文化观念以适应社会需要。

13.A Study on the Relationship among Chinese Overseas Students Acculturation, Social Support and Life Satisfaction in Britain;中国留英高校生跨文化适应、社会支持与生活满意度的相关研究

14.Research on Cultural Qualities and Social Adaptability of Chinese Competitive Gymnasts;我国竞技体操运动员文化素质与社会适应性的研究

15.Cross-cultural Psychosocial Adjustment of International Students in China and its Implications for Chinese Higher Institutions;来华留学生跨文化社会心理适应问题研究与对策

16.Cultivation of Crossing Culture Communication Ability and Enhancement of the Students Ability to Adapt to the Social Development;跨文化交流能力培养与大学生社会发展适应能力的提高

17.About the Issue of Islam s Acclimatizing Itself to China s Society: From the Angle of Cultural Identification of Hui;从回族的文化认同看伊斯兰教与中国社会相适应问题

18.Foreigners in Cities of China: Study on Living Status, Cultural Adaptation and Transcultural Interaction在中国城市生活的外籍旅居者:生活状况、文化适应及社会互动研究



1.The way of terminal rerificafion can not only be applied to the study of cultural bio-adaptability,but also to the study of culturalsocio-adaptability.本文提出“终端验证”的生态人类学研究方法,“终端验证法”的适用范围不仅在于文化的生物性适应方面,更在于文化的社会性适应方面。

3)Social adaptability社会适应

1.Factors impacting on social adaptability of undergraduates in city of Xi an;西安地区部分大学生社会适应的影响因素

2.Probe on ways to develop the social adaptability of female college students;女大学生社会适应能力培养途径初探

3.Influences of cooperative physical education on social adaptability of students;论合作体育教学对学生社会适应能力的影响

4)Social adjustment社会适应

1.Present status of the study on the ability of social adjustment of Chinese children and callan;中国儿童青少年社会适应能力研究现状

2.Parent-Adolescent Communication and AdolescentsSocial Adjustment;亲子沟通类型与青少年社会适应的关系

3.In recent years,an increasing number of attentions have been paid to social adjustment of adults with learning disabilities in the western academic world.近几年,学术界对成人学习不良社会适应性的研究不断增多。

5)adapt to the world适应社会

6)Social adaptation社会适应

1.Research into social adaptation of peasant-worker under the background of harmonious society;和谐社会背景下农民工的社会适应问题研究

2.Objective: To investigate and compare the level of social adaptation among rural-to-urban migrants with different careers.目的考察并比较不同职业流动人口的社会适应状况。


