900字范文 > 心理失衡 psychological imbalance英语短句 例句大全

心理失衡 psychological imbalance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-22 11:05:17


心理失衡 psychological imbalance英语短句 例句大全

心理失衡,psychological imbalance

1)psychological imbalance心理失衡

1.She suffered from both contradictory subject positions,andpsychological imbalance.剧中的她生活在父权意识形态下,她试图自觉地履行传统女性角色的规范和标准,承受着男性话语霸权下的角色冲突和心理失衡。

2.Based on the criterion of social environment,psychological imbalance, composed of two perspectives, i.心理失衡是导致犯罪产生的内因。

3.The present paper enumerates and analyses various manifestations of college studentspsychological imbalance,such as self- abasement,suspicion,unsociability,jealousy,depression,fidgetiness and trifling.大学生心理失衡可表现为对弱项极敏感的自卑,疑他疑己的多疑,不合群的孤僻,容忍平庸不容忍非凡的嫉妒,提不起精神的抑郁,什么都不顺眼的烦躁,一切无所谓的儿戏,乃至因情生病。


1.Track of Corrupt Officials:Leading Officials-Unbalance of Psychology-Corruption;贪官的路径:领导干部→心理失衡→腐败

2.Relieving is the First with Psychological Disequilibrium;心理失衡 疏导为先——大学生心理健康工作初探

3.Mental Imbalance of Undergraduates must not be neglected and Need be Integrally Tended;大学生心理失衡不容忽视 整体护理亟需加强

4.On Reasons for the Loss of Balance of College Students" Psychology in Remote Areas and Countermeasures边疆地区高校学生心理失衡的诱因及对策

5.University Students Mental Disequilibrium and Its Adjustment in the Presence of the Emergent Hazard in HEIs;高校危机中大学生心理失衡现象的考量及其调适

6.To become confused or psychologically unbalanced.使困惑或心理上失去平衡。

7.Unbalance of Young Teachers Psychological Behavior and the Stimulation of Their Enthusiasm;浅谈青年教师的心理行为失衡与积极性的激励

8.Education Unbalance:Exploration into the Causes of the Psychological Problems of College Students from the Single-parent Families教育失衡:单亲家庭大学生心理问题的成因

9.Research on the Imbalance and Reconstruction Model of Librarian"s Psychological Contract图书馆员工心理契约的失衡及重构模型研究

10.They may cause psychological and physiological imbalance, and decline of memory and immunity.这些现象很可能使人的心理、理失衡,记忆力、体免疫力下降。

11.Imbalance and restructure: Civil servants’ psychological contracts and managerial strategies in a changing and reforming era;失衡与重构:变革环境下公务员的心理契约及管理方略

12.Grateful and off balance, I stand before this aliveness.在这种生命的跳动面前,我失去了心理平衡,同时又满怀感激。

13.Loss of Equilibrium-The Major Concern of Jungian and Laingian Psychology Embodied in the Grass is Singing;失衡—《野草在歌唱》中所体现的荣格和莱恩心理学的主要关注

14.The Imbalance and Reconstructing about Teachers Psychological Contract: Based on the Reform of Faculty Employment System in University;教师心理契约的失衡与重构——基于高校教师职务聘任制改革的视角

15.I was still balancing the matter in my mind.我心里正在权衡利害得失。

16.The Meaning of Balanced Development of Basic Education and Reasons and Treatment of Unbalance基础教育均衡发展的内涵、失衡原因及治理

17.While the psychological unbalance may fluctuate the individual"s original philosophy and regular act tendency which make conditions for the naissance of aberrance.而心理的失衡极大地动摇了个体原有的人生观和行为定势 ,为越轨行为的产生创造了条件。



psychological unbalance心理失衡

1.Because of the great pressure of competition from work,young teachers are inclined to showpsychological unbalance.青年教师由于工作竞争压力巨大,亟易出现心理失衡等问题。

3)mental imbalance心理失衡

1.The article analyses the reason undergraduates developmental imbalance from five aspects and brings forward some idio- graphic countermeasures.高校大学生由于心理失衡而引起心理障碍是较普遍存在的问题。

4)mental disequilibrium心理失衡

1.At presen,the situation of university studentsmental disequilibrium in the presence of the emergent hazard in HEIs remains severe.目前,我国高校危机中大学生的心理失衡状况已非常严峻,如何消解和调适高校危机事件所带来的心理创伤,成为新时期的新情况。

2.From the perspective of sociopsychology,the main causes of the young migrant workers transgression are:(1)themental disequilibrium caused by social exclusion,a sense of the setback,etc;and (2)a lack of necessary social support and security.青年农民工越轨问题影响到城市的稳定,青年农民工越轨问题的社会心理原因主要是因为社会排斥、挫折感和相对剥夺感引起的心理失衡,而处于心理失衡中的青年农民工又缺乏必要的社会支持机制,因而引起青年农民工的社会越轨问题。

5)mental unbalance失衡心理

1.As the main body of the library cause, the librarian should shape one s own healthy personality consciously, enhance one s own diathesis, preventmental unbalance from spreading, contact self-worth with library cause tightly, one should accommodate to the changeful and modern s.作为图书馆事业的主体,图书馆员应该有意识地塑造自己的健康人格,提高自身文化素质,防止失衡心理的滋生蔓延,将个人的自我价值与图书馆事业紧密联系起来,这样才能适应瞬息万变的现代社会。

6)loss of psychological balance社会心理失衡

1.Economic changes have brought about muchloss of psychological balance.随着经济社会发生的深刻变化,社会心理也呈现出许多阶段性的特征,出现了一些值得关注的社会心理失衡问题。


