900字范文 > 当代音乐史 History of Contemporary Music英语短句 例句大全

当代音乐史 History of Contemporary Music英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-09 19:25:47


当代音乐史 History of Contemporary Music英语短句 例句大全

当代音乐史,History of Contemporary Music

1)History of Contemporary Music当代音乐史

2)Musicology in Contemporary China中国当代音乐学

ment OnMusicology in Contemporary China;学科发展史的浓墨重彩——《中国当代音乐学》评述


ment On Musicology in Contemporary China;学科发展史的浓墨重彩——《中国当代音乐学》评述

2.Summarize the Top Forum of Reform and Opening with Contemporary Musicology in China“改革开放与中国当代音乐学”高层论坛综述

3.The Contemporary Ethnomusicologist With Its State and Tendency in China;当代民族音乐学与中国的状态及趋势

4.Musical psychology development in contemporary musicology;当代音乐学中音乐心理学的发展动态

5.The Basic Literature of Chinese Contemporary Music Aesthetics:Historical Review On Musical Figurativeness中国当代音乐美学的基础文献——《论音乐的形象性》的历史读解

6.The Modernization and Diversification of the Contemporary Music Creation in China;中国当代音乐创作的现代化与多元化

7.Study on the Role of Music-archeology in the Research of Chinese Musical History音乐考古学在中国音乐史研究中的当下意义

8.The Current Strategy of School Music Education Development in China;论当代我国学校音乐教育的发展策略

9.Modern Acoustic Music on the Impact of Contemporary Music;现代音乐声学对当代音乐制作的影响

10.Reforms Are Needed for the Teaching System of Music Theory and Technique in Chinese Music Conservatories;中国音乐院校音乐技术理论教学体系应当改革

11.Review of Theoretical Research on Chinese Modern Music History;当前中国近现代音乐史理论研究综述

12.A Chronology of Bells and Stone Chimes;中国青铜乐钟的音乐学断代——钟磬的音乐考古学断代之二

13.Music-Is It all for Popularity?;当代流行音乐中音乐因素边缘化初探

pare traditional Chinese music and modern Chinese music.比较中国传统音乐和中国现代音乐。

15.Wang Guangqi--The Pioneer of Musicology in Modern China;中国近现代音乐学的开拓者——王光祈

16.On Historiography Studies of Chinese Ancient Music in Half a Century;半世纪以来的中国古代音乐史学研究

17.Regional Features of Yunnan Ethnic Musics and the Yue Cultural Pattern of Ancient China in Its Modern Form;云南民族音乐的地域特征──兼述中国古代“乐”文化形态的当代显现

18.The Latest Theory about Chinese Contemporary Musical Cultural Constructs and Studies;中国当代音乐文化建设与研究成就新论


Musicology in Contemporary China中国当代音乐学

ment OnMusicology in Contemporary China;学科发展史的浓墨重彩——《中国当代音乐学》评述

3)modern and contemporary musical literature现当代音乐文学

pared to the depth and width in classical musical literature teaching and research,the teaching and research ofmodern and contemporary musical literature is weak.相对于古代音乐文学教学研究的深度与广度,人们对现当代音乐文学的教学研究相当薄弱。

4)Contemporary Music Education当代音乐教育

1.A Bird s Eye View on RussianContemporary Music Education;俄罗斯当代音乐教育管窥

5)contemporary guqin music当代古琴音乐

1.This article expounds the development of thecontemporary guqin music in three aspects; the guqin s play according to the text notation, the creation and the study of guqin documents.本文从古琴打谱、创作与文献研究三个方面论述了当代古琴音乐的发展。

6)Chinese Contemporary Music中国当代音乐


