900字范文 > 眼表生物膜的固定装置 bio-membrane fixing device英语短句 例句大全

眼表生物膜的固定装置 bio-membrane fixing device英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-08 15:32:28


眼表生物膜的固定装置 bio-membrane fixing device英语短句 例句大全

眼表生物膜的固定装置,bio-membrane fixing device

1)bio-membrane fixing device眼表生物膜的固定装置

1.Preliminary application of thebio-membrane fixing device in conjunctival fornices reconstruction眼表生物膜的固定装置在穹隆重建手术中的初步应用


1.Preliminary application of the bio-membrane fixing device in conjunctival fornices reconstruction眼表生物膜的固定装置在穹隆重建手术中的初步应用

2.Design the Device XU.R of the Internal-Fixation in the Acetabulum Fracture;髋臼骨折XU.R内固定装置的研制和生物力学评价

3.Research on Biotransformation Equipment Based on Immobilized Cells of Producing Esterase;基于固定化细胞的微生物酯酶生物转化装置的研究

4.Biomechanics of truss type structural internal fixation apparatus in the treatment of the intertrochanteric femoral fracture桁架结构内固定装置治疗股骨转子间骨折的生物力学探讨

5.Something, such as a light fixture, that is located above head height.顶部装置安装在头顶的固定装置,如电灯装置

6.a plumbing fixture that provides a flow of water.提供水的铅管固定装置。

7.Places or causes to be placed on a fixed platform, by anymeans whatsoever, a device or substance which is likely to destroy thatfixed platform or likely to endanger its safety;以任何手段将可能毁坏固定平台或危及其安全的装置或物质放置或使之放置于固定平台上;

8.Operation of Submerged Membrane Bioreactor for Middle-water Reclamation Project膜生物反应器在中水回用装置的调试运行

9.fixation apparatus, foot or leg, for animals腿或足固定装置,用于动物

10.A person can change the strength of the lenses by turning a small device attached to the glasses.戴眼镜的人可以通过旋转固定在眼镜上的小装置来改变镜片的厚度。

11.Determining the ex vivo biomechanical properties of porcine cornea with inflation test膨胀试验测定猪眼角膜生物力学参数的研究

12.seat with integral seat belt anchorages设有原装安全带固定装置的座位

13.Install the serrated retainers at the ends of the cover.在盖的末端安装蛇型固定装置。

14.integral seat belt anchorage原装安全带固定装置

15.fixed-type metal-clad switchgear固定型铠装开关装置

16.Covalent Immobilization of Nile Blue on Self-assembled Thiol-monolayer Modified Gold Electrodes and Its Electrocatalytic Characteristics;耐尔蓝共价键合固定于自组装膜电极表面的电化学特性

17.Study on the Property of Fixed Biofilm SND System in Coke Plant Wastewater Treatment;固定生物膜SND工艺处理焦化废水的特性研究

18.Study on Treatment of Coking Wastewater by Immobilized-Membrane Bioreactor;固定化—膜生物反应器处理焦化废水的研究



3)fixed biofilm固定床生物膜

1.Coke-plant wastewater was treated satisfactorily by an anoxic/oxicfixed biofilm system.采用内填弹性立体填料的缺氧━好氧固定床生物膜系统处理焦化废水,试验效果良好。

4)biological fixed-film filter固定生物膜滤池

5)stationary undercarriage固定的行走装置

6)device for fastening sth固着某物的装置


固定生物膜法(fixed biofilm process)分子式:CAS号:性质:又称固定生物膜法(fixed biofilm process)。指使废水中有机物或其他组分转化为气体和细胞组织的微生物,附着于某些惰性介质(例如砾石、炉渣、矿渣)和专门设计的陶瓷或塑料填料上生长的生物处理工艺。可分为附着生长好氧生物处理工艺(常用的有滴滤池、粗滤池、生物转盘和固定床硝化反应器)和附着生长厌氧生物处理工艺(常用的有厌氧滤池)。
