900字范文 > 20世纪中国修辞学 Chinese Rhetoric in Twentieth Century英语短句 例句大全

20世纪中国修辞学 Chinese Rhetoric in Twentieth Century英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-08 10:14:01


20世纪中国修辞学 Chinese Rhetoric in Twentieth Century英语短句 例句大全

20世纪中国修辞学,Chinese Rhetoric in Twentieth Century

1)Chinese Rhetoric in Twentieth Century20世纪中国修辞学

1.Breakthrough and Innovation of the Study of Rhetoric History——Chinese Rhetoric in Twentieth Century修辞学史研究的突破与创新——《20世纪中国修辞学》


1.Breakthrough and Innovation of the Study of Rhetoric History--Chinese Rhetoric in Twentieth Century修辞学史研究的突破与创新——《20世纪中国修辞学》

2.The new initiative of chinese rhetoric history--A brief review of the The 20th century of Chinese Rhetoric which Zong ting hu is the editor-in-chief中国修辞学史研究的新贡献——《20世纪中国修辞学》简评

3.Works of Rhetorical Historty with Distinctive Characterics--Comment on The Chinese Rhetorics of the 20th Century一部特色鲜明的修辞学史著作——评《20世纪中国修辞学》

4.A Practical Masterpiece of Rhetoric--Reviewing Remarks after Reading China"s Rhetoric in the 20th Century一部实事求是的修辞学史力作——《20世纪中国修辞学》读后

5.On Language Representation in Language World: Comments on Zong Tinghu"s Book Chinese Rhetorical Theories of the 20~(th) Century语言世界的语言再现——宗廷虎《20世纪中国修辞学》要论

6.The rhetoric in China: review of the 20th century and prospect for the 21st century;中国修辞学:20世纪回顾与21世纪展望

7.Fantasy of Love:Ideological Interposition in Literary Rhetoric--Rhetorical Tactics and A typological History of the 20th Century Chinese Literature;想象爱情:文学修辞的意识形态介入——修辞策略和20世纪中国文学类型史之一

8.A Survey of the Studies of English-Chinese Contrastive Rhetoric in the 20th Century in China20世纪国内英汉对比修辞研究综述

9.The Reappearance of Literary Rhetorical Criticism in 1980 s;论20世纪80年代文学修辞批评的复萌

10.The Principle of Appropriateness and the Remarkable Turning of Chinese Rhitoric;得体性原则与中国修辞学跨世纪的转向

11.LU Xun and 1920s rustic literature;鲁迅与20世纪代中国乡土文学

12.Analysis of Figures of Speech in "21~(st) College English Reading and Writing Course"《21世纪大学英语读写教程》中常见修辞格赏析

13.On Rhetorical Methods in 21st Century Practical College English Textbooks浅析《21世纪大学实用英语》教材中的修辞手法

14.The Monument of Rhetoric in China in the 20th Century--the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the publication of the General Discourse of Rhetoric;当代中国修辞学的一部力作——纪念王希杰《修辞学通论》出版10周年

15.Essentialism in Chinese Aesthetics in Mid-and late-20th Century;20世纪中后期中国美学中的本质论

16.Analysis of Fine Arts Education in China s Schools from the End of 19~(th) Century to the Early 20~(th) Century;试析19世纪末20世纪初中国学校美术教育

17.On the Progressive Publications by Chinese Students Studying abroad in Japan in the End of the 19~(th) Century and the Beginning of the 20~(th) Century;19世纪末20世纪初中国留日学生进步刊物浅谈

18.The Beginning of Modern Chinese Literature at the Turn of the 19~(th) and 20~(th)Centuries;在19世纪20世纪之交,建立中国现代文学的界碑


mathematics in 20th century"s China20世纪中国数学

3)Chinese literature in the 20th century20世纪中国文学

1.Dionysian spirit has evident influence on theChinese literature in the 20th century,especially on the revolution narration.酒神精神对20世纪中国文学颇有影响,尤其与革命文学叙事纠缠甚深。

2.Literature s departure from "human being" even influenced the achievement ofChinese literature in the 20th century.五四运动孕育和催生的20世纪中国文学是在对"人"的发现和追寻中开始的。

4)Chinese literature of the 20th century20世纪中国文学

1.Moral reason andChinese literature of the 20th century;道德理性与20世纪中国文学

2.This paper probes into the developing trace of the realistic spirit inChinese literature of the 20th century.分析了20世纪中国文学现实主义精神的发展轨迹,概括了从五四时期到新时期各个阶段的特点,探讨了底层文学如何继承并发扬了现实主义精神,从而获得其在文学史上的价值。

5)20th Chinese literature20世纪中国文学

1.Wen Yiduo always touches the chord of the development of the20th Chinese literature characterized by "modernity of cultural aesthetics" .闻一多诗学探索路途中的种种变调表象说明,站在中西文化地平线上的闻一多其实一直在践履着这样一个自然原道:“风震于上而波动于下者也”——遵命20世纪中国文学发展的“文化审美现代性”脉动。

6)Chinese philosophy in 20th century20世纪中国哲学

1.This paper focuses on methodology of the researches and thinking of form, question and thought ofChinese philosophy in 20th century.本文着重从方法论上对20世纪中国哲学的形态、问题与思潮进行了探讨与思考,指出20世纪中国哲学是中国哲学的现代形态的发生发展过程,这一过程包括了不同层次的哲学问题,环绕这些问题形成了不同层面的哲学思潮及其互动。


