900字范文 > 损失率 Loss rate英语短句 例句大全

损失率 Loss rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-15 11:45:10


损失率 Loss rate英语短句 例句大全

损失率,Loss rate

1)Loss rate损失率

1.Study on effective way to reduc ore loss rate and dilulion rate of underground rock gold mine;浅谈岩金地下矿山降低采矿损失率及矿石贫化率的有效途径

2.The results showed that the destruction of Vc in fresh milk was minimized by using UHT pasteurization, the loss rate being only 9.结果表明 :以超高温瞬时灭菌法 (UHT)对鲜乳中Vc的破坏最小 ,损失率仅为 9 0 %。

3.Therefore the dilution and loss rates of ore were effectively reduced and economic benefit was raised for the enterprise.文中对银洞坡金矿矿体赋存条件多变、地质构造复杂的特点,于矿岩接触带采取预裂爆破、控制爆破后冲和不同孔深的综合控制爆破技术,较好地实现了矿岩分穿、分爆和分运,有效地降低了矿石的损失率与贫化率,提高了企业的技术经济效益。


1.relativistic rate of energy loss相对论性能量损失率

2.excess of loss ratio reinsurance treaty超额损失率分保合同

3.Analysis of Dilation and Loss Ratio in Fankou Pb-Zn Mine凡口铅锌矿采场贫化率与损失率分析

4.Assessment on Mine Air Quality Using Pollution Loss Rate污染损失率法评价矿山井下空气质量

5.Loan Pricing Based on Probability of Default and Loss Given Default基于违约概率和违约损失率的贷款定价研究

6.Effective measures to control ore dilution ratio and mining loss rate in mine stope降低采场矿石贫化率和采矿损失率的有效措施

7.Calculation of probability of default(PD) and loss given default(LGD) of internal ratings-based(IRB) approach;内部评级法中违约概率与违约损失率的测度

8.Study on the relationship between weight loss and strength reduction in treatment with cellulase;酶整理时减量率与强力损失率之间的关系探讨


10.The Ruin Probability of Life Insurances under Constant Interest Force and Double Losses Condition;常利率双损失环境下的寿险破产概率

11.Analysis on Technical Efficiency and Efficiency Loss of China"s Beverage Industry我国饮料业技术效率和效率损失分析

12.Power and efficiency characteristics of engine with mechanical losses考虑机械损失时发动机功率效率特性

13.Relation between line loss rate and voltage loss of power lines线路的线损率与工程设计中电压损失的关系

14.and they can avoid losses from changes in the exchange rate,以此避免因汇率变动带来的损失,

15.That prevents the dollar getting any worse for you than it is now,那可防止因汇率下降所带来的损失,

16.Efficiencies include all mechanical losses including mechanical seals.效率包括所有机械密封中的机械损失。

17.six major losses affecting running efficiency影响设备效率的六大损失

18.-- Efforts will also be made to raise the utilization rate of resources and reduce the loss of grain.——努力提高资源利用率,减少粮食损失。


loss ratio损失率

1.The function of pollutionloss ratio and the decay equation of organic pollutants were combined into a mathematic model.运用污染损失率函数和有机污染物衰减方程建立数学模型,把污染损失与污染物浓度、污染物降解时间联系在一起,突出了污染损失随着有机物衰减而发生的变化,并用福州市的工业废水有机污染物排放情况验证模型。

2.The lowering of mining dilution ratio andloss ratio is one of major difficulties in front of mining researchers.采矿贫化率与损失率的降低是采矿工作者重点研究和攻克的难点之一。

3.671 hm2/h, total harvestingloss ratio of 1.671hm2/h,作业效率较高;机械收获综合损失率为1。


1.Largeloss of converter gas has been an urgent problem to be solved which puzzles the converter gas system of Baoshan Iron & Steel Company.转炉煤气损失率高的问题一直是困扰宝钢转炉煤气系统的迫切需要解决的问题。

4)losing rate损失率

1.At last,it analyses dispute relation of the three taches and get a conclusion -unless the three are scientificly and rationally applied to the battle,thelosing rate of military equipment will be furthest reduced.文章介绍了战时军事装备维修的几个关键环节:战伤分析、战场抢修和提高恢复性的设计,并且详细阐述了战场抢修和提高恢复性能设计常用的有效的方法,文章讨论了三者之间的辩证关系,并得出只有科学合理的将三者应用到实战中,才能把战时装备的损失率降到最低的结论。

5)power loss功率损失

1.Establishihg calculation model onpower losses of cylindrical roller bearings for special purpose;专用圆柱滚子轴承功率损失计算模型的建立

2.Mathematical model ofpower loss in reducing gear box on shipunder arbitrary steady operating condition;舰船并车减速齿轮箱任意稳态工况下功率损失的数学模型

3.Analysis onpower loss of plasma arc in keyhole plasma arc welding小孔等离子弧焊的等离子弧功率损失分析

6)the loss rate of VcVc损失率


