900字范文 > 眼窝重建 socket reconstruction英语短句 例句大全

眼窝重建 socket reconstruction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-26 06:46:07


眼窝重建 socket reconstruction英语短句 例句大全

眼窝重建,socket reconstruction

1)socket reconstruction眼窝重建

1.Multi-operative method forsocket reconstruction after evisceration with hydroxyapatite orbital implants多术式羟基磷灰石义眼台Ⅰ期植入眼窝重建


1.Multi-operative method for socket reconstruction after evisceration with hydroxyapatite orbital implants多术式羟基磷灰石义眼台Ⅰ期植入眼窝重建

2.Your eyes are set in sockets.你的眼睛是嵌在眼窝里。

3.Immediate axillary fossa reconstruction with the latissimus dorsi muscul flap following Axillary Lymph Node Dissection in 67 cases of breast cancer乳腺癌术后即刻背阔肌肌瓣转移重建腋窝67例

4.Skull base reconstruction after resection of tumors communicating the intra- and extra-anterior cranial fossa颅前窝内外沟通性肿瘤切除术后的颅底重建

5.Microsurgical operation for meningioma in anterior skull fossa and skull base reconstruction前颅窝底脑膜瘤的手术治疗与颅底重建术

6.Treatment on congenital microphthalmia and eye socket deformity先天性小眼球及隐眼的眼窝畸形矫治

7.Ten million attention, cannot squash with the hand, in case local generation eye phlegmon, cause whole eye red dangerous.千万注重,不能用手挤压,以防局部产生眼蜂窝织炎,引起整个眼睛红肿就危险了。

8.The globe-shaped portion of the eye surrounded by the socket and covered externally by the eyelids.眼球眼睛的球形部分,被眼窝围绕且被眼睑覆盖

9.Ocular surface reconstruction for severe symblepharon resulting from eye burns眼烧伤后重度睑球粘连眼表重建的临床研究

10.Effect of Posterior Fossa Reconstruction on Chiari Malformation;后颅窝扩大重建术治疗Chiari畸形的疗效及并发症分析

11.Clinical Observation and Nursing of Orbital Reconstruction for Complicated Orbital Fractures复合性眼眶骨折行眼眶重建术的观察与护理

12.Gel and porous polyethylene implants for anophthalmic cavity reconstruction-evaluation using the B scan ultrasoundB超评估凝胶和多孔聚乙烯义眼台重建无眼眼眶(英文)

13.They built themselves a comfortable nest.他们自己建立安乐窝。

14.A small cup with a rim contoured to fit the socket of the eye, used for applying a liquid medicine or wash to the eye.洗眼杯一个带边的小杯,轮廓与眼窝相符,用来装洗眼的药液或洗眼

15.A pad or shield of cloth worn over an eye socket or an injured eye.护眼片,眼罩带在眼窝或受伤的眼上的垫子或布片

16.The most common site of subperiosteal hemorrhage is the orbital roof.它的位置几乎上都是在眼窝顶处。

17.Domestic bioactive artificial eye stat of hydroxyapatite and ocular socket plastic surgery国产羟基磷灰石生物活性义眼座与眼窝成形术

18.Implantation of hydroxyapatite pedestal in correction of eye socket deformity羟基磷灰石义眼座植入术矫治眼窝畸形


navicular fossa repaired重建舟状窝

3)Ocular surface reconstruction眼表重建

1.Tissue adhesive combined with amniotic membrane adhering for ocular surface reconstruction;组织粘合剂粘合羊膜手术在眼表重建术中的应用

2.Application of tissue engineering materials in the ocular surface reconstruction;组织工程材料在眼表重建中的应用

3.Clinical study of preserved human amniotic membrane transplantation on ocular surface reconstruction;保存羊膜移植在眼表重建方面的临床应用

4)eyelid reconstruction眼睑重建

1.Therapeutic effect ofeyelid reconstruction after resection of eyelid tumor;眼睑肿瘤切除眼睑重建术远期疗效观察

2.OBJECTIVE To investigate the long-term clinical effect of totaleyelid reconstruction for tarsal plate defect with allo-sclera transplantation.方法对109例因肿瘤切除术或外伤造成的眼睑全层大缺损患者行异体巩膜移植替代睑板的眼睑重建术,并随访观察半年至25年。

5)orbital reconstruction眼眶重建

1.The application on operation oforbital reconstruction and reposition of enophthalmos using Medpor;Medpor在眼眶重建和眼球内陷复位手术中的应用



