900字范文 > 近净成形 near-net-shape forming英语短句 例句大全

近净成形 near-net-shape forming英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-06 20:41:12


近净成形 near-net-shape forming英语短句 例句大全

近净成形,near-net-shape forming

1)near-net-shape forming近净成形

1.Study onnear-net-shape forming process of thin-wall shell body made for 2A12 aluminium alloy2A12铝合金薄壁壳体的近净成形加工技术研究

2.This paperoverviews the applications of plasma spray techniques in the areas of plasma spray coating, plasma spraynear-net-shape forming, plasma spray synthesizing high-value-added materials and plasma producingultra-fine particles, pl.本文综述了等离子喷涂技术在等离子喷涂涂层、近净成形、合成高附加值材料、制备超细微粉、植入和辅助沉积薄膜等方面特别是在等离子喷涂FGMs和辅助沉积金刚石薄膜中的应

3.The cold rotary forging process is one of the most economicalnear-net-shape forming technology to manufacture the joint with teeth in automobile.对于上、下两端具有矩形凸台的薄壁法兰型联结环,采用冷摆辗成形加工方法对其矩形凸台部分进行近净成形加工是高效而经济的。


1.Study on near-net-shape forming process of thin-wall shell body made for 2A12 aluminium alloy2A12铝合金薄壁壳体的近净成形加工技术研究

2.Near-net Shaping Technology of Precision Forging for Spiral Bevel Gear螺旋锥齿轮精密模锻近净成形技术及制造工艺

3.Near-net-shape Preparation and Properties of SiC_p/A356 Composites BaseplateSiC_p/A356复合材料基片的近净成形工艺及性能

4.Research on the Key Technology of Near-net Shaped Forming for Gears Used in Car轿车齿轮闭式冷精锻近/净成形关键技术研究

5.Numerical simulation and its application research on near-precision thermo-rheological forming of the titanium alloy vane disk钛合金叶片盘近净热流变成形的数值模拟及其应用

6.colorless glass made of almost pure silica.无色玻璃,用近乎纯净的硅石制成。

7.To cause formation of a net electric charge on or in(a conductor, for example).使带电荷促使(如导体内)净电荷形成

8.Shaping machine. Dimensions and operating clearance area can be specified.成形机。可以指定尺寸和操作净空面积。

9.The aim of using pure feed - water is to prevent the formation of deposits.用净化给水是为了防止形成沉淀物。

10.deformities caused by inbreeding近亲繁殖造成的畸形.

11.Careful evacuation and purge operations should be used to prevent the formation of flammable or explosive mixtures.仔细排气和净化,以防止形成可燃或可爆混合物。

12.Analysis on the Reason of Forming Unidentified Particles in the Process of Salt Making Using Purified Brine净化卤制盐过程中形成不明颗粒物的原因浅析

13.Effect of ozone depuration on survival rate and main nutritional components of Crassostrea Rivularis臭氧净化对近江牡蛎的存活率和主要营养成分的影响

14.Scleral Remodle of Chicken during the Development of Form Deprivation Myopia;形觉剥夺性近视形成过程中巩膜的重新塑形

15.Cleft almost to the base, so as to have distinct divisions or lobes.裂缝接近底部,形成明显的开裂或裂片

16.Best results will be obtained on recently formed galls.如果瘿瘤是新近形成的,则效果最好。

17.Fluidized Granulation, the granule is around ball shape. Its flow ability is good.流态化造粒,成粒近似球形,流动性好。

18.The Study on the Forming and Development of Suburban Commercial Center in Shanghai;上海近郊商业中心的形成与演进研究


near-net forming近净成形

1.According to the material characteristics of the ultra-high-strength steel,thenear-net forming technique will be obtained by the proper arrangement of deformation stage,suitable distribution of deformation degree and rational choice of blank,design of the cold ironing die sets and the warm extruding die sets.针对超高强度钢强度高、每次允许的变形量小、形变强化严重等特点,通过变形程度的分配、变形工序的安排和变形方式的选择,对小孔径超高强度钢筒体零件进行了温挤压制坯、冷拉深成形的近净成形加工技术研究。

3)near-net shape近净成形

4)net shaping近净成形

1.Warm flow compaction(WFC) is a newnet shaping technology which can form complex parts precisely through modifying traditional pressure machine.流动温压成形是在传统冷压和温压的基础上,结合粉末注射成形工艺的优点,对传统压机稍加改造即可精密成形复杂形状零件的一种新型近净成形技术。

2.This paper gives an introduction of a new powder metallurgy (PM)net shaping technology with short procedure and low costs——warm flow compaction (WFC).介绍了一种新型的短流程低成本粉末冶金零件近净成形技术———流动温压成形技术。

5)near net shaping近净成形

1.Finally, the advantages and development of PM process in preparing andnear net shaping of γ TiAl base alloy.随后介绍了采用粉末冶金方法制备γ TiAl基合金的基本工艺、力学性能 ,最后结合γ TiAl基合金排气阀和板材的研制论述了粉末冶金在γ TiAl基合金制备及近净成形方面的优势和发展前

6)near-net shaping近净形成形


主要射出成形材料成形时应注意事项■主要射出成形材料成形时应注意事项品 名 注 意 事 项PVC聚氯乙烯 1. 产品种类范围非常广(硬质、软质、聚合物等),成型条件各有不同,从熔融至分解之温度范围很小,尤须注意加热温度。2. 附着水分少,但成型周期尽可能减少(50℃~60℃热风干燥)。3. 成型机方面,与材料直接接触的部位须电镀或采用不锈钢以防热分解所产生的盐酸侵蚀。射出压力2100kg/cm2程度。4. 所有塑料当中必须是细心注意温度调节。5. 浇口附近易产生流纹,故射出操作后,柱塞不要后退使浇口充分固化后再瞬间退后为宜。6. 加热之初温不宜高,特别注意熔融情形。第二级加热温度较高,且尽可能使成形周期缩短,比较安全。PA聚醯胺树脂 1. 成型温度比其它材料高,故采用油加热的成形机较适当。2. 吸湿性大,必须充分干燥。水分对成型品的品质影响甚大(80℃热风干燥约5~6小时)。3. 须退火以消除内部歪斜。PP聚丙烯 1. 同PE,但成形温度必须较高。熔融温度170℃,超过190℃则流动性大增,则毛边增加,易产生接缝及凹入情形。PC聚碳酸脂 1. 吸湿性比尼龙小,但若有些微之水分存在则成型品产生其它色泽或气泡,故必须密封干燥同时成形时也须预备干燥(120℃之温度4小时)。2. 加热温度超过320℃时则产生热分解,成品变色,故特别注意温度调节,又成型时的温度调节也非常重要,须特别注意其最低温度、最低时间。3. 须退火以消除内部歪斜(130℃~135℃,1小时程度为准)。
