900字范文 > 综合康复训练 comprehensive rehabilitation training英语短句 例句大全

综合康复训练 comprehensive rehabilitation training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-01 10:42:02


综合康复训练 comprehensive rehabilitation training英语短句 例句大全

综合康复训练,comprehensive rehabilitation training

1)comprehensive rehabilitation training综合康复训练

1.Influence ofcomprehensive rehabilitation training on the cognitive impairment of chronic schizophrenics;综合康复训练对慢性精神分裂症患者认知功能的影响

2.The effect ofcomprehensive rehabilitation training on the quality of life in stroke patients with hemiplegia;综合康复训练对脑卒中偏瘫病人生活质量的影响


1.Effect of Motomed Gracile on Function of Lower Limbs in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy智能运动训练系统结合综合康复训练对痉挛型脑瘫下肢功能的疗效观察

2.The investigation of the therapeutic effect on multimodality rehabilitation training in stroke unit of stroke patients卒中单元内早期综合康复训练对急性脑卒中患者的疗效观察

3.Clinical research of treating shoulder-hand syndrome by contralateral acupuncture on shoulder pain point combining with rehabilitation training缪刺肩痛穴结合康复训练治疗肩手综合征的临床研究

4.Observations on the Efficacy of Acupuncture plus Rehabilitation Training in Treating Postapoplectic Shoulder-hand Syndrome针刺配合康复训练对中风后肩手综合征疗效观察

prehensive training and rehabilitative nursing for patients with spinal cord injury combined by bladder dysfunction脊柱脊髓损伤伴膀胱功能障碍的综合训练及康复护理

6.Effects of Rehabilitation during or after Acupuncture on Edema and Pain of Shoulder-hand Syndrome after Stroke针刺同时康复训练对脑卒中后肩-手综合征疼痛和水肿的影响

7.Development of a Hemiplegia Rehabilitation Training Robotfor Upper-limb Multiple-Motion;偏瘫上肢复合运动康复训练机器人的研制

8.College Students Psychological Impact of Integrated Mental Health Training Empirical Research;综合心理训练对大学生心理健康水平的影响

9.Study of comprehensive psychological training on army men;综合性心理训练对军人心理健康影响的研究

10.Long-term effects of compositive cognitive training for community healthy elderly:one year follow-up社区健康老人综合认知训练1年随访观察

11.Effects of Warmed Needling Therapy Combined with Rehabilitation Training on the Impact of Shoulder Pain after Hemiplegia;温针结合康复训练对偏瘫后肩痛的影响

12.Effects of Opposing Needling Combined with Rehabilitation Training on the Impact of Shoulder Pain with Hemiplegia巨刺法结合康复训练对偏瘫后肩痛的影响

13.Effect of chorus training on rehabilitation of chronic schizophrenic patients:an eight-year follow-up大合唱训练8年对慢性精神分裂症康复的疗效

14.Effectiveness of acupuncture and rehabilitation training in the treatment of dysphagia caused by stroke联合针刺与康复训练对脑卒中吞咽障碍的疗效

15.Effect of Conductive Education Combined Rehabilitation Therapy on Stroke Patients引导式教育结合康复训练对脑卒中患者的影响

16.Study on the Curative Effects of Apoplectic Patients Adopted Rehabilitation Exercises Combined With Acupuncture Therapy针刺治疗结合康复训练对中风患者的疗效研究

17.Botulinum Toxin A Combining Home Rehabilitation for the Treatment of Spastic Cerebral PalsyA型肉毒毒素联合自家康复训练治疗痉挛型脑瘫

18.Clinical Study of Acupuncture Treatment by Stages and Rehabilitation for the Patients of Cerebral Infarction;分期针刺配合康复训练对脑梗死患者康复影响的临床研究



1.Therapeutical Effect on Rehabilitation Training Combined with Electrical Stimulation on Part of Phonetic Muscles on Exercise Spasmodic Dysarthria during Cerebrovascular Sequela by Treatment;康复训练结合部分发音肌电刺激治疗脑卒中后遗症期运动性痉挛型构音障碍的疗效观察

2.The study on investigate significance for maintaining surgical effectiveness long term by advising patients of Parkinson s Disease who underwent stereotactic surgery to makerehabilitation training continuously after discharged;院外持续康复训练对巩固帕金森病患者手术效果的两年随访

3.Child developmental dislocation of the hip(DDH) joint after sequentialrehabilitation training;儿童发育性髋关节脱位术后关节序贯性康复训练疗效观察

3)rehabilitative training康复训练

1.Effects ofrehabilitative training on function recovery and ultrastructure of nerve-cells of cortical infarct marginal zone in rats after cerebral infarction;康复训练对脑梗死大鼠功能恢复及皮质梗死边缘区神经细胞超微结构的影响

2.The effect ofrehabilitative training on brain functional reorganization in patients with cerebral infarction by fMRI:a longitudinal study康复训练对脑梗死患者脑功能重组影响的纵向fMRI研究

3.The improvement degree of motor disturbance afterrehabilitative training and daily life abilities were evaluated.目的评估偏瘫患者的家庭康复训练效果。

4)rehabilitation exercise康复训练

1.Clinical study on Program ofrehabilitation exercise in patients with multiple lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion;多发性腰椎间盘突出症康复训练程序化的临床研究

2.Generalrehabilitation exercise was intr.术后指导其综合康复训练并配合玻璃酸钠关节内注射。

3.Objective To study the effects of early stagerehabilitation exercise on recovery after total hip replacement (THR).目的研究早期康复训练对人工全髋关节置换术后患肢功能恢复的作用。

5)Recovery Training康复训练

1.Effects of Token Therapy on Chronic Psychotic Patients DuringRecovery Training;代币疗法在慢性精神病人康复训练中的作用探讨

2.Objective: To investigate the effects of recovery training on dysphagia by abnormal deglutition after laryngocarcinoma operation.目的:探讨康复训练对喉癌切除术后误咽引起吞咽功能障碍患者的作用。

3.[Objective]To explore the influence of early recovery training and nursing on improving organ functions of acute brain apoplexy patients.[目的]探讨急性脑卒中患者早期康复训练法及护理对提高机体功能的影响。

6)rehabilitation training康复训练

1.The effect of hyperbaric oxygenation in combination withrehabilitation training in patients with shoulder-hand syndrome after stroke;高压氧配合康复训练对脑卒中肩手综合征的疗效观察

2.Effects ofrehabilitation training on recovery of shoulder joint function after arthroscopic assisted sport rotator cuff injury repair;康复训练对运动性肩袖损伤微创术后患者肩关节功能恢复的影响

3.Study on the effect of urination assessment andrehabilitation training in patients with radical prostatectomy;对前列腺癌根治术患者控尿功能评估及康复训练


