900字范文 > 共域 public sphere英语短句 例句大全

共域 public sphere英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-06 06:10:43


共域 public sphere英语短句 例句大全

共域,public sphere

1)public sphere共域

1.“Private sphere” and “public sphere” of officials and the people in social management during the Ming-Qing Period;明清时期社会管理中官民的“自域”与“共域”


1.“Private sphere” and “public sphere” of officials and the people in social management during the Ming-Qing Period;明清时期社会管理中官民的“自域”与“共域”

2.Regional Economic Communities区域经济共同体(区域经共体)

3.Social Public Informatization社会公共领域信息化

4.The Public Sphere and the Chinese Newspapering during 1895-1910;公共领域与1895-19报业

5.The Solution of the Users in LAN Share the Information of Internet;局域网共享Internet方案探讨

6.Synthetically Exploiting the Drainage Area to Push the County Development Together with the Ecology;流域综合开发,推动县域经济共同发展

7.Private Sphere and Public Sphere:a Horizon of the Process of Being Self and Being Thing个体之域与公共领域——以成己与成物过程为视域

8.Effort on Western Media Reviving Pubic Sphere and Construction of China s Media in Public Sphere;西方传媒复活公共领域的努力与我国传媒公共领域的构建

9.Principle of Democracy of Public Sphere──On Theory of Public Sphere of Habermas;公共领域的民主原则——哈贝马斯公共领域理论初探

10.Modern Public Sphere and Its Characteristics--Reviewing Charles Taylor s Concept of Public Sphere;现代公共领域及其特性——查尔斯·泰勒的公共领域概念评析

11.Public Sphere of the Network Media:From the Perspective of Habermas "Public Sphere";网络媒介的公共领域——由哈贝马斯的“公共领域”谈起

12.The Translator s Shared Horizon and the Restraints of Interpreting in Translating--With a Comment on the Relations Between the Translator s Shared Horizon and Norms;公共视域与翻译解释的有限性——兼论公共视域与规范的异同

13.In fact, the most needed field of justness is the field of public administration.其实,最需要公正的领域是公共行政的领域。

14.Public Territory and Private Territory: The Logic of Public Goods Supply in Contemporary Rural China;公域和私域:当代中国乡村公共物品供给的逻辑

15.A Preliminary Discussion on the Regional Co-tradition of Jinsha River Valley in the Bronze Age;试论金沙江流域青铜文化的地域共同传统

16.The right to fish in waters owned by another.渔场共用权与他人共同拥有在水域捕鱼的权利

17.XML-Based Key Technique Study on the Regional Public Medical Treatment Information;区域公共医疗信息基于XML共享的关键技术研究

18.Research of the Efficient Supply of Public Goods on the View of Regional Public Administration;区域公共管理视阈下公共产品的有效供给研究


locally resonant局域共振

1.Steel cylinders coated by soft rubber are arrayed periodically in epoxy, which forms thelocally resonant phononic crystal.局域共振型声子晶体由包覆软橡胶后的钢柱周期排列在树脂中形成。

2.The formation of the bandgap oflocally resonant sonic crystal has great theoretical value.局域共振型声子晶体的禁带形成机理有着重大的理论价值,其晶格尺寸相对于禁带频率的波长要小1-2个数量级,使得这种类型声子晶体相对于布拉格散射型声子晶体在低频隔声和减振方面有着很大的优势。

3)coexistence region共存区域

1.The influence of many-body interaction on cluster phase transition was extensively studied,and particular attention was paid to thecoexistence region.Baskes的Lennard-Jones Embedded-Atom(LJ-EMA)势作为原子之间的互作用,结合常能分子动力学模拟,计算了13-原子团簇的热曲线、方均根键长起伏、比热、动能的短时平均、位移平方的平均、其它12个原子相对于中心原子的角分布函数,着重地计算了相变区域的情形,对团簇融化-凝固相变特性进行了较为详细的研究,得出多体作用力的大小增加、范围减小导致融化温度(动能)的降低和共存区域范围变小的结论;证实了在一定的总能范围内类固(solidlike)和类液(liquidlike)两类特性团簇的共存;进一步明确了两步过程(表面融化)的成因;观察到在三种较大多体互作用范围势的情况下,出现负比热;进一步揭示了热曲线斜率、方均根键长起伏、比热和动能的短时平均分布之间的关联。

4)Public sphere公共领域

1.Habermas s theory of public sphere and media;哈贝马斯的“公共领域”理论与传媒

2.The Development of the Internet Forum at the Present Time in China and Restructuring to "Life" of the Public Sphere;中国当代网络论坛的发展和公共领域的“生活化”转型

3.Researches of TV Talk Show in Public Sphere;论我国电视谈话节目对公共领域的构建

5)sharing area共享区域

6)field of coprecipitation共沉区域

1.The relationship between pH value and the total concentrations of Fe(Ⅱ), Mn(Ⅱ) and Zn(Ⅱ) is obtained, and thefield of coprecipitation of Fe(Ⅱ), Mn(Ⅱ) and Zn(Ⅱ) is obtained at a suitable pH value.热力学分析表明,三者的共沉区域包含在Zn2+沉淀完全的区域内,而Zn2+沉淀完全的区域由[C]T和[N]T的相对关系所决定。


