900字范文 > 手段与对策 means and countermeasures英语短句 例句大全

手段与对策 means and countermeasures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-30 15:26:51


手段与对策 means and countermeasures英语短句 例句大全

手段与对策,means and countermeasures

1)means and countermeasures手段与对策

2)policy means政策手段

1.The vocational education policy includes aspects of both policy objective andpolicy means.职业教育政策包括政策目标和政策手段两个方面 ,与职业教育政策目标相适应的政策手段将对职业教育乃至国民经济的发展产生积极的影响 ,反之 ,则会产生消极的影响。


1.The Objectives and Means of Tax Policies;论税收政策及其政策目标与政策手段的选择

2.The main policy tool is manipulating the level of aggregate demand through fiscal or monetary policy.主要政策手段是通过财政政策或货币政策来控制总需求水平。

3.The differences between instruments of monetary policy in rich countries and poor ones are many.富国和穷国在货币政策手段上的差别很多。

4.Review and Analyse the Tax Policies of These Years;近年来税收政策手段运用的回顾与分析

5.The requirement of choosing policies in macro regulation and controland the way of its combination;宏观调控政策手段的选择要求与组合方式

6.Assumption to Perfect the Ways of Currency Policy in Our Central Bank;完善我国中央银行货币政策手段的思考

7.If so, there is a case for policy devices to attract workers to the sector.如果这样,就有理由用政策手段把工人吸引到该部门中来。

8.A Study of the Fiscal Interest Deduction Means Implemented in the Initiative Fiscal Policy;积极财政政策实施中的财政贴息手段研究

9.Specific measures can vary so long as they conform with these policies.手段还要是多种的,以体现我们的政策。

10.A liberal award policy is simply good management.丰富的奖酬政策确实是一个好的手段。

11.On Fuzzy Wording in Political Text and Its Translation Strategies政论语篇构建的模糊手段及翻译策略

12.Financial policy and monetary policy are two kinds of macroscopical means to control economy.财政政策和货币政策是调控经济的两种宏观手段.

13.Practical measures or policy aiming to effect this type of submission.安抚手段实际的措施或政策,以期实施这种安定

14.Economic Measures to Develop Chinese Circular Economy--take the Developed Countries Experience for Reference;发展循环经济的经济手段——国际借鉴和政策选择

15.An Analysis on the Tax Means in the Policy of Industry Structure;税收手段在产业结构政策中的定位分析

16.On the Neoconservative Measures of Influencing U.S. --China Policy after the Cold War;冷战后新保守主义影响美国对华政策的手段

17.Problems in Choosing Executive Means of Public Policy and Ways for Improvement in Our Country;我国公共政策执行手段的选择、确定问题及改进

18.On the Role of Policy-based Financial Means in Educational Financing;试论政策性金融手段在教育融资中的作用


policy means政策手段

1.The vocational education policy includes aspects of both policy objective andpolicy means.职业教育政策包括政策目标和政策手段两个方面 ,与职业教育政策目标相适应的政策手段将对职业教育乃至国民经济的发展产生积极的影响 ,反之 ,则会产生消极的影响。

3)Counter measures对抗手段

4)dialogic means对话手段

5)partner"s strategy对手策略

6)measurements and policies手段和政策


