900字范文 > 智力落后 mental retardation英语短句 例句大全

智力落后 mental retardation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-06 06:39:25


智力落后 mental retardation英语短句 例句大全

智力落后,mental retardation

1)mental retardation智力落后

1.The Research on Mental Health Education for Students with Mental Retardation Learning in Regular Classroom;随班就读智力落后学生心理健康教育问题研究

2.Researchers have long focused on the adaptive behavior,quality of life,dual diagnosis,personality motivation and families of persons withmental retardation,but failed to address virtue and well-being.现有的大量关于智力落后研究都集中在适应行为、生活质量、双重诊断、个性动机和家庭等领域,很少涉及幸福感、美德等。

3.There was a lot of debate on the causes ofmental retardation.智力落后的成因历来存在争论。


1.Division 33. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities智力落后发育性伤残

ments on the Mental Ratardation Definition of AAMR 2002;AAMR 2002智力落后定义评析

3.The Causes of Mental Retardation--From a New Perspective of the Contempory Intelligence Theory;智力落后的成因——当代智力理论新解

4.The Research on Arithmetic Ability of Addition of Children with Moderate Mental Retardation中度智力落后儿童加法计算能力研究

5.Advance in Research on Effect of Sports Activities on Intellectuality of Mental Retardation Children (review);体育活动对智力落后儿童智力影响的研究进展

6.The Application of PASS Theory in Studies on Mental Retardation;PASS理论在智力落后研究领域中的应用

7.A Study on the Cognition of Gender in Moderate and Severe Mental Retarded Children中重度智力落后儿童性别认知的研究

8.Application of Multiple Intelligences Theory in Education for Mentally Retarded Children;多元智能理论在智力落后儿童教育中的运用

9.Research on Intellectual Influence of Teaching of Open Motor Skill and Closed Motor Skill in Mental Retardation Students;开放式与闭锁式运动技能教学对智力落后学生智力影响的研究

10.A Study of Memory Impact of Music on Moderate Mental Retardation;音乐对中度智力落后儿童记忆影响的研究

11.Investigation and Research on Teacher Burnout of Mental Retardation School;智力落后儿童学校教师工作倦怠的调查研究

12.The Research on Mental Health Education for Students with Mental Retardation Learning in Regular Classroom;随班就读智力落后学生心理健康教育问题研究

13.A ToM Study on Moderate Mental Retarded Children;中度智力落后儿童心理理论的实验研究

14.A Study on Understanding of the Chinese Adverbs for Moderate and Severe Mentally Retarded Students;中重度智力落后学生对汉语副词理解的研究

15.An Investigation into the Attitude of Mentally Retarded Students Parents to Special School;智力落后学生家长对辅读学校的态度调查

16.An Experimental Research on Training Reversible Thinking for Mildly Mental Retarded Children;轻度智力落后儿童可逆性思维训练实验研究

17.A Case Study of Emotional Handicap Modification for the Students with Mental Retardation;智力落后学生情感障碍矫治的个案研究

18.A Survey on the Mental Retarded Students Nutrition in Beijing;北京市智力落后学生营养问题的调查研究


mentally retarded children智力落后儿童

1.The sensorial education plays an important role in the development ofmentally retarded children.感官教育对智力落后儿童的智力发展有重要作用。

2.People are becoming aware of how to makementally retarded children adapt to the society.随着社会的发展,对人的社会生活能力要求越来越高,如何使智力落后儿童适应社会的问题越来越受到人们的关注。

3.Started from the real life,the works which represent thementally retarded children in children′s literature seized the characteristic of their mental development.以智力落后儿童为表现对象的儿童文学作品,从生活入手,抓住了智力落后儿童的心理发展特性,用质朴的语言与巧妙的构思塑造出一系列稚拙、纯真的"智力落后儿童"形象。

3)mild metal retardation轻度智力落后

4)mental retardation students智力落后学生

5)Moderate Mental Retarded中度智力落后

1.The Role of Inhibitory Control inModerate Mental Retarded Children s Understanding of ToM;抑制性控制能力对中度智力落后儿童心理理论发展影响的研究

6)borderline mental retardation临界智力落后


