900字范文 > 扰率 Torsion英语短句 例句大全

扰率 Torsion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-04 15:29:31


扰率 Torsion英语短句 例句大全



2)jamming power干扰功率

1.The calculation of radar cross-section andjamming power on chaff cloud is deduced based on the analysis of the chaff s material and the jamming theory and technique.通过对箔条的材质和干扰原理及技术的分析,获得箔条云的雷达截面积数学模型和其干扰功率的数学模型,在不改变有源和无源干扰投放设备、不增加投放箔条数量的前提下,利用有源干扰设备提高了箔条质心干扰的有效反射面积。

2.This paper gives a model of airborne SARjamming power based on mathematical model,digital signal processing theory and matlab software platform to improve efficiency of designing airborne SARjamming power system.为提高设计机载SAR(合成孔径雷达)干扰功率计算的效率,在matlab(MATrix LABoratory)软件平台上结合数学模型和数字信号处理理论建立了机载SAR干扰功率计算模型,并在此基础上进行了仿真。

3.The calculation of the real time range,jamming power and sensitivity is deduced,based on the analysis of the weapon system s performance.通过对雷达制导武器系统作战性能的分析,给出了机载自卫有源压制干扰的最大和最小干扰距离方程,并根据此方程获得战场想定下的实时干扰功率和接收机灵敏度的数学模型,对机载自卫有源压制干扰时机进行了分析。


1.Analysis of Powers for SAR Active Coherent Jamming and Incoherent JammingSAR有源相干干扰和非相干干扰功率分析

2.Application of Power Control Technology for Interference System in the Test of Radar Anti-jamming干扰功率控制技术在雷达抗干扰测试中的应用

3.Jamming power assignment method for suppressing Link-16 data link with noise jamming噪声干扰Link-16数据链的干扰功率分配方法

4.Research on Transient Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics of Power Converters;功率变换器的瞬态电磁干扰特性研究

5.Ground Wire Interference and its Suppression for High-Power Radio Transmitter大功率广播发射机的地线干扰与抑制

6.Study on Performance of Adaptive High-power Interference Cancellation System in Wide-Band;宽带大功率自适应干扰抵消系统性能研究

7.Research on EMI suppression for low power permanent magnet DC motor小功率永磁直流电机的电磁干扰抑制研究

8.Radar Disturb Effect and Analysis of High Power Microwave Weapon高功率微波武器对雷达的干扰效果分析

9.Application of Power Inversion Arithmetic in Anti-interference Design of GPS Receiver Antenna功率倒置算法在GPS接收机天线抗干扰中的应用

10.The Accurate Calculation of Interference Noise Power in Colour Bar Brightness Signal of FM TV System Interfered by Digitally Modulated Signals数字调制信号干扰调频电视系统彩条亮度信号的干扰噪声功率精确计算

11.I need a more powerful set to overcome my neighbor"s stereo.我需要一台功率更大的电视机来克服我邻居的立体系统的干扰。

12.I need a more powerful set to overcome my neighbour"s stereo.我需要一支功率更大的电视机来克服我邻居的立体系统的干扰。

13.There are some interference and EMC in The system of flight motion simulator.在大功率转台控制系统中,存在着较大的电压干扰和电磁兼容问题。

14.The function of forward link power control is to allocate power in cell cite and decrease the interference from cell cite to user.前向链路控制用于分配小区基站功率、减小基站到用户的干扰;

15.The Research of Power Control for Successive Interference Cancellation of 3rd Generation Mobile System;第三代移动通信中基于串行干扰消除的功率控制策略研究

16.Anti-jamming Fuzzy PI Controlling Scheme Study for Large Power Phase Controlled Converter大功率相近代整流器基于干扰估计的模糊控制(英文)

17.A Large Power Interference Suppression Method Based on an Adaptive Spectral Line Separation一种基于自适应谱线分离的大功率抑制干扰方法

18.A Algorithm of Solving Self-interference in WLAN/WPANs Based on Distributed Dynamic Power Control基于分布式动态功率控制的WLAN/WPAN自身干扰解决算法


jamming power干扰功率

1.The calculation of radar cross-section andjamming power on chaff cloud is deduced based on the analysis of the chaff s material and the jamming theory and technique.通过对箔条的材质和干扰原理及技术的分析,获得箔条云的雷达截面积数学模型和其干扰功率的数学模型,在不改变有源和无源干扰投放设备、不增加投放箔条数量的前提下,利用有源干扰设备提高了箔条质心干扰的有效反射面积。

2.This paper gives a model of airborne SARjamming power based on mathematical model,digital signal processing theory and matlab software platform to improve efficiency of designing airborne SARjamming power system.为提高设计机载SAR(合成孔径雷达)干扰功率计算的效率,在matlab(MATrix LABoratory)软件平台上结合数学模型和数字信号处理理论建立了机载SAR干扰功率计算模型,并在此基础上进行了仿真。

3.The calculation of the real time range,jamming power and sensitivity is deduced,based on the analysis of the weapon system s performance.通过对雷达制导武器系统作战性能的分析,给出了机载自卫有源压制干扰的最大和最小干扰距离方程,并根据此方程获得战场想定下的实时干扰功率和接收机灵敏度的数学模型,对机载自卫有源压制干扰时机进行了分析。

3)disturbance power扰动功率

1.First,the beginning and ending time of the disturbance is located by using sampled voltage and current waveforms,then thedisturbance power and disturbance energy is examined based on instantaneous power,a criterion is drawn after analyzing and determining the site of disturbance sources in recording device.该法首先对电压电流波形进行小波变换确定扰动的起止时刻,然后基于瞬时功率计算扰动功率和扰动能量,最后通过分析确定扰动源在监测设备的位置。

2.Based on thedisturbance power and Parseval s theorem,the sampled voltage and current waveforms are used to calculate the change of thr.对扰动源进行定位将有助于明确供用电双方的责任,通过监测到的电压电流瞬时值,在扰动功率定义的基础上,根据Parseval定理,采用小波变换计算扰动发生期间三相瞬时功率信号能量的变化。

4)interference power干扰功率

1.This text emphasizes interference probability and signal intensity, repeated frequency andinterference power that decide dinterference effect was discussed, and their quantitative range by calculation was gained.以干扰概率和信号强度作为研究的重点,讨论了决定干扰效果的关键参数——重复频率和干扰功率, 并通过计算得到它们的数量级范围。

2.The improved algorithm makes use of the results from channel estimation to calculate theinterference power of ISI (Inter Symbol Interference) and MUI (Multiple User Interference),and subtracts theinterference power from the total noise power in the receiver,thus a proper noise power of AWGN is obtained.提出了一种改进的AWGN噪声功率估计方法,该算法利用信道估计模块得到的信道响应信息,从接收的总噪声中减去符号间干扰功率和多用户之间的信号干扰功率,从而准确估计AWGN信道的噪声功率。

5)interference frequency扰力频率

6)disturbance power骚扰功率

1.Adopt combination of the figures,Character and test data together,introduce the mechanism,explain how the disturbance voltage anddisturbance power from electrical hair drier,and give the reference circuit about restraining the disturbance.采用图形、文字和测试数据相结合的方式,介绍电吹风骚扰电压和骚扰功率的产生机理,并给出了抑制骚扰的参考电路。

2.The paper analyzes the currently existent measurement system ofdisturbance power in electromagnetic compatibility measurement equipments.本文对当前的电磁兼容性测量仪器中的骚扰功率测量系统进行了分析,结合自动与手动的优点,研究设计出一套智能骚扰功率测量系统,基本上满足测试的时间上和性能上的要求,并为将来开发出自动的通用测试系统打下了基础。

3.The background noise level of this instrument under the condition of conducted disturbance anddisturbance power test is provided.讨论了监测待测物使用工况的必要性,给出了电流参量测试仪的传导骚扰和骚扰功率的背景骚扰电平。


摆放式干扰机(见通信干扰设备)摆放式干扰机(见通信干扰设备)hand-emplaced jammerbaifongshi gQnraoii摆放式干扰机(hand一emplaeed jam;ner)见通信干扰设备。
