900字范文 > 可调进气涡流 variable intake swirl英语短句 例句大全

可调进气涡流 variable intake swirl英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-29 12:41:12


可调进气涡流 variable intake swirl英语短句 例句大全

可调进气涡流,variable intake swirl

1)variable intake swirl可调进气涡流

1.On the rig of steady flow,the adjustment characteristic of intake swirl of two kinds of double-intake-port of diesel engine,which composed of tangential port and helical port,was tested the experimental results indicated that the characteristics ofvariable intake swirl of the two kinds of double-intake-port were very different.在稳流气道试验台上,分别对两种由直气道和螺旋气道组合的双进气道柴油机的进气涡流调节特性进行了试验,结果显示:两种组合方式下的双进气道的可调进气涡流特性存在很大差异。

2.The new intake port for 1132Z diesel engine was designed according to the principle ofvariable intake swirl intensity.按照可调进气涡流进气道的设计原则设计了1132Z柴油机新的气道组合,该气道组合的数值计算结果表明,调节直气道内的挡板高度可以调节缸内涡流比;分析了气道内的流场分布,总结出柴油机进气涡流可调的机理,最后的发动机台架试验表明,在最大扭矩点调节涡流比可以使油耗降低7。

3.Based on the newly designed 1132Z single cylinder diesel engine,a set ofvariable intake swirl system was developed,including the development of variable swirl intake manifold,the variable swirl actuating mechanisms and the ECU based on the AduC812 MCU.以1132Z单缸柴油机为平台,研制了电控可调进气涡流系统,包括可调涡流进气道、可调涡流执行机构和基于ADUC812单片机的电控单元。


1.The Performance of 1132Z Single-cylinder Diesel Engine With Variable Swirl System具有可调进气涡流的1132Z单缸机性能

2.The test results also showed that DSCS can enlarge the economical operation zone of diesel engine with variable intake swirl system.在此基础上采用可调进气涡流,可以使发动机经济运行区域进一步扩大。

3.Influence of Variable Swirl Intake Manifolds for Gasoline Engine on In-Cylinder Swirl Characteristics汽油机可变涡流进气管对缸内涡流特性的影响

4.Experimental Research on Pneumatic Torque of Adjustable Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane可调涡轮喷嘴导流叶片气动转矩的试验研究

5.Cycle Simulation of Variable Swirl Intake Manifolds for Gasoline Engine汽油机可变涡流进气管的循环模拟研究

6.LES of Airflow Organization in the Passenger Compartments of the Air-conditioned High-speed Train高速空调列车内气流组织的大涡模拟

7.Turbulence in air or water caused by the motion or action of an oar, propeller, jet, or airfoil.涡流由船桨、推进器、喷气机或机翼运动引起的空气或水的涡流

8.Diesel Engine Intake Swirl Control System Based on DSP基于dsp的柴油机进气涡流控制系统

9.Research on the Vortices Flow and the Aerodynamic Noise Prediction of the Air-Conditioner"s Fan;空调器风机内流中的旋涡流动及气动噪声预测

10.An Analysis of the Air Flowing Coefficient and Swirl Intensity of Helical Inlet Manifold in Diesel Engines;柴油机螺旋进气道充气系数与涡流强度的分析

11.Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulence Characteristic Through Intake Process of Internal Combustion Engines;内燃机进气过程缸内湍流流动特性的大涡模拟

12.Investigation of disturbed board total pressure distortion on a certain turbofan engine某型涡扇发动机扰流板进气总压畸变研究

13.These act as a sort of porous tube and tend to improve the axial air velocity. They also reduce the turbulence so that there is less isturbance to the filling.这些带孔的管道可以改善轴线处气流的速度,也可以减少涡流,因此纬纱受涡流的干扰较少。

14.Numerical Research of Tip Clearance Flow Structure in a Pivoting-Stator of Radial Inflow Turbines向心涡轮可调导叶间隙流动的数值研究

15.axial flow turbojet轴流式涡轮喷气发动机

16.gas turbo-alternator燃气涡轮交流发电机

17.Flow Characteristics of long corridor-shaped surge tank and elimination of the air-entraining vertical vortices:CFD simulation and analysis长廊式调压室流态CFD分析及吸气旋涡消除措施研究

18.A 5%-15% increase of COP can be expected if a new vortex tube thermovalve is used in air conditioner/ Heat pump system.把特殊制作的涡流管部件用于空调热泵系统,可以将效率提高5%-15%。


variable swirl intake manifold可调涡流进气道

1.Based on the newly designed 1132Z single cylinder diesel engine,a set of variable intake swirl system was developed,including the development ofvariable swirl intake manifold,the variable swirl actuating mechanisms and the ECU based on the AduC812 MCU.以1132Z单缸柴油机为平台,研制了电控可调进气涡流系统,包括可调涡流进气道、可调涡流执行机构和基于ADUC812单片机的电控单元。

3)controllable inlet vortex可控进气涡流

4)Variable intake swirl可变进气涡流

5)variable swirl intake manifolds可变涡流进气管

1.A new design ofvariable swirl intake manifolds with throttle-slices was developed.研制了一种阀片式可变涡流进气管,采用嵌入该结构的1。

6)Intake swirl进气涡流

1.Based on TMS320F240 DSP,intake swirl control system is investigated.基于TMS320F240 DSP开发的进气涡流控制系统,通过对节气门开启角度的自动控制并与切向气道或螺旋气道配合使用来组织有效的进气涡流,同时对进气涡流的强度进行自动控制,有效地改善了发动机的燃烧,从而优化了发动机动力性、经济性等性能指标。

2.In this paper,a water analog for intake swirl was induced,which simulated the 1150 G single cylinder engine.主要介绍了一个针对 115 0G单缸柴油机进气道结构的进气涡流水模拟装置和一套用于测量二维流场的激光粒子速度场仪 (PIV) ,用它们来测量旋流器在气缸内产生的涡流流场 ,目的是为研究旋流器在气缸内产生涡流的能力和涡流在缸内的发展情况。

3.The intake swirl in the cylinder was induced by a swirler which was fixed in one of two intake ports.采用在进气门上方安装旋流器的方法产生进气涡流 。


进气法进气法 进气法 针灸学名词。指针刺手法。《金针赋》:“进气之诀,腰背肘膝痛,浑身走注疼,刺九分,行九针,卧针五七吸,待气上下。”《针灸大成》称作“运气法”:“凡用针之时,先行纯阴之数,若觉针下气满,便倒其针,令患人吸气五口,使针力至病所。此乃运气之法,可治疼痛之病。”意指先直刺,行紧提慢按六数,得气后,将针斜对病痛处,行气后,让吸气五、七口,以助运气。用于各种痛症。《针灸问对》:“针入天部,行九阳之数,气至,速卧倒针,候其气行,令病人吸气五、七口,其针气上行,此乃进气之法,可治肘臂、腰脚、身疼。”
