900字范文 > 环保设计 environmental protection design英语短句 例句大全

环保设计 environmental protection design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-08 11:06:30


环保设计 environmental protection design英语短句 例句大全

环保设计,environmental protection design

1)environmental protection design环保设计

1.Theenvironmental protection design of laboratory were developed with noise reduction and air purification technology including sound absorption,insulation against vibration,base vibration reduction and ventilation,and the noise pollution and air quality in laboratory were improved greatly.通过对发动机实验室采用吸音、隔振、基础减振、排气通风等降噪和空气净化技术,实现了实验室的环保设计,使实验室内的噪音污染和空气质量都得到了较大的改善。

2.As mean while as we sigh with feeling of the fast development in automobile industry,we are recognizing clear and more clear the harm which are brought by the automobile pollution by a new concept of automobile design—— —environmental protection design.人们在感叹汽车工业迅猛发展的同时,也越来越认识到汽车污染给人类自身带来的危害,于是,汽车环保设计这一汽车设计新概念被摆到了突出重要的位置上。

3.To this end and from the protection of the environment to achieve sustainable development strategy,this paper analyses agricultural machineryenvironmental protection design from the aspects of evaluation criteria and content,it also discusses strategies for agricultural machinery environmental design.为此,从保护环境和实现可持续发展的战略出发,对农业机械环保设计的评价指标、评价标准和内容进行了分析,并探讨了农业机械开展环保设计的对策。


1.Design Unrest in Disposable--Sustainable Design;设计不安于“弃”——永续性环保设计

2.Code for design of highway environmental protection公路环境保护设计规范

3.The Designing Strategies of Japan:Energy-Saving,Environmental Protection & Humanistic Designs日本设计策略:节能环保与人性化设计

4.Investment margin of environmental protection and water conservation to be left in the design budgetary estimate;设计概算必须打足环保和水保的投资

5.a text on environmental protection in the preliminary design of a construction project建设项目初步设计环境保护篇章;

6.Toronto veteran designer Annie Thompson designs eco clothing.多伦多经验丰富的设计师安妮设计环保衣服。

7.Analysis of Teaching Materials and Course Construction on Design and Application of Environmental Equipments《环保设备设计与应用》教材分析与课程建设小议

8.Design code for environment protection of machinery industry机械工业环境保护设计规范

9.Code for environmental protection design of port engineering港口工程环境保护设计规范

10.Code for environmental protection design of railway engineering铁路工程环境保护设计规范

11.Code for design of environmental protection enterprises used in petrochemical industry石油化工企业环境保护设计规范

12.Code for design of environmental protection for synthetic fibre plants合成纤维厂环境保护设计规范

13.Technical regulation for environment protection design in nonferrous metals industry有色金属工业环境保护设计技术规定

14.The design of the Olympic Village for the 2000 Games in Sydney is extremely eco-friendly.2000年悉尼奥运村的设计尤其注重环保。

15.Designing and Practicing of "environment protect" special learning websites;“环境保护”专题学习网站的设计与实践

16.Design of the Environmental Protection Network Teaching Terrace and Development;环境保护课程网络化教学设计与开发

17.The Design and Implementation of the Program of Environmental Protection Education in Universities高等院校环保教育课程的设计与实施

18.Research of Environmental Protection Filler"s Mold Design and Extrusion Technics环保填料的模具设计及挤出工艺研究


environment protection design环保设计

1.By the experience of Guangzhou tennis centre,the article especially introduces the application of the energy saving design,humanity design andenvironment protection design in architecture area.文章针对广州科学城网球中心工程实例,重点介绍了节能设计、环保设计及人性化设计在建筑设计中的应用。

3)Environmental design环保设计

1.This paper analyzes about the self-reflection of environmental destructions from modern scierce and technologyEnvironmental design brings environmental factors and preventive measures into design ,and reduces the influerce of produc-tion As an industrial design ,its core of environmental design is the reduction of energy ,and the accessories of production must be recycled expedientl环保设计就是在设计阶段就将环境因素和预防污染的措施纳入产品设计之中将环境性能作为产品的设计目标和出发点,力求使产品对环境的影响最小。

4)design for the environment设计环保化

5)environment-protecting design环保型设计

1.Theenvironment-protecting design of ventilating purification system for P3 biosafe laboratory;P3级生物安全实验室送、排风净化系统的环保型设计

6)design and enivironment protection设计与环保


1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)叠 135Omm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)
