900字范文 > 休闲服务业 leisure service industry英语短句 例句大全

休闲服务业 leisure service industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-07 07:48:12


休闲服务业 leisure service industry英语短句 例句大全

休闲服务业,leisure service industry

1)leisure service industry休闲服务业

1.Urbanization brings people a rapidly increasing of the average income and leisure time,brings a improvement of leisure skills,brings the region market to expanding and the leisure idea to transforming,as well as the city formidable leisure service supply innovation function,all that enormously impelled the demand on leisure service and the development ofleisure service industry.城市化进程和休闲服务业发展之间存在着密切的关系。


1.Discussion on Accelerating the Development of Leisure Service Industry in Yichun浅谈如何加快宜春市休闲服务业发展

2."Central Taihu Sports Circles"Fitness and Leisure Services and Community Development,Economic Development Interaction;“环太湖体育圈”健身与休闲服务业发展与社会、经济发展的互动关系

3.Study on the Coordinative Development about Urban Tourism and Leisure Service--Take Yangzhou City as an Example城市旅游与休闲服务业协调发展研究——以扬州为例

4.Surveys on Leisure Consumption and Service:Overseas Experience and Related Suggestions;休闲消费和休闲服务调查:国际经验与相关建议

5.A Study of Allocation of Land Used for Leisure & Consumer Service Industry around High-tech Parks;园区周边休闲消费型服务业设施用地布局需求分析

6.Study on the Construction of Service System for Recreational Sports of University Student;构建大学生休闲体育服务体系的研究

7.Research on the Prospect of Public Leisure Sports Service and its Countermeasures;公共休闲体育服务的发展前景及对策

8.At the same time, there should also be further development in vacation-time service, community business centers and chain shops.休闲服务商业、社区商业中心和连锁商业企业等组织形式将会有进一步的发展。

9.Leisure clothes and shoes, loose and comfortaBle, are easy to put on.休闲服装,休闲鞋,宽松舒服,穿着方便。

10.Research and Implementation of Network Casual Game Platform on Server-Side;网络休闲游戏平台服务器端的研究与实现

11.The Construction of Public Service Government and Orientation of Sport Leisure Policy;公共服务型政府的打造与体育休闲政策的导向

12.Public Service of Leisure and Health in Sports Colleges and Universities;高等体育院校的“休闲与健康”公共服务供给

13.Link Tai Lake Sports Circle Fitness and Leisure Service System Skeleton Research;环太湖体育圈健身与休闲服务体系的构架研究

14.On China s WTO Membership and Her Leisure Service Trade Development;加入WTO与我国休闲服务贸易的发展——基于《服务贸易总协定》的探索

15.Research and Design of the Internet Recreational Game Business Manage System;网络休闲游戏业务管理系统研究及设计

16.I need a pair of comfortable walking shoes.我需要双舒服的休闲鞋。

17.This Bar is willing to furnish you with the most comfortaBle environment and the Best service during your leisure time, and accepts no tips.本酒吧愿为您工余休闲提供最舒适环境,最优质服务,一律不收小费。

18.The fitness center provides the ideal health service for you, It is the good destination of your recreation even more.康体中心给您提供理想的保健服务,更是您休闲的好去处。



1.By surveying and analyseing the demands of reading-leisure of public, this article announces the interaction between the demands ofreading-leisure of public andleisure-service of library under the background of leisure and reading culture,and brings forward the construction of sustainable developmentleisure-service system of library.通过调查、分析公众阅读休闲需求,揭示了在休闲及阅读文化背景下,公众阅读休闲需求与图书馆休闲服务的互动关系,进而提出了构建可持续发展的图书馆休闲服务体系。

3)Fitness and leisure services健身与休闲服务业

4)public leisure service公共休闲服务

5)leisure sports service休闲体育服务

1.This article studies the conception and features of theleisure sports service industry,and analyzes the current situation ofleisure sports service market in Guangzhou.对休闲体育服务业的内涵、特点进行研究,分析广州市休闲体育服务市场的现状,提出加快和促进广州市休闲体育服务市场发展的建议和对策。

6)leisure supply system休闲服务供给

1.A completeleisure supply system should comprise of government, non-profit organizations and commercial sectors.一个完整的休闲服务供给体系应该由政府、非营利组织和商业部门共同组成。


