900字范文 > 现场促销 on-site promotion英语短句 例句大全

现场促销 on-site promotion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-13 02:46:33


现场促销 on-site promotion英语短句 例句大全

现场促销,on-site promotion

1)on-site promotion现场促销

2)market sales promoting市场促销

1.In recent years,banks rapidly develop credit cardsmarket sales promoting in order to share the farthest market.近年来,各家银行为抢夺信用卡市场份额,进一步扩大发卡数量而开展了形式多样的市场促销活动,然而促销所能取得的成效往往不尽如人意。


1.Effective marketing shall be achieved in part through cooperation with both international and domestic partners.利用国际、国内合作进行市场促销。

2.On the New Choice of Promotion Strategy in Guangxi Tourist Market;试论广西旅游市场促销策略的新选择

3.An analysis of the main factors affecting the price of the sports service market and means of sales promotion;影响体育服务市场价格的主要因素及其市场促销方式

4.Joint purchasing and marketing promotes the development of a market economy.联购、联销,促进市场经济的发展。

5.Develops the market marketing promotion harbor to develop;积极开展市场营销 促进港口快速发展

6.In marketing the packaging acts promotion and advertising.就市场营销而言,包装承担促销和广告的功能。

7.Value of sharing retailers promotion information under unstable marketing demands in supply chain;市场需求非平稳时共享销售商促销信息的价值

8.Promoting sale by SP is a good tool which most extensively used for reclaiming market、promoting sale in present treasure-house of marketing.SP促销是现代市场营销宝库中使用最为广泛的一种拓展市场 ,促进销售的利器。

9.Promoting sale by SP is a good tool which is used for reclaiming market and promoting sale in present treasure-house of marketing.SP促销是现代市场营销宝库中使用最为广泛的一种拓展市场、促进销售的利器。

10.This applies to direct product sales, marketing, gifts, gifts, domestic or export.本产品适用于直接销售、促销赠品、礼品市场,可内销或出口。

11.There are people who can assist you with market research and advertising/promotion;有人能在市场调研、广告和促销方面帮助你;

12.To promote(a product not yet on the market)by means of advertising.预售利用广告的方式促销(未进入市场的产品)

13.We are able to push the sale of your goods in our market.我们能在我们的市场上促销你们的货物。

14.Model study of the effects of brand,price and promotion on market share;品牌、价格和促销对市场份额影响的模型研究

15.The Application of Markov Chain in Market Occupation Rate and Promotion Decision Making;马氏链在市场占有率预测和促销决策中的应用

16.On boosting the reform of Baogang marketing system;关于促进包钢市场营销体制改革的探讨

17.E-commerce Accelerates the Change of Marketing Strategies;电子商务促进市场营销策略的加速转变

18.The Promotion of Logistic Service in Universities People Foremost in the View of Marketing以市场营销观念促进高校后勤人本服务的落实


market sales promoting市场促销

1.In recent years,banks rapidly develop credit cardsmarket sales promoting in order to share the farthest market.近年来,各家银行为抢夺信用卡市场份额,进一步扩大发卡数量而开展了形式多样的市场促销活动,然而促销所能取得的成效往往不尽如人意。

3)spot sales现场销售

1.Under the assumptions that demand rate is price-dependent,production rate is controlled by demand and order cancellation rate is constant,a production-sale model is established for deteriorating items with advance sales andspot sales over the finite planning time.在需求率与价格相关、生产率由市场实际需求调节、取消预订率为常数的条件下,建立了有限时间水平内易变质产品的预定销售和现场销售的生产-销售模型。

4)tourist marketplace promotion旅游市场促销

1.The paper explains the tourism firms behavior on thetourist marketplace promotion with the help of the theory of Pareto optimum condition of the pure public product.本文运用纯公共品的帕累托最优条件解释旅游市场促销中旅游部门的经济行为,探讨在现实经济中使得市场促销主体效用最大化的条件。

5)sales promotion促销

1.Thesales promotion strategy of real estate market;房地产市场销售的促销策略

2.An analysis of the main factors affecting the price of the sports service market and means ofsales promotion;影响体育服务市场价格的主要因素及其市场促销方式

3.Application of the modern marketing theory to the raising ofsales promotion level;应用现代营销理论 提高促销水平


1.The means,examples and techniques of the club member systempromotion;会员制促销的方法、实例和技巧

2.Application of consumer insturction in marketpromotion;消费者教育在市场促销中的运用

3.Study on the Promotion Value Affecting the Quality of Garment Brand Marketing;影响服装品牌营销质量的促销价值研究


