900字范文 > 根系吸水 root water uptake英语短句 例句大全

根系吸水 root water uptake英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-11 22:32:35


根系吸水 root water uptake英语短句 例句大全

根系吸水,root water uptake

1)root water uptake根系吸水

1.Two-dimensional model of Populus euphraticaroot water uptake in extremely arid region of China极端干旱区胡杨根系吸水的二维数学模型

2.The main objective of this paper is to develop a flexible and applicableroot water uptake model for trees.树木根系吸水引起土壤含水率显著降低,从而导致胀缩性地基沉陷。

3.Based on the observed data of the alternately partial root zone drip irrigation and the root distribution of grape,a two-dimensionalroot water uptake model and function of soil evaporation related to soil water content were proposed.在根系分区交替滴灌土壤水分动态和根系分布试验观测的基础上,提出了葡萄二维根系吸水模型,并确定了与土壤表层含水率有关的棵间土壤蒸发方程,然后在土壤水分运动基本方程的基础上结合交替滴灌的入渗特性,建立了根系分区交替滴灌的土壤水分动态模型(APRI-Model),模型考虑了该种灌水方式下棵间土壤蒸发和根系吸水的变化特征。


1.The determination of crop root uptake model for field condition野外条件下作物根系吸水模型的建立

2.Experimental Research of Fruit Tree Root Water Uptake Model on the Condition of Water Storage Pit Irrigation;蓄水坑灌条件下苹果树根系吸水模型试验研究

3.Heterosis of Water Uptake Ability by Roots of Maize at Cell Level玉米根系吸水能力细胞水平的杂种优势

4.Field Test and Evaluation of Empirical Root Uptake Functions in Soil Water Movement Models典型经验根系吸水函数的田间模拟检验及评价

5.Numerical Stimulation & Experimental Research on Cotton Root Water Uptake Model;棉花根系吸水模型的试验研究及数值模拟

6.Inverse Method Estimating Root Water Uptake Model Parameters Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithms根系吸水模型参数的混合遗传算法估算方法

7.Two-dimensional model of Populus euphratica root water uptake in extremely arid region of China极端干旱区胡杨根系吸水的二维数学模型

8.Root-Water-Uptake Rate and Root Length Density Distributions of Winter Wheat at Seedling Stage under Subirrigation;浸润灌溉条件下苗期冬小麦根系吸水速率与根长密度分布

9.A Field Study on the Relationship of Soil Water Content and Water Uptake by Winter Wheat Root System冬小麦根系吸水与土壤水分条件关系的田间试验研究

10.Study on the Energy of SPAC System and Root Uptake Model in Saline Soil;盐渍化地区SPAC系统能态分析及根系吸水模型研究

11.Research on Rice Roots Distribution and Water Uptake Model in Water-saving Irrigation Conditions;节水灌溉水稻根系分布特征及吸水模型研究

12.The Effect on Absorption Function of Rice Root Bite by Brown Paddy Plant Hoppe;褐飞虱为害对水稻根系吸收功能的影响

13.Effects of BPH and Pesticide on Nutrient Uptaking Function of Rice Root to Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium;褐飞虱与农药对水稻根系吸收N、P、K的影响

14.Effect of Interspecific Root Interactions on Cd Uptake by Intercropped Wheat and Rice;水稻/小麦根系相互作用对镉吸收的影响

15.The Physiological Mechanism of Silicon Efficient Uptake on Rice Root;水稻根系高效吸收硅素的生理机制研究

16.Study on Root Respiration of Natural Fraxinus Mandshurica Trees in Changbai Mountain;长白山天然水曲柳林木根系呼吸动态研究

17.Distribution of uptake roots of Populus euphratica Oliv in extreme arid region,China;极端干旱区胡杨吸水根系的分布与模拟研究

18.Effects of Infestation of Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvata Lugens (St(?)l) (Homoptera: Delphacidae) on Nutrient Uptake in Rice Roots and Leaf Water Potential;褐飞虱侵害对水稻根系营养物质吸收和叶片水势的影响


water uptake by roots根系吸水

1.Major water absorption region of roots, water flow resistance and their effects on water uptake in soil-root system, the role of plant aquaporins and ABA inwater uptake by roots, and the recovery of water absorption by roots after rewetting were discussed.近年来,对植物根系吸水或根水力导度研究已取得了许多重要进展,这对阐明根系吸水机理和地上地下部关系起到了重要作用。

3)fine root吸水根系

1.Spatial distribution pattern of Populus euphraticafine roots in desert riparian forest;荒漠河岸林胡杨吸水根系空间分布特征

4)Root hydraulic con- ductance根系吸水力

5)water and heat absorption in root system根系吸水吸热

6)Root water uptake model根系吸水模型

1.This paper used two kinds of methods to establish the apple tree root water uptake models in apple tree orchard.根据苹果园苹果树的根系密度资料和根区土壤水分动态资料,采用二种方法建立了苹果树的根系吸水模型,其一是根据根长密度资料建立的根系吸水模型,其二是根据土壤水分动态资料采用反推的方法建立的根系吸水模型;在此基础上采用5月21日至5月30日、6月2日至6月20日和7月18日至8月1日3个阶段的实测资料对所建立的根系吸水模型进行了验证。


茶树根系吸水茶树根系吸水water absorption by the root system of tea plant的水分是田间持水t与永久葵蔫系数之间的水分。不同质地的土镶,田间持水量不同。以百分率计,各种土峨田间持水皿如下:砂城土14一18%,轻坡土17一22%,,坡土28~34%,粘土41一47%。据潜根生(1982年、研究,二年生鸿坑种茶苗侧定的永久葵蔫系数:砂质枯城土为6.9%,枯城土为9.7%,粘土为12.4%。中国农业科学院茶叶科学研究所侧定的结果:城土、粘壤土、砂城土和细砂土的永久葵蔫系数分别为9.8一12.9%、14一16%、6.8%和3.2%。据以七年生福鼎大白茶侧定的永久葵蔫系数:砂坡土为6.0%,枯盘黄棕坡为9~10%。以砂城土和枯土为例,它们的有效水分约8一12%,28.6一34.6%。只有土城水势高于根细胞水势,水分才能进入根系。适宜茶树生育的水分,上限是田间持水t的90%,下限是田间持水t的60%。降低到田间持水t的45%,茶树发生早害;超过田间持水t、茶树友生沮害。②土坡氧气:氧气是茶树根系生育和吸收水、肥的重要条件。上壤板结或水分过多,造成土坡暇气缺乏和COZ浓度增高,短期内可使根呼吸速率降低,限制根系吸水;较长时间后,根系进行无权呼吸(见茶树呼吸作用)、危容根系.整株枯死。因此,茶园管理应注意人工排水,改良上城,使土城形成团独结构,调节土坡中水和气的矛盾。③土城温度:土沮低,水的钻性增加,扩散速率降低;细胞原生质枯性增大,透性降低;根呼吸速率减弱,限制根系吸水;根系生长级慢,有碍吸收面的增加,吸水量小。10℃以下的土沮,根系生长不佳,吸水明显降低;当土壤冻结时.根系不能吸水。一3一一4℃低温,茶树细根就会受害。土沮升高,根系吸水加快;茶树根系生长最适沮约25~30℃,吸水最快;30℃以上,加速根的成熟和老化,使幼嫩的细根木质化、栓质化,降低吸水能力、同时,土温过高,会使细胞原生质结构部分遭受破坏,透性加大.造成一些离子外渗,根吸水速率变慢。沮度对根系吸水的影响,还随茶树品种、生长环境、生理状态的不同而有差异。例如,在干早炎热的夏季中午前后遇到阵雨,雨后天晴,土温明显降低,而叶燕腾作用较强,出现茶树幼叶葵蔫现象。④土城溶液浓度:茶树根系要从土城中吸水,根细胞水势必须低于土壤溶液的水势。茶园施肥过多,或干早季节施肥不当,特别是施用化学肥料过量,土城溶液的水势很低,便阻碍根系吸水,甚至引起根系水分外渗,造成生理干早。
