900字范文 > 截割头 cutting head英语短句 例句大全

截割头 cutting head英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-15 21:01:32


截割头 cutting head英语短句 例句大全

截割头,cutting head

1)cutting head截割头

1.Fuzzy optimum design of structure parameters forcutting head based on minimum consumed energy;基于能耗最低的截割头结构参数模糊优化设计

2.Fuzzy optimization model for structural parameters of longitudinalcutting head of roadheader;纵轴式掘进机截割头结构参数模糊优化模型

3.Kinematics analysis and computer simulation on longitudinalcutting head of roadheader;纵轴式掘进机截割头横摆时的运动学分析及其仿真


1.Pick arrangement parameterization of different shape cutting heads不同形状截割头截齿排列的参数化设计

2.Study on the Method of Fixing the Bits on the Cutting-Head Based on Pro/E基于Pro/E的截割头截齿安装方法的研究

3.Transverse Roadheader Cutting Head Simulation and Optimized Design;横轴式掘进机截割头仿真及优化设计

4.Optimization design for cutterhead of EBZ100E roadheaderEBZ100E掘进机截割头优化设计

5.Simulation and Analysis of Loads on Cutting Head of Horizontal Roadheader横轴式掘进机截割头载荷的模拟分析

6.Study on Design Automation Technique of Roadheader Cutting Head;横轴掘进机截割头设计自动化技术研究

7.The Analysis about the Load on Cutting Head and Vibration of Transverse Roadheader;横轴式掘进机截割头受力及整机振动分析

8.Application and Design of Numerical Controlled Welding Positioner to Cutting-head Manufacture数控焊接变位机在截割头制造中的设计与应用

9.3-axle Linkage CNC Boring and Milling Machine Processes Multi-angle Space Plane of Cutting Head Body三轴数控镗铣床加工截割头体多角度空间平面

10.Simulation on Vertical Moving Control of Cutting Head for Boom Type Mine Roadheader悬臂式掘进机截割头垂直摆动控制仿真

11.Dynamic Force Simulation for Cutting Head of EBH-120 Roadheader Based on ADAMS基于ADAMS的EBH-120掘进机截割头受力动态仿真

12.Simulation and analysis of the impact force acting on the vibratory roadheader"s cutting head振动式掘进机截割头冲击力的仿真分析

13.Checking Parameter and Optimizing Design to Selective Cross Shaft Road Header Cutting Head Design;部分断面横轴悬臂式掘进机截割头设计参数的验算与优化设计

14.Design and Simulation Study of Man-machine Contact Surface System for Grooving Section Pattern of Horizontal Cutting Head横向截割头切屑图人机界面系统的设计与模拟研究

15.Cutting experiment of the picks with different conicity and carbidetip diameters不同齿身锥度和合金头直径截齿的截割试验

16.perpendicular cut(与轴成)垂直(截面)截割

17.To cause the autotomy of.使自切,自割,自截

18.dropping of shank(分割胴体时)截下胫肉


diameter of the taper cutting head截割头直径

3)longitudinal cutting head纵向截割头

1.Through analyzing the move of alongitudinal cutting head of roadheader under different working conditions and discussing the simplification of movement, discover the move process and the regularity of spedd change and find out the positions of picks wore fastest under these conditions.针对掘进机纵向截割头的不同工作状态,讨论了运动的简化问题,揭示了截割头各工况时的运动过程及速度变化规律,找出了各种情况下磨损最快的截齿在截割头上所处的位置。

4)cutting head exchange互换截割头

1.CAD forcutting head exchange of roadheader;掘进机互换截割头CAD

5)transverse cutting head横轴式截割头

1.The features and the performances of the longitudinal cutting head and thetransverse cutting head of the heading machine are compared in view of the problems in use.针对掘进机纵轴式截割头和横轴式截割头在使用中各自存在的问题,使用比较的方法对掘进机纵横两种截割头的特点和性能进行了分析比较,发现两种截割头在不同的工作情况中有各自的优缺点。

6)cutter axle掘进机截割头轴


抽割1.抽去割除。 2.谓心肠有如割裂。形容哀痛之极。
