900字范文 > 盐渍化土壤 Saline soil英语短句 例句大全

盐渍化土壤 Saline soil英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-19 09:26:47


盐渍化土壤 Saline soil英语短句 例句大全

盐渍化土壤,Saline soil

1)Saline soil盐渍化土壤

1.Field experiments were carried out to study the effects of different saline soils on growth process and yield of sunflower in the Hetao irrigation area.通过对河套灌区不同盐渍化土壤进行的田间试验 ,分析了在不同生育阶段盐分水平对向日葵生长和产量的影响。

2.The results indicated that it is feasible that water-saving irrigation in the saline soil while salt content under (0.5%的盐渍化土壤中进行节水灌溉是可行的。

3.Field experiments were carried out to study the effects of different saline soils on growth process and yield of sunflower in the Hetao irrigation area.通过对河套灌区不同盐渍化土壤进行的田间试验,分析了在不同生育阶段盐分水平对向日葵生长和产量的影响。


1.The factors causing soil salinization include natural factors such as climate, hydrological and geological conditions, and human-made factors, such as irrigation patterns and cultivating system.盐渍化土壤类型主要为典型盐土、沼泽盐土、碱化盐土和干旱盐土。

2.Effect of salinity soil improvement on crop production盐渍化土壤改良措施的作物生产效应

3.Effect of Soil Ameliorants on Salinized Soil;土壤改良物质对盐渍化土壤改良的作用

4.Petroleum Hydrocarbons Degradation Potential of Autochthonous Bacteria from Saline Soil盐渍化土壤中土著菌的石油烃降解潜力研究

5.Preliminary Study on the Synthesis Effects of Water and Fertilizer in Saline Soil;盐渍化土壤向日葵水肥综合效应初步研究

6.The Improvement Efficiency of Alfalfa to Saline Soil in Hexi Corrider;苜蓿对河西走廊盐渍化土壤的改良效果

7.Spatial information on salinization of typical oases in arid areas;干旱区典型绿洲盐渍化土壤空间信息研究

8.Remote Sensing Technique Appling to Dynamic Monitor in Soil Salinity;遥感技术应用于土壤盐渍化动态监测

9.Remote sensing information model of soil salinization in northwestern arid area of China西北干旱区土壤盐渍化遥感信息模型

10.Salt Characteristics of Salt-affected Soil in the Middle Reach of Heihe River in Gansu Province西北地区黑河中游盐渍化地区土壤盐分特征


12.Effects of Land Use Type on Soil Salinization at Northern Slope of Tianshan Mountain土地利用对天山北麓土壤盐渍化的影响

13.Research Progress of the Effects of Soil Salinization on Physiology and Biochemistry of Tobacco土壤盐渍化对烟草生理生化影响的研究进展

14.Study on Characteristics of Secondary Salinization of Soil under Protected Cultivation in Nanhui District of Shanghai City;上海市南汇区设施土壤次生盐渍化特点研究

15.Research on the Soil-salinization Spatial-temporal Evolution Based on 3S Technique in Arid Area;基于3S技术的干旱区土壤盐渍化时空演变研究

16.The Response Mechanism of Stress of Soil Salinizationon Apple Tree in Arid Region;干旱地区果树对土壤盐渍化胁迫的响应机制

17.Study of the Soil Salinization in the Ebinur Lake Area Based on RS and GIS;基于RS和GIS的艾比湖流域土壤盐渍化研究

18.Remote Sensing Change Detection on Soil Salinization and Driving Force Analyses;土壤盐渍化信息遥感动态监测与驱动因子分析


saline-alkali soil盐渍化土壤

1.The effects on forage to ameliorate and fertilizesaline-alkali soil in the Hexi area;几种牧草对河西走廊盐渍化土壤改土培肥的效应研究

2.Research progress on forage to improvesaline-alkali soil;牧草改良盐渍化土壤理化性质研究进展

3.In our country, thesaline-alkali soil is distributed widely and has a large area, adding to the secondary salinization caused by improper cultivation, the salinization of soil becomes more serious.我国盐渍化土壤分布广、面积大,再加上人类不合理耕作而造成的土壤次生盐渍化,使我国土壤盐渍化日趋恶化,已严重影响和制约了我国农业和畜牧业的发展。

3)soil salinization土壤盐渍化

1.Research Progress and Summary of Remote Sensing Monitoring of Soil Salinization;土壤盐渍化遥感监测研究进展综述

2.Simulation model forsoil salinization in the northern region of the Yinchuan Plain;银北地区土壤盐渍化形成机理与模拟研究

3.Elementary Analysis on Characteristics of Soil Salinization of Geomorphology Units with Different Scales in the Neoteric and Modern Yellow River Delta;近代及现代黄河三角洲不同尺度地貌单元土壤盐渍化特征浅析


1.Simulation and prediction of the spatial-temporal evolution ofsoil-salinization based on Cellular Automata(CA) model;基于CA模型的土壤盐渍化时空演变模拟与预测

2.Visual Simulation of Soil-salinization Spatial-temporal Evolution in Changling County;基于CA模型的长岭县土壤盐渍化时空演变可视化模拟

3.The results show that Qitai oasis has already in a circumstance which is valuable forsoil-salinization reversal evolvement,groundwater table is below 5 meters,the critical point which will affect the surface salt accumulation.研究表明:奇台县绿洲地下水位已低于影响地表盐渍化的水位临界值(5 m),地下水矿化度低于3 g/L,研究区整体处于有利于土壤盐渍化逆向演替的环境。

5)Regional soil salinization区域土壤盐渍化

6)soil salinization level土壤盐渍化水平

1.Soil type and soil texture and land type affected the movement of water and salt in soil, thereby influencedsoil salinization levels.土壤类型、土壤质地和土地类型以不同的方式影响着土壤水盐运移,对土壤盐渍化水平有一定的指示作用。


