900字范文 > 热电发电 Generating electricity by thermoelectricity英语短句 例句大全

热电发电 Generating electricity by thermoelectricity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-05 06:11:16


热电发电 Generating electricity by thermoelectricity英语短句 例句大全

热电发电,Generating electricity by thermoelectricity

1)Generating electricity by thermoelectricity热电发电

1.Generating electricity by thermoelectricity is a kind of efficient mode using terrestrial heat, solar energy, oceanic energy, surplus heat or deposed heat, which can convert the low potential energy into electricity.热电发电是一种合理地利用地热、太阳能、海洋能及余热和废热等低势能转换为电能的有效方式。



2.Research for Energy and Exergy Efficiencies of Solar Thermoelectric Generator;太阳能热电发电系统的热效率和(火用)效率研究

3.Effect of Material Properties of Heat Collector on Performance of Solar Thermoelectric System集热体物性对太阳能热电发电系统性能的影响

4.The current is quite high, and the wire is getting very hot.电流很强,电线开始发热。

bined heat and power plant综合供热供电发电厂

6.The electric heater radiated warmth.电热器散发出来热量。

7.The Evolution of Cool, Heat and Power Plants From CHP;热电厂发展前景—由热电联产走向冷热电联产

8.steam-power station火力发电厂,汽力发电厂,热电站

9.The liberation of electrons from a hot wire is called thermionic emission.电子从热灯丝逸出,叫做热电子发射。

10.Heating Mechanism and Abstraction Measures of the Power Electron Module电力电子模块的发热机理与散热措施

11.alternator heater switch交流发电机发热开关掣

12.generator insulation over-temperature monitor发电机绝缘过热监控器

13.solar air power plant太阳热风力发电装置

14.temperature rise of hot wind热风温升 -电吹发器

15.globar resistance heater碳硅棒电阻式发热元件

16.Electric Elements & Thermodynamics Equipment of Power Plants发电厂电气部分与热力设备

17.generator, thermoelectric, direct current, of an output exceeding热电直流发电机,输出功率超过37.5w

18.RTG (Radioisotope Thermo-electric Generator)放射性同位素热电式发电机


waste heat power generation余热发电

1.Fly ash melting andwaste heat power generation system using coal as fuel was developed for the secondary pollution of MSW incineration fly ash.为消除垃圾焚烧飞灰带来的二次污染,建立了以煤粉为燃料的飞灰熔融固化和余热发电系统,利用AspenPlus对系统进行了计算,得出各操作参数如混合比、过量空气系数、一次风率和二次风温度等的合理取值范围,为后续实验研究工作打下了基础;计算模拟结果表明,该系统是完全可行的,且运行成本较电力式或其他燃料式熔融炉小得多,具有较好的经济效益,很适合将来在我国推广。

2.Using Stirling cycle theory,this paper designs awaste heat power generation set.利用斯特林循环原理,设计了一种汽车尾气余热发电装置,不仅可以有效的利用废热,节省能源,提高效率,同时有利于减少热污染和环境保护。

3)Power generation by waste heat余热发电

1.A brief discussion on problems of power generation by waste heat from low temperature gas in cement kiln concerned the owner;浅谈水泥窑中低温余热发电业主所关心的问题

2.But for the mesothermal and low temperature power generation by waste heat introduced distributing hot air,the power generated by unit heat enery is then increased greatly——by distributing the hot air entered the preheater,the ratio of gas and solid is decreased,the heat efficiency of the pr.采用热气体分流的中低温余热发电技术,即:将入预热器系统的热气体予以分流,降低了预热器内气固比,提高了预热器系统热效率;同时使原预热器出口烟气中的低级热能转移至温度较高的烟气中,热能得到升级,可大幅度提高其余热发电量。

3.In combination with real practices of power generation by waste heat,the author analyzes and discusses the control,improvement and usage of the method adopted during industrial water break so as to ensure a stable and smooth operation and management.结合余热发电的实际,分析探讨了工业水断水时,为确保生产平稳运行的改进控制方法,并将其应用于实际生产。

4)Waste heat generation余热发电

1.With the rapid development of micro electronic and computer technology, the compute based excitation system has been utilized in the waste heat generation.励磁调节是发电装置的重要控制设备 ,随着微电子技术和计算机技术的飞速发展 ,微机励磁控制在硫酸装置余热发电中得到了应用。


1.15 MWcogeneration projection of Suzhou Jinmao Cement Plant;苏州金猫水泥厂15MW余热发电工程设计

2.As poor cooling effect of the previous recycling equipment incogeneration by SA surplus heat, a sprayed cooler with rotary atomizer is adopted.硫酸余热发电原循环冷却水装置降温效果差 ,改用高效喷射旋转雾化冷却器 ,介绍其构造、工作原理及运行效果。

3.To introduce the comprehensive utilization of the 30 MVA hermetic calcium carbide furnace by the numbers, specially present the feasibility ofcogeneration of hermetic calcium carbide furnace and its analysis of investment benefit, etc.系统介绍了30 MVA密闭电石炉热能综合利用,重点阐述余热余气发电可行性、投资效益分析等,指出此技术的核心在于炉气净化和发电设备技术参数的合理选择,并展望了余热发电技术在电石及铁合金冶金行业应用的前景。

6)heating element电致发热

1.The conductive mechanism and performance of theheating element porous SiC;电致发热SiC多孔陶瓷导电性能研究


标准化热电偶标准化热电偶standardized thermocouplesbiaOZhunhuar司ion’ou标准化热电偶(,切m山记i喇the~ouples)由国际电工委员会(】EC)规定型号的热电偶。各种金属的组合都可以构成热电偶,但实际上使用的热电偶种类却不多。从20世纪印年代开始,美国、英国和加寒大等国家相继制定了几种常用热电偶的标准。这些标准后来又发展成为国际标准,即IEC热电偶标准,其中包括热电偶分度表、分度公式和对热电势分度的允许误差。国际上也称这些热电偶为字母标志热电偶。目前国际上已有8种标准化热电偶(见表)。中国也制定了相应的标准,内容与国际标准相一致。标准化热电们衰┌─────┬────────┬────────┐│热电偶型号│材料│使用温度范围(℃)│├─────┼────────┼────────┤│S │铂佬10-铂│0~1创X】│├─────┼────────┼────────┤│R │铂铭13一铂 │O、】6以)│├─────┼────────┼────────┤│B │铂姥呱铂佬6 │仗旧、!7(X) │├─────┼────────┼────────┤│K │镶铬一镶硅 │一么】)~!女洲) │├─────┼────────┼────────┤│N │镍铬硅一镍硅│一2(X)~1引】)│├─────┼────────┼────────┤│E │镶铬一铜镍(康铜)│一2(X)一以刃│├─────┼────────┼────────┤│J │铁一铜镍(康铜) │一40~750│├─────┼────────┼────────┤│T │铜一锅镶(康铜) │一2汉】~350 │└─────┴────────┴────────┘(车泛然、
