900字范文 > 固液两相流动 solid-liquid two-phase flow英语短句 例句大全

固液两相流动 solid-liquid two-phase flow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-17 04:23:53


固液两相流动 solid-liquid two-phase flow英语短句 例句大全

固液两相流动,solid-liquid two-phase flow

1)solid-liquid two-phase flow固液两相流动

1.Numerical analysis of innersolid-liquid two-phase flow in diversion and guiding apparatus in Francis turbine;混流式水轮机引水、导水部件内部固液两相流动的数值分析

2.The mathematical model and numerical calculation of relevant boundary-layer insolid-liquid two-phase flow;固液两相流动边界层的数学模型及流场计算


1.Numerical simulation on solid-liquid two-phase flow in a double channel pump双流道泵内固液两相流动的数值模拟

2.Effects of impeller outlet angle on solid-liquid two phase flow in centrifugal pump出口角对离心泵内固液两相流动影响

3.The mathematical model and numerical calculation of relevant boundary-layer in solid-liquid two-phase flow;固液两相流动边界层的数学模型及流场计算

4.On 3-D numerical simulation of solid-liquid two phase flow in centrifugal pump离心泵内固液两相流动的三维数值模拟

5.Numerical simulation of solid-Liquid two-phase flow and abrasion characteristics in desulfurization pump脱硫泵固液两相流动的数值模拟与磨损特性

6.Kinetic modeling of dilute solid-liquid two-phase flows with inelastic collisions考虑非弹性碰撞的低浓度固液两相流动理学模型

7.Numerical Calculation of Interior Liquid-solid Two-phase Flow inside a Slurry Pump and Analysis of Wear Character for the Impeller渣浆泵内固液两相流动的数值计算与磨损特性分析

8.Experimental Research on Abrasion and Corrosion of Oil Field Pipeline in Two-phase Flow of Fluid and Solid油田管线液固两相流动磨蚀实验研究

9.The Studies on Dynamic Filter Pressing of Drilling Fluid and Moving Law of Two-phase Flow of Solid-liquid;钻井液固液动压分离及固液两相流运动规律研究

10.Numerical Study on Liquid-solid Two-phase Flow in Low-pressure Swirl Atomizing Nozzle低压旋流雾化喷嘴内液固两相流动的数值研究

11.The Study of Salt-Out Liquid-Solid Two-Phase Flow in Pipe and Centrifugal Pump Chamber;离心泵压出室及管内盐析液固两相流动的研究

12.Numerical simulation of solid-liquid two-phase steady flow in horizontal pipe水平圆管固液两相稳态流动特性数值模拟

13.Experimental Study on Hydrodynamics of Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Bubble Columns;气液两相及气液固三相鼓泡床流动特性的实验研究

14.A Three-Dimensional Solid-Liquid Two-Phase Two-Fluid Turbulence Model for Water-Sediment Movement with and Without the Effect of Vegetation;水沙运动及植被影响的三维固液两相双流体湍流模型

15.Numerical simulation on solid particle erosion of solid-liquid two-phase fluid in flow controller节流器内液-固两相流固体颗粒冲蚀数值模拟

16.The Design and Function Study of Two Phase Flow Centrifugal Pumps;固液两相流离心泵的设计与性能研究

17.The Research on Numerical Simulation for Analysis of Liquid-solid Two-phase Flow in the Centrifugal Impeller;径向式叶轮内部液固两相流动分析与数值模拟研究

18.The Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Dynamic Characteristics of the Two-phase Flow in Planetary Finishing;行星滚筒滚磨加工中液固两相湍流运动机理的计算和实验研究


liquid-solid two-phase flow液固两相流动

1.To study the change of solid particle holdup and velocity in operating conditions, a charge coupled devices (CCD) measurement system has been developed to accurately measure the velocity and holdup of the particles inliquid-solid two-phase flow system in high voidage and wider velocity range.为了研究液固两相流动系统中固体颗粒的浓度和速度随操作条件的变化,开发了适用于液固两相流动体系的电荷耦合器件(CCD)测量系统。

2.Erosion-corrosion ofliquid-solid two-phase flow occurring in a 304 # stainless steel pipe with suddenly expanded cross-section is numerically studied.冲刷腐蚀过程的综合模型可以分解为液固两相流动模型、冲刷模型和腐蚀模型 。

3.erosion in aliquid-solid two-phase flow driven by a rotating disk was numerically studied.数值模拟研究采用欧拉-拉格朗日方法来模拟液固两相流动,即通过在欧拉坐标系下求解流体相的雷诺时均方程组来模拟流体流场,通过拉格朗日坐标系下的随机轨道模型来获得固体颗粒相的运动轨迹。

3)liquid solid flows液-固两相流动

4)solid-liquid two-phase flows固-液两相流动

5)gas-solid or liquid-solid two phases flow气固或液固两相流动

6)dense liquid-solid two-phase flow密相液固两相流动

1.In this paper, a DISPAR algorithm fordense liquid-solid two-phase flow is developed.本文推导了适用于考虑浓度变化影响的密相液固两相流动数值计算的DIPSAR算法,对竖直上升管中密相液固两相流动进行了数值计算,计算值与实测值较为符合。


