900字范文 > 农业科研机构核心能力 Core competencies of agricultural research institutions英语短句 例句大全

农业科研机构核心能力 Core competencies of agricultural research institutions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-18 11:08:43


农业科研机构核心能力 Core competencies of agricultural research institutions英语短句 例句大全

农业科研机构核心能力,Core competencies of agricultural research institutions

1)Core competencies of agricultural research institutions农业科研机构核心能力


1.Study on Construction of Knowledge Sharing System Based on Agricultural Research Institutions Core Competence基于农业科研机构核心能力的知识共享体系构建研究

2.Capacity Building of Enterprises Transferred from Agriculture Research Organizations;农业科研机构转制企业核心竞争力的构建

3.Studies on the Cultivate Core Competencies of Liberal Arts in Agricultural Universities农业院校文科专业核心能力培育问题研究

4.The Research on Subject Core Ability and Its Development in Higher Agricultural Colleges;高等农业院校学科核心能力及其拓展研究

5.Analysis on the Scientific Research Efficiency of Agricultural Scientific Research Institution in Sichuan--The Estimation of the Output Capability of Agricultural Scientific Research Institution in Sichuan;四川省农业科研机构的产出能力测评

6.Building the Subject Core Competition of Agricultural Universities;高等农业院校学科核心竞争力的构筑

7.The core competency of agricultural information institutions and their information services;农业信息机构的核心竞争力与农业信息服务

8.Study on the Technological Innovation Capability of Agricultural Scientific Research Institution in Sichuan;四川省农业科研机构技术创新能力研究

9.On the Core Competence Construction of Training Body for Forestry Cadres关于林业干部培训机构核心能力建设的研究

10.Evaluation of S&T productivity for national-level agricultural scientific research institutions国家级农业科研机构科技生产力评估

11.The Research on Microstructure of Core Competence in Electrical Industry in China;我国电力企业核心能力结构体系研究

12.Core Capacity,Institution and Organizational Structure of a Firm;企业核心能力、企业制度和企业组织机构

13.Elements and Dynamic Development Mechanism of Core Competence;核心能力的构成及动态发展机理研究

14.Empirical Study on the Component Factors of Agricultural Businesses Core Competence;农业企业核心竞争力构成要素的实证研究

15.Research on Setting Up Pharmaceutical Enterprises" Core Capability in Zhejiang Province;浙江省医药企业核心能力的构建研究

16.Research on Protection Mechanism for the Core Competence of a Virtual Corporation Member;虚拟企业成员核心能力保护机制研究

17.The Construction Research of Core Competence in Agricultural Bank of China Huinan Branch;中国农业银行辉南县支行核心竞争力构建研究

18.The Research on the Construction of State-owned High Technology Enterprise’s Core Competence构造国有高科技企业核心竞争力的研究


core research capacity科研核心能力

1.Whether a country owns famous international science and technology publication is a reflection of the national scientific and technological strength and is a symbol of thecore research capacity of a worldwide subject.一个国家是否有国际科技名刊,既是一个国家科技实力的体现,又是一个国家能否形成世界范围内某一学科科研核心能力的象征。

3)agricultural scientific research institution农业科研机构

1.Analysis on the Scientific Research Efficiency of Agricultural Scientific Research Institution in Sichuan——The Estimation of the Output Capability of Agricultural Scientific Research Institution in Sichuan;四川省农业科研机构的产出能力测评

2.Study on the Technological Innovation Capability of Agricultural Scientific Research Institution in Sichuan;四川省农业科研机构技术创新能力研究

3.The management system ofagricultural scientific research institution project is demand of agricultural scientific organization to improve the management level and efficiency.0技术语音,开发出"基于C/S结构的农业科研机构项目管理系统"1。

4)Agricultural research institution农业科研机构

1.Lack of innovation power in agricultural research institutions has become an important factor affecting innovation efficiency of science and technology.农业科研机构创新动力不足已成为我国农业科技创新低效的重要原因。

5)Agricultural research institutions农业科研机构

1.Based on the analysis of obstacles and the qualifications for knowledge sharing, the system of knowledge sharing in agricultural research institutions was proposed and designed for reference of knowledge management in agricultural research institution本文研究了知识共享的作用 ,并在分析知识共享的障碍和应具备条件的基础上 ,提出并设计了农业科研机构知识共享的体系 ,以便为农业科研机构进行知识管理提供参考。

6)Agricultural Research Institute农业科研机构

1.An empirical analysis on the investment time lag involving agricultural research institutes in China;基于经济增长的农业科研机构投资时滞的实证分析

2.Up to now,the existing main problem about this are:agricultural research institute s technology and science research,develop or manage activities haven t formed into an organic whole;Research enterprises developed slowly;Technology enterprises brought up environment is bad;the agricultural mode of production is backward.农业科研机构实现研产一体化是农业科技产业化的核心内容和主要目的。

3.The agricultural research institutes are the production and creation section of agricultural knowledge.农业科研机构是农业知识的生产和创造部门 ,为了提高农业知识的生产效率和创新能力 ,必须重视知识管理。


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