900字范文 > 水分运动 water movement英语短句 例句大全

水分运动 water movement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-14 18:55:21


水分运动 water movement英语短句 例句大全

水分运动,water movement

1)water movement水分运动

1.Numerical Simulation for 1-D Water Movement in Unsaturated Soil;一维非饱和土壤水分运动的数值模拟

2.Experimental study onwater movement of latosol under drip irrigation;滴灌条件下砖红壤水分运动试验研究

3.Under different rainfall intensities,water movement in seashore saline soil was basically similar, and the whole process ofwater movement was divided into two phases,namely rapidly decreasing phase of water suction and slowly rising phase of water suction.结果表明 :7,14和 2 8mm的雨量下 ,滨海盐渍土土壤剖面的水分运动规律基本相似 ,水分运动的整个过程可分为两个阶段 ,即入渗控制阶段和蒸发控制阶段。


1.Experiment Research on Soil Moisture of Water Storage Pit in the Field;蓄水坑灌法土壤水分运动分布的田间试验研究

puter Model of One-Dimensional Unsaturated Soil-Water Movement;一维非饱和土壤水分运动计算机模型

3.Move more, let body eduction old moisture, absorb new moisture.多运动,让身体排出旧水分,吸收新水分。

4.Orienteering High-level Sportsmen Testing Skill-level Contrasting Analysis;定向运动高水平运动员测试技术水平对比分析

5.Bifurcation analysis of motion stability for high-speed underwater vehicle水下高速运动体运动稳定性的分叉分析

6.Analysis of CUBA players achievement motivation;CUBA运动员成就动机水平的调查与分析

7.Investigation and Analysis on the Sport Injuries of High Level Teenager Wushu Athletes;高水平青少年武术运动员运动损伤调查分析

8.An Investigation and Analysis of Sports Injuries of High-level Baseball Players in China我国高水平棒球运动员运动损伤调查分析

9.An analysis of gas-water distribution and its movement law in the Sebei gas field涩北气田气水分布及气水运动规律分析

10.Research on Underwater Passive Target Motion Analysis in Three Dimensions Without Maneuver;非机动水下三维被动目标运动分析研究

11.The Factors to Restain Sport Level of Native Varsity and the Countermeasure;制约我国高校高水平运动队运动水平的因素分析及对策

12.A Research and Analysis of Athletic Injuries for Elite Swimmers,Divers, Water Polo Players,and Synchronized Swimmers;四个水上奥运项目运动员运动损伤的现状分析与研究

13.These causes are mostly unassociated with the movement of water.这些因素大部分是与水的运动无关的。

14.Research on Key Techniques of Video Analysis System for Diving Sport;跳水运动视频分析系统关键技术研究

15.Feasible Analysis of Schools and Enterprises Cooperating in High Level Sports Team;校企联合办高水平运动队可行性分析

16.Research on Regional Distribution of High-Level Sport Team in Our University;我国高校高水平运动队区域分布研究

17.Analysis on Distribution Characteristics of High Level Athletes in Hubei Province;湖北省高水平运动员分布特征的研究

18.Both Feet Analysis on Counterforce During Landing Springboard of Diving Athletes ;跳板跳水运动员双足落板的受力分析


water flow水分运动

1.The characteristic finite element method is applied to discretize the model of 1-Dwater flow in unsaturated soils with variable θ during infiltration and evaporation ,and the characteristic finte element model is obtained.应用特征有限元法,对以含水率θ为因变量的一维非饱和土壤水分运动模型在入渗、蒸发条件下进行离散化,得到了该模型的特征有限元数值模型,所得数值模型形式简单、计算精度高、用时少,符合实际工作要求。

2.Rock fragments in the soil may affect the soil structure and the tortuosity ofwater flow paths, which may further influence the hydrological process, soil water movement and its validity.由于成土原因和人类活动,不同数量、不同种类的碎石覆盖表土和嵌入土壤以及碎石夹层经常存在,碎石的存在不仅会改变土壤的某些物理和化学性质,还会进而影响地表水文过程、土壤水分运动及有效性。

3)moisture movement水分运动

1.Hence,it is awfully necessitated to construct a hydrological model applicable to Hotan Oasis with which,themoisture movement mode can be easier to find and the precious water resour.构建一个适用于和田绿洲的水文模型,借以搞清当地水分运动规律,合理配置有限的水资源--这已经成为绿洲可持续发展的迫切要求。

2.In order to study themoisture movement in unsaturated zone,a improved finite element numerical method for solving Richard equation is built and compared with the results in presented literature.为研究非饱和带土壤水分运动,对Richard方程的有限元求解方法进行了改进,改进后的算法可较为简便地处理边界条件,并与已有的求解方法进行对比验证;对V-G模型中的参数α和n对土壤重力释水和入渗过程的影响进行了敏感度分析。

4)SPAC water transferSPAC水分运动

5)soil-water movement土壤水分运动

1.In order to acquire more accuracy of numerical simulation of soil water movement under subsurface irrigation with porous pipe,a two dimensionsoil-water movement model with boundary of third type was built in this paper.为提高微孔渗灌条件下土壤水分运动数值模拟精度,建立了含有第3类边界条件的二维微孔渗灌土壤水分运动数学模型,着重论述了微孔管3类边界条件处理的流速分解法,并采用ADI交替方向隐式差分法求解数学模型。

2.On the basis of soil-water dynamics,soil-water movement rules in upland field with rainfall are researched, and a one-dimensional vertical unsaturatedsoil-water movement mathematic model is established.以土壤水动力学原理为基础 ,研究降雨条件下旱地土壤水分的运动规律 ,建立了一维垂直非饱和土壤水分运动的数学模型 ,采用有限差分法FDM求解数学模型。

3.The rules of thesoil-water movement are the base of the development and using for every irrigation technique.首先,对地下滴灌灌水过程和灌水停止后的土壤水分运动进行了室外试验。

6)soil water movement土壤水分运动

1.Finite element method for single pitsoil water movement simulation under water storage pit irrigation;蓄水坑灌单坑土壤水分运动有限元模拟

2.Characterizing scale-dependent heterogeneity ofsoil water movement through dying infiltration experiments;土壤水分运动空间变异性尺度效应的染色示踪入渗试验研究

3.Review of effect of temperature onsoil water movement;温度对土壤水分运动影响的研究进展


南美洲运动会和南十字运动会19在巴西举行过1届南美洲运动会,参加者限于南美洲国家。1978年在玻利维亚举行过 1届南十字运动会,参加国有阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、智利、厄瓜多尔、巴拉圭、秘鲁和乌拉圭8国。
