900字范文 > 借贷关系 debit and credit connection英语短句 例句大全

借贷关系 debit and credit connection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-14 13:39:40


借贷关系 debit and credit connection英语短句 例句大全

借贷关系,debit and credit connection

1)debit and credit connection借贷关系


1.Article 90 Legitimate loan relationships shall be protected by law.第九十条合法的借贷关系受法律保护。

2.The reduction in interest on loans should not be so great as to render credit transactions impossible.利息,不要减到超过社会经济借贷关系所许可的程度。

3.Relationship Lending, Asymmetric Information and Small & Medium Business Finance;关系型借贷、信息不对称与中小企业融资

4.Application Study on Relationship Lending in Indirectly Finance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises;关系型借贷在中小企业间接融资中的应用研究

5.A Research on the Relationship Banking and Finance for SMEs Based on Bertrand Competition Framework;基于Bertrand模型的关系型借贷和中小企业融资研究

6.Relationship Lending:the Access to Solve the Problem Related to Farmers,Agriculture and Rural Areas Financing;关系型借贷:破解“三农”融资难题的技术选择

7.Basic Conditions of Relationship Lending for Small/Medium-sized Businesses;中小企业发展关系型借贷的基础条件分析

8.Relationship Lending to Small Business and the Bank Organizational Structure;中小企业的关系型借贷与银行组织结构

9.Bank-firm Relationship and the Growth of SMEs:Evidence from the Value of Relationship Lending银企关系与中小企业成长——关系借贷价值的经验证据

10.The Changes of Networks in Rural Loan--Based on the Study of Q Village in Heilongjiang Province;关系网络与农村借贷——以黑龙江省Q村的实证调查为例

11.A Study on the Relations between Leasehold and Rural Economy and Peasants Life--The Case of the Middle South of China after Land Reform;私人借贷与农村经济和农民生活关系研究——以土改后中南区为例

12.Discussions about the Rural Loan Relationship during Nanjing KMT Governing Period;南京国民政府时期农村信用社借贷双方关系探析

13.The Relation between Contract and Law in Ancient China:An Inquiry into Contact of Borrow and Lend in Tang Dynasty;论中国古代契约与国家法的关系——以唐代法律与借贷契约的关系为中心

pulsory Stock Borrowing and Lending Regulations (CCASS)《强制证券借贷规例》(中央结算系统)

pulsory Stock Borrowing and Lending Service (CCASS)强制证券借贷服务(中央结算系统)

16.Last week, federal agencies released the final version of a statement on subprime lending.上周,联邦机构发布了关于次级贷款借贷的最终政府报告。

17.sundry credits (debits)杂项贷项(借项)杂项贷差

18.a United States dollar deposited in a European bank and used as an international currency to finance trade.美国在欧洲银行和借贷机关流通的美圆。


relationship lending关系借贷

1.In the credit market, the commercial banks and the enterprises keep a close relationship in order to communicate information and enhance financing efficiency, which leads to the widespread adoption ofrelationship lending.在信贷市场上,商业银行与企业通过保持密切的联系来沟通信息,提高融资效率,关系借贷的方式被普遍采用。

2.On the basis of the relationship between banks and enterprises, the paper firstly introduces therelationship lending which is the traditional means of foreign bank systems and it s benefits and costs.本文从银企关系出发 ,首先介绍了国外银行体系进行中小企业借贷的传统做法———关系借贷 ,并对关系借贷进行了成本和收益分析。

3.The paper provides empirical evidences on the practice of the theory of SMEs\"relationship lending in China and also reveals the application value of SMEs\"relationship lending.文章利用世界银行在我国18个城市1186家中小企业调查的样本数据,对我国银企关系与中小企业成长的相关性进行了实证研究,发现样本企业建立关系银行的数量和维持银行关系的时间长度与企业成长具有负相关关系,而中小企业与银行采用关系借贷融资所形成的关系深度与企业的成长却具有显著的正相关性,并在规模较大的企业、非国有企业和处于弱市场竞争环境下的企业群体中有所体现。

3)relationship banking关系型借贷

1.A Literature Review of Foreign Relationship Banking Theory国外关系型借贷理论的文献述评

2.In this paper we offer a theoretical model to analyzerelationship banking and the pricing behavior of banks in a Bertrand competition framework with m.信息不透明、缺乏与融资有关的有效信息、融资成本高是中小企业融资难的主要原因,关系型借贷实质上是银行和企业为克服金融交易中的市场失效而共同构建的一种制度安排。

4)Relationship Lending关系型借贷

1.The Study on SME Finance andRelationship Lending;关系型借贷与中小企业融资的研究

2.According to the study on credit home abroad,the relationship lending is an important choice for small/medium-sized businesses to get rid of information asymmetry in financing.国内外的研究认为,关系型借贷是解决中小企业融资中信息不对称的重要选择。

3.In this paper, with the analytical framework applied to Chinese reality, we learn that the development of relationship lending, and the establishment of small and medium-sized financial institutions are able to promote SMEs\" financing.本文以博弈论与信息经济学的相关理论和方法为基础,构建了一个中小企业融资问题的分析框架,研究信贷配给产生的微观机理,分析信贷市场上各经济主体的行为在信贷风险形成机制中的作用和影响,从理论上研究关系型借贷和银行结构对中小企业融资的影响。

5)relationship of loan contract借贷合同关系

1.The legal relationship between a bank and its clients who have accounts in the bank is therelationship of loan contract in nature.银行与在银行建立帐户的客户之间的法律关系从性质上来看主要是一种借贷合同关系,因此,当客户同时又是银行的借款人时,如果符合合同法上抵销的条件,银行可以单方面行使抵销权。

6)borrower-lender relationship银企借贷关系


经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关
