900字范文 > 企业信用缺失 Business credit lacking英语短句 例句大全

企业信用缺失 Business credit lacking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-23 01:52:38


企业信用缺失 Business credit lacking英语短句 例句大全

企业信用缺失,Business credit lacking

1)Business credit lacking企业信用缺失


1.Study on Credit Lake of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Countercheck System;中小企业信用缺失及其防范机制研究

2.The Endanger and Countermeasure Research to the Lack of Credit of SMEs;中小企业信用缺失的危害及对策研究

3.An Economic Analysis of Discredit in Enterprises of Our Country;我国企业信用缺失行为的经济学分析

4.Institutional Reasons for Credit Lack in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and its Countermeasures中小企业信用缺失的制度归因及对策

5.Studies on Breaking Credit Problems of Enterprises and Surveys on Credit Status of Enterprises in Sichuan;企业信用缺失问题研究——兼对四川省企业信用状况调查

6.A Study of the Influencing Factors of Chinese Private-owned Enterprises" Lack of Credit during the Economic Transfer Period;转型期中国民营企业信用缺失影响因素研究

7.Empirical Study of Key Factors Leading to Credit Deficiency among Private Enterprises;影响民营企业信用缺失关键因素的实证研究

8.The Economic Analysis on China′s Corporate Credit Loss;企业信用缺失的经济学分析及对策探讨

9.On the Causes of Credit Lack in Chinese Business and the Controlling Strategies;论我国企业信用缺失的原因及治理对策

10.Institutional Sources and Solutions of Credit Lack among Medium-sized and Small Enterprises;中小企业信用缺失的制度根源与治理对策

11.The Outside Factors Leading to Scarcity of the Credit of Enterprises and Improvement of Relevant Regulations;造成企业信用缺失的外部环境因素及立法完善

12.Credit Problem Faced by Chinese Enterprises and the Directions of Reform in Chinese Economy Transformation Period;我国经济转型期企业信用缺失的表现、危害及其治理

13.A Study on the Managemtnt of Business Credit Risk under the Credibility Deficiency;信用缺失下的企业信用风险管理研究

14.Research on the lack of entrepreneur credit evaluation in that of SMB credit;中小企业信用评价中企业家信用评价缺失研究

15.Family Business Enterprise Development under Social Discredit;社会信用缺失下的我国家族企业发展

16.Dath for Weak Private Enterprises under Condition of Credit Absence;基于信用缺失环境下的弱质民营企业发展路径

17.Analysis of Influence of Credit Absence on Investment of Private Enterprises in China;信用缺失对我国民营企业投资影响的分析

18.The Absence of Middle and Small Enterprises Loans and Measures;中小企业融资中的信用缺失问题及解决


Lack of enterprise"s credit企业诚信缺失

3)The flaws of good faith culture in enterprise企业诚信文化缺失

4)credit deficiency信用缺失

1.Based on the conclusion, the factors affecting cooperating game equilibrium in repeated game are analyzed, and the reasons ofcredit deficiency are revealed.从构建一个一般的博弈模型入手,通过对在重复博弈情况下,影响建筑市场交易主体间合作博弈均衡形成的因素进行分析,从一般意义上阐述了建筑市场信用缺失严重的根本原因。

2.Through analyzing various phenomena and causes of thecredit deficiency such as the light legal responsibility, the weak social supervision and restraint, and the local protectionism, etc.通过分析信用缺失的各种现象及产生原因,如法律责任轻、社会监管及约束薄弱、存在地方保护主义等,提出了建立信用体系、加强信用法律建设、增强防范意识等具体有效的防范措施。

3.Socredit deficiency problem is attracting more and more attention of society and academe.因此,信用缺失问题引起了社会和学者的广泛关注。

5)credit loss信用缺失

1.Analysis oncredit loss from diversified viewpoint of modern economics;现代经济学多重视角下的信用缺失分析

2.A study of enterprisecredit loss in China;我国企业信用缺失问题浅探

3.New methods to managecredit loss;信用缺失及其治理的新方法

6)credit lack信用缺失

1.An analysis of market exchange,credit norm,andcredit lack;市场交易、信用规范及信用缺失行为分析

2.In real life, a crisis about tourism credit has showed, especiallycredit lack of tourism enter-prises has caused a lot of appeal and thus restricting tourism development of our country healthy.本文从旅游业中存在的信用缺失问题入手,认为应通过建立旅游信用制度体系来重塑我国旅游业的信用。


