900字范文 > 排气污染物评价模型 Vehicular emissions pollutant evaluation model英语短句 例句大全

排气污染物评价模型 Vehicular emissions pollutant evaluation model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-03 15:52:49


排气污染物评价模型 Vehicular emissions pollutant evaluation model英语短句 例句大全

排气污染物评价模型,Vehicular emissions pollutant evaluation model

1)Vehicular emissions pollutant evaluation model排气污染物评价模型


1.Summary of Limiting Method Study and Evaluation Model of Motor Vehicle Emission Pollutant机动车辆排气污染物评价模型、设限方法研究概述

2.Biological evaluation of atmospheric pollution大气污染生物学评价

3.pollution sources assessment model of river河流污染源评价模型

4.Web-based study on the assessment model of complex product life cycle pollution emission基于Web的复杂产品生命周期污染排放评价模型研究

5.Evaluating the Environmental Bahavior of Typical Organic Pollutants Applying Multimedia Environmental Model;应用多介质环境模型评价典型有机物污染物的环境行为

6.air pollutant emission inventory大气污染物排放清单

7.Discussion about Forecasting Assessment Method of Air Pollution Source Abnormal Emission in the Aluminium Smelter Project EIA空气污染源非正常排放预测评价方法探讨

puter-simulated air pollutant dispersion model电脑模拟空气污染物扩散模型

9.Contamination Twodimensional Water Quality Model Study of Surrounding Area of Drainage Outlet of City Rivers;城市河流排污口近区污染物二维水质模型

10.Development and assessment of quantitative structure-activity relationship models for bioconcentration factors of organic pollutants有机污染物生物富集因子定量预测模型的建立与评价

11.Industrial Pollution Assessment of Xinjiang Based on the PSR Model基于PSR模型的新疆工业污染评价

12.Gross Control of Emission,Emission Right and Environmental Impact Assessment;试论污染物排放的总量控制、排污交易与环境评价

13.Analysis and Evaluation on the Exhausted Gases from Wastewater Treatment System of Petrochemical Refinery石化污水处理场排放废气中有机污染的分析与评价

14.A Theoretical Model and Practical Design of Pollutant Emissions Trading System;污染物排放权交易体系理论模型与实用设计

15.A Model Featuring the Formation of Pollutants in a Grate-CFB(Circulating Fluidized Bed) Compound Solid Waste Incinerator炉排-循环床复合垃圾焚烧炉污染物生成模型

16.Evaluation on pollution and potential ecological risk in surface sediments of adjacent sea area near discharge outlets in Zhoushan舟山排污口邻近海域沉积物污染及潜在生态风险评价

17.An Integrated Stochastic-fuzzy Modeling Approach for the Risk Assessment of Groundwater Pollution基于随机-模糊模型的地下水污染风险评价

18.The Evaluation of Economic Loss of Environmental Pollution Based on Atmospheric Diffusion Model;基于大气扩散模式下的污染损失评价研究


exhaust pollutants排气污染物

1.Reducingexhaust pollutants from diesel engines of vehicles;车用柴油机排气污染物控制措施

3)pollution sources assessment model of water body水体污染源评价模型

4)atmospheric assessment大气污染评价

5)assessment of pollutant toxicity污染物毒性评价

6)diffusion model of atmospheric pollutant大气污染物扩散模型


