900字范文 > 最优投资消费问题 The optimal investment and consumption problem英语短句 例句大全

最优投资消费问题 The optimal investment and consumption problem英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-09 07:02:27


最优投资消费问题 The optimal investment and consumption problem英语短句 例句大全

最优投资消费问题,The optimal investment and consumption problem

1)The optimal investment and consumption problem最优投资消费问题

1.The optimal investment and consumption problem has a long history, each person or each economic entity almost every day faces a decision-making problem for investment and consumption.最优投资消费问题由来已久,每个人、每个经济实体几乎每天都面临着一个投资消费决策问题。


1.A Numerical Method for Optimal Investment and Consumption with Transaction Costs;具有交易费用的最优投资消费问题的一种数值算法

2.With the martingale representation theorem and some conclusions for conditional expectation, the optimal strategies for optimal portfolio-consumption problem are derived.应用鞅的表示定理及条件期望的结论,得到最优投资消费问题的最优策略。

3.A Study on Decision for Optimal Investment and Consumption with Two Consumption Goods考虑两类消费对象的最优投资消费决策问题

4.Optimization Problems in Cross-currency Financial Market;交叉货币金融市场下的投资—消费最优化问题

5.A Problem for Optimal Security Portfolio and Consumption Choice;证券投资组合和消费选择的最优控制问题

6.Optimal Portfolio and Consumption Decisions with Wealth Preference under Regime Switching Model;Regime Switching模型下基于财富偏好的最优消费投资问题

7.Optimal Consumption and Investment Decision Problem with Stochastic Volatility;考虑随机方差的最优消费和投资决策问题

8.Optimization of Consumption and Investment Strategy Under Typical Utility Index;典型效用指标下消费投资策略的最优化问题

9.Study on the Optimal Consumption and Portfolio of Jump Diffusion Process;基于跳跃——扩散过程的最优消费投资组合问题研究

10.One Kind of Optimal International Security Investment Portfolio and Consumption Choice Problem;一类国际证券投资组合和消费选择的最优控制问题(英文)

11.An Optimal Control Problem on Portfolio and Consumption Choice in International Security Market;一类国际证券投资组合及消费选择的最优控制问题

12.Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Problem for Single Asset and Multi-noise;单资产多噪声情形下的最优消费资产组合问题

13.The Positive Problems of Expensive Consumption-Investment Optimization Pattern and Its Revelation;扩展的消费—投资优化模型的正问题及其启示

14.Optimal Investment with Transaction Costs under aHyperbolic Lévy Model Abstract;双曲Lévy模型下有交易费时的最优投资问题

15.Optimal consumption and investment strategy based on worst-case;基于最差情况的最优消费和投资策略

16.An optimal portfolio selection problem in the fixed consumption style is investigated under the mean-variance framework.在均值-方差框架下研究了一个带有固定消费模式的最优投资组合问题.

17.Study on the Optimum Investment and Consumption Model Considering Insurance;考虑保险的最优消费、投资模型研究

18.Optimal consume-invest model with stochastic volatility;具有随机波动的最优消费-投资模型


optimal investment and consumption最优投资与消费

1.In this paper, we apply the method of martingale analysis tooptimal investment and consumption strategies, and some related consequences are acquired.本文则是运用鞅分析方法探讨最优投资与消费决策问题,获得了一些相关结果。

3)optimal consumption and investment最优消费投资

1.Investors may choose freely his consumption and investment to expect to maximum the consumption and final wealth utility in or of theoptimal consumption and investment when there is a currency inflation or deflation in financial market and consumer goods market.最优消费投资问题是指投资者的资产在消费和投资之间进行分配,期望在时间区间[0,T]或[0,+∞)的消费效用或终值财富效用最大化。

4)optimal investment-consumption最优投资消费

5)optimal consumption and investment最优消费和投资

1.Study on Optimal Consumption and Investment Tactics in Incomplete Market;非完全市场最优消费和投资策略研究

2.This paper researches theoptimal consumption and investment decision problem when the securities prices follow geometric Brownian motion with stochastic volatility.研究在证券价格服从一个带有随机方差几何布朗运动情况下的最优消费和投资问题。

3.Under the hypothesis that security returns have bounded uncertainty,considering transaction costs,based on the theory of differential game,aoptimal consumption and investment decision problem in financial market is studied.在假设证券收益存在有界不确定干扰和考虑交易费用的情况下 ,基于微分对策理论 ,研究了最差情况下的最优消费和投资策略问题 。

6)optimal consumption and portfolio最优消费与投资


