900字范文 > 唐代服饰 the costumes of the Tang Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

唐代服饰 the costumes of the Tang Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-22 05:21:35


唐代服饰 the costumes of the Tang Dynasty英语短句 例句大全

唐代服饰,the costumes of the Tang Dynasty

1)the costumes of the Tang Dynasty唐代服饰


1.Tang-Dynasty Costumes and Culture in Dunhuang Murals--Take Dunhuang,Kizil,Bozi Kerik as an example;敦煌壁画中的唐代服饰与文化——以敦煌、克孜尔、柏孜克里克等壁画为例

2.Analysis on the Opening Features of Women s Garments in Tang Dynasty;唐代女子服饰风格的开放性特点解析

3.From Mili to Hu Hat:On Change of Women’s Aesthetic Concept of Dress in Tang Dynasty;从羃離到胡帽:论唐代妇女服饰审美观念的嬗变

4.Women Costume and Aesthetic Taste in Tang Dynasty in Poems;从诗词描写中看唐代女性的服饰和审美心态

5.Style Changes in Dress and Personal Adornments from Han Nationality Women s of Tang Dynasty to Japanese Women s Kimono;由唐代汉族女子服饰到日本女子和服的款式变迁

6.On the Costume of the Wu Ji(Dancer) in the Buddha Worshiping Band in the Murals of Mogao Grottoes of Tang Dynasty in Dunhuang;敦煌唐代壁画经变画礼佛乐队中的舞伎服饰研究

7.On the dresses comparison of Chinese Tang Dynasty and Western Middle Ages;昙花一现与黑暗中的光明——中国唐代与西方中世纪服饰对比研究

8.Layout and Decoration of Buddhism Temples of Tang Dynasty Recorded in Collected Literatures of Tang Dynasty《全唐文》中的唐代佛寺布局与装饰研究

9.Look at Female Face Sticker Culture in the Tang Dynasty from Tang Poems and Verses;从唐代诗词中看唐代女性脸部贴饰文化

10.Females of Tang s Head and Face Decoration;透过唐诗看唐代女性的头部及脸部装饰

11.Qing Dynasty Official Costumes"s Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Costumes中国传统服饰之清代官员服饰的特点

12.The Influence of Finery in Dream of the Red Chamber on Modern Fashion浅析《红楼梦》服饰对现代服饰的影响

13.The Research of Tang Dynasty Woman Headdwear and Face a Decoration under the Foreign Culture Influences;外来文化影响下的唐代女子头饰及面饰研究

14.Cuctural Change in Garment Fashion:With Jeans and the Dress in Tang Dynasty as the Example;服饰时尚中的文化变迁:以牛仔服与唐装为例

15.In Tang Dynasty Traditional Chinese Painting of Beautiful Women Color Symbolism and Decoration;唐代仕女画中色彩的象征性与装饰性

16.The Aesthetic Features of Ceramic Decoration of the Changsha Kiln in the Tang Dynasty;唐代长沙窑陶瓷装饰艺术的审美特征

parison between the dress-culture connotations in the Tang & Song Dynasties--Taking northern minority nationality"s clothing and women"s dress as an example唐宋服饰文化内涵之比较——以胡人衣冠和妇女服饰为例

18.Study of Chinese Ancient Costumes《中国古代服饰研究》


women clothing in Tang dynasty唐代妇女服饰

3)Aesthetics in the Tang Dynasty Costumes唐代服饰美学

4)women"s dress of Han nationality in Tang Dynasty唐代汉族女子服饰

5)A Special Theme Research on the Costume of Tang Dynasty唐代服饰专题研究

6)Research on Women in the Tang Dynasty Costumes唐代女性服饰研究


唐代服饰唐代服饰图案,改变了以往那种以天赋神授的创作思想,用真实的花、草、鱼、虫进行写生,但传统的龙、凤图案并没有被排斥,这也是由皇权神授的影响而决定的。这时服饰图案的设计趋向于表现自由、丰满、肥壮的艺术风格。 s|晚唐时期的服饰图案更为精巧美观。花鸟服饰图案、边饰图案、团花服饰图案在帛纱轻柔的服装上,真是花团锦簇,争妍斗盛。正如五代王建所说:"罗衫叶叶绣重重,金凤银鹅各一丛,每翩舞时分两向,太平万岁字当中。"今天,我们看到的这些华贵优美的服饰图案,是画工们在敦煌石窟用艰苦的劳动为后人们保留下来的珍贵形象的资料。唐代服饰的发展是整体上的发展,这时服饰图案的设计趋于表现自由、丰满、华美、圆润,在鞋、帽、巾、玉佩、发型、化妆、首饰的表现,都说明了这一特点。fxb唐代承前继承了周、战国、魏晋时期的风格,融周代服饰图案设计上的严谨、战国时期的舒展、汉代的明快、魏晋的飘逸为一体,又在此基础上更加华贵,使服饰、服饰图案达到了历史上的高峰;唐代的服饰、服饰图案对后代的影响一直沿续到今天。缠枝纹在现代服饰图案中的运用,展示了传统纹样与现代审美意识结合所产生的意蕴
