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后现代视角 a post-modern perspective英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-21 01:44:06


后现代视角 a post-modern perspective英语短句 例句大全

后现代视角,a post-modern perspective

1)a post-modern perspective后现代视角

1.Consequentlya post-modern perspective of the malaises may as well do good to the educationaldevelopment in the future.从后现代视角进行的批评揭示了这些隐忧,为未来教育的发展提供了借鉴。


1.Eugenides "Photographic Memory":A Post-modernist Perspective;尤金迪斯的“逼真记忆”:一个后现代视角

2.Concepts of Music in Ethnomusicology: Post - modernist Perspective;从后现代视角看音乐人类学的“音乐”观

3.Literature traversing and a postmodernistic perspective of Hu Niu"s image论虎妞形象的文学穿越与后现代视角

4.Dialog and Understanding-Interpreting Teacher-student Relationship from Postmodern Perspective;对话与理解——从后现代视角解读师生关系

5.Professional Beliefs and Social work Under Postmodern Perspective;专业的确信与后现代视角下的社会工作

6.The malaise of educational modernity--A post-modern perspective;教育现代性的隐忧——一个后现代的视角

7.Inspection of Modern Rationalism in the View of Post-Modernism;后现代主义视角的现代理性主义观照

8.Our Country"s Sports Modernization under the View of Post-modernism后现代主义视角下我国的体育现代化

9.Ponder over the contemporary preschool physical education from visual angle of post-modernism;从后现代主义的视角审视当代幼儿体育教育

10.Tribal Marketing-a Visual Angle of Postmodernist Marketing部落营销——一个后现代的营销视角

11.The French Lieutenant s Woman Viewed from a Postmodernistic Perspective;后现代主义视角下的《法国中尉的女人》

12.Interpreting Aesthetic Literary Theory: a Post-modern Perspective;解读审美型文论:一个后现代的视角

13.Bauman s Perspective:Post-Modern Happiness to the Challenges of Education;鲍曼视角:后现代幸福观对现代教育的挑战

14.Post-modernity is a New Point of View to Modernization in Education;后现代:教育现代化目标追求的另类视角

15.Causes of the Crisis of Law in the Postmodern West;西方法律后现代危机的成因——一种后现代法学视角下的考察

16.A Study on University Bilingual Curriculum in the Post-modern Perspective on Curriculum;后现代课程观视角下的高校双语课程研究

17.Second Skin: From Perspectives of Postmodernism and Feminism;后现代主义和女性主义视角下的《第二层皮》

18.The Dilemma of Dualities: A Postmodern and Cultural Study on the Woman Warrior;双重性的困境:后现代及文化研究视角评《女斗士》


postmodern perspective后现代主义视角

1.The are four major perspectives in recent studies of labor theories,that is,the perspective of the civil rights or the civil society,the cultural perspective,the class perspective andpostmodern perspective,which interpret the laborers in terms of the relationship between the state and society,between profits and property,between the city and the countryside,cultural and symbolic sign.近年来劳工研究的理论发展至少表现为4个方面:即公民权或公民社会视角、文化视角、阶级视角和后现代主义视角,这些理论从国家与社会关系、文化和意义符号、利润和财产关系以及性别、阶级和城乡关系的重叠来理解劳工状况。

3)post_modern movies and television后现代影视

1.With social and cultural development,post_modern movies and television feature word expansion as well as language game, which not only shake the intrinsic order but also tends to get abusive.由于社会的发展和文化的嬗变 ,后现代影视呈现出话语膨胀与语言游戏的特征 ,既动摇固有秩序 ,又容易流于恶

4)Post-modern Vision后现代视野

1.Lyotard s Sublime Aesthetics underPost-modern Vision;后现代视野中的利奥塔崇高美学

5)postmodern view后现代视界

6)post modern perspective后现代视域


