900字范文 > 优化产业结构 the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure英语短句 例句大全

优化产业结构 the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-05 17:19:02


优化产业结构 the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure英语短句 例句大全

优化产业结构,the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure

1)the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure优化产业结构


1.Devote Major Efforts to Developing the Aquiculture of Fishes for Display through Optimization of Industrial Structure;优化产业结构 大力发展观赏鱼养殖业

2.To rationalize the distribution of resources and optimize the industrial structure合理配置资源,优化产业结构

3.Energetically readjusting and optimizing industrial structures;二、大力调整和优化产业结构;

4.We must press ahead to optimize and upgrade the industrial structure.推进产业结构优化升级.

5.Accelerating the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure.加快产业结构优化升级。

6.Analyzing Industrial Structure in Optimized Areas in Yunnan Province;云南省优化开发区产业结构优化初探

7.Study on the Advantage and the Industry Structure Adjustment of Hubei Province s Agriculture;湖北省农业产业优势与农业产业结构优化研究


9.A Research of the Development of Logistics Industry with Industry Structure Optimizing Effect;物流业发展对产业结构优化影响研究

10.Studies on the Relationship between Modern Logistics Industry and Industrial Structure Rationalization in Shanghai;现代物流业的发展与产业结构的优化

11.Studies on the Relationship between Service Industry Centralization and Industrial Structure Optimization;服务业集聚与产业结构优化关系探究

12.Research on Entrepreneur s Continual Innovation and Industrial Structure Optimization;企业家持续创新与产业结构优化研究

13.Agricultural industry structure optimization and countermeasure in Dongliao river basin东辽河流域农业产业结构优化及对策

14.Along with the readjustment of industrial structures, the employment structure has been optimized gradually.在产业结构调整的同时,就业结构也逐步优化。

15.Empirical Research on the Employment Structure Adjustment and Industrial Structure Optimization of Jiangsu;江苏就业结构调整与产业结构优化的实证研究

16.The Pilot Study of Corporate Asset Securitization and the Optimal Capital Structure;企业资产证券化与资本结构优化初探

17.The Interactive Development Relationship between the Evolution of Industrial Structure and Urbanization;产业结构优化与城市化互动发展研究

18.Study on optimization of industrial structure during process of housing industrialization;住宅产业化进程中的产业结构优化研究


industrial structure optimization产业结构优化

1.Economic Analysis of Industrial Structure Optimization and Study on its Index System;产业结构优化的经济学分析及测度指标体系研究

2.The Different Functions of the Capital Market’s Inner Structure on Industrial Structure Optimization——Based on the Analysis of Co-integration Test From 1991 to in China资本市场内部结构对产业结构优化的作用差异分析——基于1991-中国数据的协整分析

3.The paper introduces the goal and meaning ofindustrial structure optimization, emphasizing model choosing, creating and running of its computer system emulation, thereby summarizes its information demand and discusses how to strengthen information guarantee ofindustrial structure optimization.结合广东省东莞市石龙镇发展现状 ,论述了产业结构优化的目的与意义。

3)optimization of industrial structure产业结构优化

1.Theoptimization of industrial structure brin.制约我国产业结构优化的因素很多,但最主要的制约因素,则是有效制度供给不足,制度创新不力。

2.Hence the transformation of growth pattern and theoptimization of industrial structure can be attributed to reform of factors allocation structure in different levels.经济增长方式转变是由高级生产要素的生产和流动所引致的国民经济中一系列生产函数配置方式由低级向高级的动态演变过程,产业结构优化体现在发生配置方式变革的产业内部和产业之间各种生产函数的结构性调整,两者可归结为要素配置结构变革在不同层面上的体现。

3.The essence of theoptimization of industrial structure is to transform from more input to dependence on informationization, the enhancement of self-innovation and the innovation of policy to realize the development of industry.产业结构优化的实质是由以往靠多投入转向更多依靠信息化、自主创新能力提高和政策创新实现产业发展。

4)the Optimization of Industrial Structure产业结构优化

1.It is known that the direct investment of enterprise can accelerate the optimization of industrial structure,and foreign learners have already deduced the conclusion in theory study.企业对外直接投资可以促进产业结构优化,国外学者对此已有一些理论研究。

5)industry structure optimization产业结构优化

1.Research in Industry Structure Optimization of Yufeng District of Liuzhou City Based on Entropy Theory;基于熵原理的柳州市鱼峰区产业结构优化研究

2.On the basis of present industry situation and whole layout,this paper brings forward the suggestion and idea to develop continual and substituted industry and realize theindustry structure optimization in Longjiang city.本文在对龙江老煤炭工业基地的产业现状、整体布局进行全面分析的基础上,提出了龙江发展接续产业、替代产业、实现产业结构优化建议与思路。

3.Furthermore,based on these depth analysis results,this thesis put forward its countermeasures that theindustry structure optimization requires to fully developing the positive function of market and industry,goverment and policy.本文深入考察了广东海洋产业发展现状尤其是存在的问题;应用灰色系统理论对主要海洋产业进行了关联度分析,认为广东海洋产业结构优化,必须充分发挥市场和产业、政府和政策的正面功能。

6)Structure optimization产业结构优化


