900字范文 > 生理特性变化 variation of physiological characteristic英语短句 例句大全

生理特性变化 variation of physiological characteristic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-17 12:25:55


生理特性变化 variation of physiological characteristic英语短句 例句大全

生理特性变化,variation of physiological characteristic

1)variation of physiological characteristic生理特性变化


1.Quality and Physiological Characteristic Changes of Capsella Bursa-pastoris during Refrigerated Storage;低温贮藏期间荠菜品质和生理特性变化研究

2.Changes of Photosynthesis and Physiological Characteristics of Vicia faba L.Under Drought干旱条件下蚕豆光合和生理特性变化研究

3.Physiological and Biochemical Characters of Maize Pollen Mutations Induced by EMS;EMS诱变玉米花粉突变体生理生化特性研究

4.Physiological changes of root tubers of plucked turnip of Wenzhou in storage芜菁块根贮藏过程中的一些生理生化特性变化

5.Physiological and Biochemical Performance of Rice Semi-dwarf Mutant B1-24水稻半矮化突变体B1-24的生理生化特性

6.Study on the Change of Physiology and Biochemistry of Phyllostachys edulis Seed During Germination毛竹种子萌发过程中生理生化特性变化的研究

7.Changes in Microbe Quantity and Physico-chemical Properties during Processing of Cured Silver Carp腊鱼加工过程中微生物及理化特性的变化

8.Studies on Postharvest Quality, Biochem-Physiology and Enzymatic Browning of Trapa ssp.;菱角采后品质、生理生化和酶促褐变特性研究

9.Daily Variation of Photosynthetic Physio-ecological Characteristics of Different Citrus Cultivars不同柑橘品种光合生理生态特性的日变化

10.Screening of Tobacco Mutant Plant SN01 Against PVY~N and Physiological and Biochemical Properties of the Same抗PVY~N烟草突变株SN01的筛选及其生理生化特性

11.Growth and physiological changes of Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla under salt stress盐分胁迫下巨尾桉苗期生长与生理特性的变化

12.Pollution is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of environment.描述:污染是环境在物理、学、物特性上发生了变化。

13.Study on Storage Characteristics and Changes in Post-harvest Physiology of Dongzao Jujube in Different Producing Areas;不同产地冬枣贮藏特性与采后生理变化研究

14.Studies on Physiological Characteristics of a Rice Dwarf Mutant and Its Regulation;一种水稻矮化突变体的生理特性及调控研究

15.Changes of Quality and Physiological Characteristics in Garlic Bulb during Storage;大蒜鳞茎贮藏过程中品质和生理特性的变化

16.Dynamics of Photosynthetic Characteristics in Phragmites communis and Its Influencing Factors芦苇光合生理特性动态变化及其影响因子分析

17.Physiological Character Analysis of Arabidopsis CO_2 Mutants拟南芥二氧化碳突变体生理特性的分析

18.Analysis Characteristics of Physio-Biochemical and Anti-Low-temperature Sweetening of Transgenic Ptato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) with Antisense AcInv Gene;转AcInv反义基因马铃薯生理生化变化及抗低温糖化特性分析


physiological and biochemical characteristics生理生化特性

1.Effects of different soil water treatments with reclaimed water irrigation on quality andphysiological and biochemical characteristics of lawn;再生水灌溉水分处理对草坪生理生化特性及质量的影响

2.Effect of soil drought stress onphysiological and biochemical characteristics in three Armeniaca vulgaris cultivars;土壤干旱胁迫对3个杏树品种生理生化特性的影响

3.Studies on growth trends,physiological and biochemical characteristics in hydroponically-grown grafted watermelon under NaCl stress;NaCl胁迫下营养液栽培嫁接西瓜生长动态及叶片生理生化特性的研究

3)physiological and biochemical properties生理生化特性

1.Effects of heavy metal on plantphysiological and biochemical properties and molecular mechanisms were introduced.作者综述了重金属对植物毒害作用机制的研究现状,并着重介绍了重金属污染对植物生理生化特性的影响以及毒害作用的分子机理。

2.Based on the results of morphology,physiological and biochemical properties and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA sequence,strain YM3-2S was identified as Burkholderia cepacia.根据其形态特征,生理生化特性和16S rDNA序列,将菌株YM3-2S鉴定为洋葱伯克氏菌(Burkholderia cepacia)。

4)physiological and biochemical character生理生化特性

1.Effect of seedcane soaking with ethephon on agronomical,physiological and biochemical characters of stalks;乙烯利浸种对甘蔗茎内一些生理生化特性和农艺性状的影响

2.The changes of plant morphology,physiological and biochemical characters and their relationship to varieties drought resistance were studied under water-stress.本试验以抗旱性不同的3个玉米品种作为供试材料,以26%PEG(分子量4000)溶液对幼苗进行模拟水分胁迫,研究了水分胁迫下植株形态和生理生化特性的变化及其与品种抗旱性的关系,研究结果表明: 1。

5)Physiological and biochemical characteristic生理生化特性

1.Physiological and biochemical characteristics of Embryogenic Callus and Non-embryogenic Callus in Pinus bungeana;白皮松胚性和非胚性愈伤组织生理生化特性研究

2.The changes of some physiological and biochemical characteristics in Hongfenjiaren were studied under low temperature stress.以观叶植物红粉佳人为材料,进行6℃的低温处理,分别于处理0 d、2 d、4 d、7 d、10 d、13 d取样,对低温胁迫叶片与对照(20℃)叶片的生理生化特性进行研究。

6)physiological and biochemical characters生理生化特性

1.Study on the difference of somephysiological and biochemical characters between resistance and susceptible to Rhizomania in sugarbeet varieties in seedling stage;甜菜抗(感)丛根病品种苗期某些生理生化特性差异的研究

2.Effects of high concentration ethephon on the growth of leaves and somephysiological and biochemical characters in sugarcane;较高浓度乙烯利对甘蔗叶片生长和若干生理生化特性的影响

3.Effects of different illumination on growth andphysiological and biochemical characters in cell culture of Camptotheca acuminata Decsne.;不同光照对喜树细胞培养生长和生理生化特性的影响


生理1.生长繁殖之理。 2.养生之理。 3.为人之道。 4.生存的希望。 5.生物的生命活动和体内各器官的机能。 6.性命。 7.生计。 8.活计;职业。 9.生意;买卖。 10.指做买卖。 11.产业;财富。
