900字范文 > 根治性治疗 Radical treatment英语短句 例句大全

根治性治疗 Radical treatment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-22 19:17:25


根治性治疗 Radical treatment英语短句 例句大全

根治性治疗,Radical treatment

1)Radical treatment根治性治疗

1.Results The methods of operation included conservative and radical treatment.结果79例复发性牙源性角化囊肿患者,采用保守性治疗和根治性治疗手术方式。

2)definitive radiotherapy根治性放射治疗


1.A Retrospectine Study of 818 NPC Treated by Radical Radiation818例鼻咽癌根治性放射治疗的回顾

2.radionuclide beam therapy equipment放射性核素束治疗装置

3.radionuclide contact therapy放射性核素接触治疗

4.Radiotherapy for and prognosis of breast cancer patients with local-regional recurrence after mastectomy乳腺癌根治术后局部区域性复发的放射治疗和预后影响因素

5.a radioactive compound used in radiation therapy.用于放射治疗的放射性药物。

6.Radiographer (RT)放射技师(放射治疗)

7.Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy after Intensive Resection of Gastric Cancer: A Dosimetric Analysis;胃癌根治术后调强适形放射治疗的剂量学研究

8.Study on Therapeutic Function of Compound White Peony Root Oral Liquids in Treating Clinical Acute Radiation-induced Esophagitis;复方芍根合剂治疗急性放射性食管炎的临床研究

9.The Clinical and Exerimental Research of Gegenqinlian Modified Decoction in Treatment of Acute Radiation Enteritis加味葛根芩连汤治疗急性放射性肠炎的临床及实验研究

10.radioisotope teletherapy equipment放射性同位素外照射治疗机

11.The major acute toxicity of radiotherapy were pneumonitis, radiation esophagitis and skin damaged.放射治疗的毒性反应主要为放射性食道炎、射性肺炎及放射性皮炎。

12.Effect of Milk Mixture on Radiodermatitis牛奶混合液治疗放射性皮炎疗效观察

13.Aidi injection combined with radiochemotherapy for treatment of malignant tumor艾迪注射液配合放化疗治疗恶性肿瘤

14.Treatment of Obstructive Jaundice with Replacement of Radioactive Particle放射性粒子置入治疗恶性梗阻性黄疸

15.Radiation brain injury is serious radiotherapy complication.放射性脑损伤是放射治疗的严重并发症之一。

16.Clinical Study on Individual Radiotherapy for Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma of High Radiation-Sensitivity放射敏感鼻咽癌个体化放射治疗的可行性研究

17.A radioactive compound used in radiotherapy or diagnosis.放射性药剂一种用于放射性治疗或诊断的放射性化合物

18.Research on Therapy Combined With Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Primary Liver Cancer介入治疗联合放射治疗对原发性肝癌的治疗效果研究


definitive radiotherapy根治性放射治疗

3)Radical surgical treatment根治性外科治疗

4)Radical surgery therapy根治性手术治疗

5)radical radiation根治性放疗

1.Objective To study the surgical management,attention and surgical indications of oropharyngeal cancer afterradical radiation.严格掌握根治性放疗后的手术指征,术前放疗的综合治疗方案要周密。

6)Multiple-visit RCT多次性根管治疗


